paintballer profile picture


CONTEST ! nude's paint ball pen contest

About Me

step one: take a nice picture of a part of your nude body (the way we are still allowed to show it on myspace, so not too sexy) with a even nicer tatoo made with your favourite ball point pen! it should show your interpretation

of NUDE (logo, pics, song lyrics, whatever). your submission must

be of a nude sign on your body.
no copywritten images will be accepted. all attempts at copyright infringement will be reported to

the image rights owner. by submitting an image you grant Nude the right to immediately use the image on nude sites (see below) realizing that other people may freely view the image, vote on it, and even download it.
step two: send it as JPEG with the following size/quality (145x145 pixels) and your myspace-url to the e-mail adress: [email protected] include your picture on your myspace-url with a link to nudefakecredibility too.
step three: your picture will be released on nudepaintball with your myspace-url. vote for your favourite pin ball pen tattoo on nudepaintball and nudefakecredibility
and win one of nude's special packages (including cd's, or underwear, or postcards and more...) by NUDE
step four: the winners are: all of you !!! all participants will receive a

free nude cd !!!

find the links to each profile

behind each picture below.

all of you who sent a pic, pls

send hi hires version to:
[email protected]

including your postal adress

- so we can send your cd ;-)

...step five: next paint ball pen contest starts now !

so be prepared ...

have fun now - we sure will have when we get your photos!
the winners is: you !!! all participants will receive a free nude cd !!! all of you who sent a pic, pls send hi hires version to: [email protected] including your postal adress - so we can send your cd ;-)

for those who haven't send anything yet: you still have a chance until next week !

img border="0" src="http://www.nude-so

My Interests

Please girls and guys: stick to the myspace rules as stated unter TERMS,

paragraph 8: sexually suggestive imagery or any other unfair, offensive ...

so, just send something like the example in the picture here! ;-)

I'd like to meet:



experience nude.

[email protected]


nude live
stay tuned - stay nude and add nude live video more nude secret shows at


"devoid of a natural or conventional covering: nude"


stay tuned - stay nude !!!


You !

show you're nude:

My Blog

three steps to get a nude cd for free ...

three steps to get a nude cd for free: step one: take a nice picture of a part of your nude body (the way we are still allowed to show it on myspace) with a even nicer tattoo made with your ...
Posted by paintballer on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 06:43:00 PST

vinyl promo: dj’s get nude vinyls for free ! read more...

if you're a dj contact us now ! we drum the bass ! special mixes taken from our new album BLACK BOX are available on vinyl for you.first part is CLUB BOX ONEto get it, all you have to do is  ...
Posted by paintballer on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 02:49:00 PST

zombie ninja’s

nude music is on film. zombie ninja's coming soon. watch the trailer:   ...
Posted by paintballer on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 02:26:00 PST

offensive... !?

my dear friends, the former profile got deleted by the page review team of myspace due to "offensive art"... nude is now trying to get the profile back, becaus...
Posted by paintballer on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 05:41:00 PST


this is to proudly announce our secondBALL POINT PEN CONTEST step one: take a nice picture of a part of your nude body (the way we are still allowed to show it on myspace, so not too sexy) with a...
Posted by paintballer on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 04:11:00 PST


    the winners are: all of you !!! all participants will receive a free nude cd !!! find the links to each profile behind each picture below. all of you who sent a pic, pls send hi hire...
Posted by paintballer on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 02:43:00 PST

cd for free

Posted by paintballer on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 03:04:00 PST