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About Me

Fire Museum brings you three hours of continuous music taking place on 4 staging areas. This afternoon of sound, vision and movement features (in no particular order):

Ashley Deekus, Charles Duquesne (Public Record, etc), Toshi Makihara, Lisa Spero (Radio Eris, etc), Daniel Fishkin (Dandelion Fiction), Eric Carbonara, George Korein, Katt Hernandez, Steven Parker, Michael Parker, S.O.W., Grass Hair, Jack Wright and Alban Bailey, Ryan Frazier, Emit Es, Brother Buckroar, John Barrios, Megan Cauley & Mike Mc Dermott (Gemini Wolf), Tom Madeja, Tony Cenicola, Adoration, Charles Cohen & Tyler (Color is Luxury), Weyes Bluhd, Latralmagog and Lenny Siedman's Tabla Choir. There will also be dance performances by members of Amnesiac Dance Company & magic lantern projections by Brooke Sietinsons!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

well, doesn't look like it'll happen this year :-( there's always 2010!

Webpages for performers not posted here:

Jack Wright
Toshi Makihara
Spoken Hand/Lenny Seidman's Tabla Choir
Color is Luxury

My Blog

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