Find a hobby that interest you.
I do carfts, Jewlery, sewing anything from making purses to home decor.
I find, in the process of working with my hands, that I myself become centered. The concentration it takes to make a beautiful piece requires attentiveness to the task, allowing me, for a time, to let go of worry and stress.
Studies show that consuming too much caffeine can increase your risks of Panic and Anxiety attacks. It may also increase depression. If you don't want to stop drinking coffee than at least slow down your consumtions to at the most 2 cups a day. Drinking decafe will also give u the same great taste with out the side effects.
When we are tense, our breathing is often shallow and rapid. If fact, most of us do not breathe properly, tense or not. Improper breathing robs us of oxygen which purifies our body as well as helps our body produce energy. Fortunately, learning to breathe properly is not difficult. Find a comfortable place to lie down. Place your hands on your abdomen just below your ribs. Begin breathing slowly and deeply. If you are breathing properly, you will feel the expansion in the abdominal area before your rib cage expands. Spend 5 to 10 minutes several times a day practicing your deep breathing. You will notice that as you become more proficient, your breathing will improve during your normal activities.
Proven Stress Reducers
1. Get up fifteen minutes earlier in the morning. The inevitable morning mishaps will be less stressful.
2. Prepare for the morning the evening before. Set the breakfast table, make lunches, put out the clothes you plan to wear, etc.
3. Don’t rely on your memory. Write down appointment times, when to pick up the laundry, when library books are due, etc. ("The palest ink is better than the most retentive memory."-Old Chinese Proverb)
4. Practice preventive maintenance. your car, appliances, home and relationships will be less likely to break down/fall apart "at the worst possible moment."
5. Procrastination is stressful Whatever you want to do tomorrow, do today; whatever you want to do today, do it now.
6. Plan ahead. Don’t let the gas tank get below one-quarter full. Keep a well-stocked emergency shelf of home staples. Don’t wait until you’re down to your last bus token or postage stamp to buy more, etc.
7. Don’t put up with something that doesn't work right. If your alarm clock, wallet, shoe laces, windshield wipers, whatever are a constant aggravation, get them fixed or get new ones.
8. Allow 15 minutes of extra time to get to appointments. Plan to arrive at an airport one hour before domestic departures.
9. Eliminate (or restrict) the amount of caffeine in your diet.
10. Always set up contingency plans, "just in case." ("If for some reason either of us is delayed, here’s what we’ll do.." Or, "If we get split up in the shopping center, here’s where we’ll meet.")
11. Relax your standards. The world will not end if the grass doesn’t get mowed this weekend.
12. Pollyanna-Power! For every one thing that goes wrong, there are probably 10 or 50 or 100 blessings. Count’em!
13. Ask questions. Taking a few moments to repeat back directions, what someone expects of you, etc., can save hours. (The old "the hurrieder I go, the behinder I get," idea).
14. Say "No!." Saying "no" to extra projects, social activities, and invitations you know you don’t have the time or energy for takes practice, self-respect, and a belief that everyone, everyday, needs quiet time to relax and be alone.
15. Unplug your phone. Want to take a long bath, meditate, sleep, or read without interruption? Drum up the courage to temporarily disconnect. (The possibility of there being a terrible emergency in the next hour or so is almost nil). Or use an answering machine.
16. Make friends with nonworriers. Nothing can get you into the habit or worrying faster than associating with chronic worrywarts.
17. Get up and stretch periodically if your job requires that you sit for extended periods.
18. Wear earplugs. If you need to find quiet at home, pop in some earplugs.
19. Get enough sleep. If necessary, use an alarm clock to remind you to go to bed.
20. Create order out of chaos. Organize your home and workspace so that you always know exactly where things are. Put things away where they belong and you won’t have to go through the stress of losing things.
21. Writing your thoughts and feelings down (in a journal, or a paper to be thrown away) can help you clarify things and can give you a renewed perspective.
22. Try the following yoga technique whenever you feel the need to relax. Inhale deeply through your nose to the count of eight. Then with lips puckered, exhale very slowly through your mouth to the count of 15 or for as long as you can. Concentrate on the long sighing sound and feel the tension dissolve. Repeat 10 times.
23. Inoculate yourself against a feared event. For example, before speaking in public, take time to go over every part of the experience in your mind. Imagine what you’ll wear, what the audience will look like, how you will present your talk, what the questions will be and how you will answer them, etc. Visualize the experience the way you would have it be. You’ll likely find that when the time comes to make the actual presentation, it will be "old hat' and much of your anxiety will have fled.
24. When the stress of having to get a job done gets in the way of getting the job done, diversion (a voluntary change in activity and/or environment) may be just what you need.
25. Talk it out. Discussing your problems with a trusted friend can help clear your mind of confusion so you can concentrate on problem solving.
26. One of the most obvious ways to avoid unnecessary stress is to select an environment (work, home,
leisure) which is in line with your personal needs and desires. If you hate desk jobs, don’t accept a job which requires that you sit at a desk all day. If you hate to talk politics, don’t associate with people who love to talk politics, etc.
27. Do something for somebody else. Make a meal for someone who is in need.
28. Focus on understanding rather than on being understood; on loving rather than on being loved.
29. Do something that will improve your appearance. Looking better can help you feel better.
30. Schedule a realistic day. Avoid the tendency to schedule back-to-back appointments. Allow time between appointments for a breathing spell.
31. Become more flexible. Some things are worth not doing perfectly and some issues are well to compromise upon.
32. Eliminate destructive self-talk; "I’m too old to...," "I’m too fat to...," etc.
33. Use your weekend time for a change of pace.
34. "Worry about the pennies and the dollars will take of themselves." That’s another way of saying: take care of the todays as best you can and the yesterdays and the tomorrows will take care of themselves.
35. Do one thing at a time. When you are with someone, be with that person and with no one or anything else. When you are busy with a project, concentrate on doing that project and forget about everything else you have to do.
36. Allow yourself time-everyday-for privacy, quiet, and introspection.
37. If an especially unpleasant task faces you, do it early in the day and get it over with. Then, the rest of your day will be free of anxiety.
38. Learn to delegate responsibility to capable others.
39. Don’t forget to take a lunch break. Try to get away from your desk or work area in body and mind, even if its just for 15 or 20 minutes.
40. Forget about counting to 10. Count to 1,000 before doing something or saying anything that could make matters worse.
41. Have a forgiving view of events and people. Accept the fact that we live in an imperfect world.
42. Have an optimistic view of the world. Believe that most people are doing the best they can.
Natural Medicine of Humor:
Used properly, the power of humor works almost like magic...
"Use a Free and Powerful Natural Medicine to Undo Years of Stress Damage to Your Mind, Body, and Spirit."
FACT: Medical studies demonstrate that the natural medicine of humor and the positive emotions humor generates:
boosts your immune system,stabilizes your blood pressure,
massages your inner organs, stimulates your circulation,
increases the flow of oxygen to your muscles,
...thereby dramatically decreasing your tension!
Here's another fact for you: The positive emotions humor generates also help you:
Feel better about yourself, and be a more enjoyable person for your friends and family to be around because you have unlocked the incredible power of staying in a good mood almost every single minute of the day – regardless of what’s going on in your life!
Are You Laughing enough!!
Take the "Humor Quiz" through my Links and see how you score.
Exercise is good for the mind, not just the body. Exercise can help with stress relief because it provides a way for the body to release tension and pent-up frustration. The Eastern practices of Yoga and Tai Chi are effective stress-reducing forms of exercise. Even something as simple as taking a 15 to 20 minute walk a day can help clear your mind and relieve stress.
Many practitioners advocate a nutrition oriented approach to treating depression.
They believe that the answer to the depression question can be found in the diet of a person. Studies show that a decrease in the intake of sugars and refined carbohydrates can produce relief from symptoms of depression.
For your carbohydrate needs, it would be better to stick to grains, whole wheat, and other natural plant based carbohydrates.
What are the treatment alternatives to medication for anxiety?
There are many treatment alternatives to medication, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, which is widely accepted to be the most effective treatment for anxiety. Lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, getting adequate sleep, and a healthy diet can also make a difference in your anxiety levels. Other effective
treatments for anxiety include talk therapy, group therapy, meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, and acupuncture. The advantage of non-drug treatments for anxiety is that they produce lasting changes and long-term relief.
WARNING: Withdrawal can often be more dangerous than continuing on a medication. Please do not attempt to take your self off your medication with out the help of your doctor."The public is being misinformed about the precision of these selective serotonin uptake inhibitors..."
What you don't know about the drugs in your medicine cabinet can't only hurt you...
it could kill you!
As seen in London Free Press
Former drug rep has horror stories to tell
Calling her book and North American tour a child-advocacy campaign, Gwen Olsen is warning parents of the dangers of some anti-depressants and psychotropic drugs. After spending 15 years in the pharmaceutical industry, selling some of she now says can be deadly, Olsen has blown the whistle on her old employers and published, Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher:Gods Call to Loving Arms.
"I had a moral responsibility to tell people everything I knew," she said in a phone interview from her homein Texas. What Olsen knows is horrendous. Olsen's niece set herself on fire and died after being on an anti-depressant. "She burned herself alive. She said ...I'd rather be dead than feel crazy like I do on those drugs." The niece was perscribed medication following a car
accident. She had problems when she stopped taking the drug. "She got addicted and when she tried to withdraw she became depressed," Olsen said. Her doctor perscribed her an anti-depressant and that sent her spiralling downward, leading to suicide. Olsen was also treated for depression in 1992 with Zoloft. "I became manicpsychotic. About 25 percent of the population will have a serious adverse reaction. I was educated about these side effects and I had sold drugs that caused these side effects." Olsen walked away from her 6 figure a yr career in 2000 when her bosses asked her to sell the ant-depressant Celexa. In clincal studies, this medication had increased the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children and adolescents who had other psychiatric disorders. Olsen said children are more vulnerable to the side effects of these medications because of their developing organs.
C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
President, Holos University Graduate Seminary
If only all the drug pushers became honest, we would save over 100,000 lives each year. Until then, this book is for those who have eyes to see!
. Ben Lerner, chiropractor and New York Times best selling author of "Body by God"
It is easy to write off prescription drug deaths, medical errors, and U.S. health care crisis statistics as just numbers. However, they are not. In a well researched, impeccably documented, finely written manner, Gwen Olsen has given us account of the gripping details of real people hurt by the failures of modern health care. A former pharmaceutical representative herself, the information is as credible as it is compelling. It is vital for those currently taking medication for their pain to read and understand this book.
hn Breeding, PhD, psychologist and author of "The Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses"
I love Gwen Olsen's book, and I am delighted to have her as an ally in exposing the truth about big pharma and biopsychiatry.Confessions of an RX Drug Pusher is a powerful book. Olsen knows her drug facts, she knows the ins and outs of pharma selling, and she knows the tragedy and pain of personal trauma from the effects of psychiatric drugs. Confessions blends all three and I most highly recommend the book!
ria Heller, Producer/Host--The Meria Heller Show
This book is a MUST read for every American and every parent in the country. When you realize what is being sold to you as a "remedy" you will realize how you are playing Russian Roulette with yours and your childs life. A must for every bookshelf, library in America.
Please watch these following videos on Paxil Addiction and other antidepressant addictions, The pharmaceutical industry and what there hiding from us, and the chemical imabalance theory. These are things you need to know. Educate yourself, don't medicate!
Add to My Profile | More Videos
Xanax withdrawl Gwen Olsen
Former pharmaceutical rep. Speaks out
Chemical Imbalance Theory: Digest Version
The Truth About Psychiatry
John Mangopoulos "Drug Pushers"
The Truth about ADHD from their mouth!
* Prozac, the world's best-selling anti-depressant, is being blamed for turning healthy, placid people violent. It is thought to have led to crimes that include murder.
Clinical research to be published soon will show that up to one in 10 adults who take Prozac can become belligerent and pose a risk to others and themselves.
* Drug companys Eli Lilly and Parke-Davis introduced LSD and PCP in the united states before the government declared them illegal. Eli Lilly first produced and marketed LSD in the 1950's as an aid to psychanalysis,(a cure for alcoholism), and a way to clear up mental disorders. Parke-Davis promoted angel dust or PCP as an anagesic and anesthesia. Of course , Dr. Sigmund Freud was one of the strongest supporters of the medicinal use of cocaine in psychiatry before he became addicted.It would be fair to conclude that psychiatry has given us some of the most addictive, destructive drugs ever recorded in history.
There is some scientific evidence that, during withdrawal from anti-depressants ect., there could be a temporary worsening of hostility, etc.symptoms. This usually begins from 3 weeks to 4 months after discontinuing the drug and lasts from 1 month to 1 year. Even though the medication will no longer show up in a blood test or autopsy report, the brain neurotransmitters are still trying to "realign" themselves and symptoms can continue.
Zyprexa was FDA approved for the short-term treatment of acute manic episodes in bipolar disorder. The world's best selling schizophrenia drug, Zyprexa sales account for 40% of Eli Lilly's $11.08 billion in sales. There have been many questions regarding the popular drug Zyprexa and its safety. Linked to 288 reported Zyprexa diabetes cases, including 23 deaths, the Zyprexa concerns were so great that Japan and the European Union required that diabetes warnings be included on Zyprexa labeling.The Public Citizen consumer group thinks the FDA has not adequately warned physicians and Zyprexa patients of the Zyprexa risks. Hyperglycemia, diabetes, and ketoacidosis have been reported amongst Zyprexa patients. Ketoacidosis, associated to Zyprexa adverse effects reports end up fatal in about 50% of the cases. The last time the Zyprexa labeling was updated in the U.S. the FDA only made a quick reference to the risk of Zyprexa diabetes and hyperglycemia in the middle of the adverse reactions section of Zyprexa labeling.Researchers have linked antipsychotic medications like olanzapine (Zyprexa or Zydis), quetiapine (Seroquel) and risperidone (Risperdal) to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease in adulthood. The use of the newer antipsychotic drugs to treat conditions like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia appeared to cause insulin resistance in the children taking the drugs.Most of the 11 children included in the study gained significant weight when taking the drugs and were considered overweight or obese. Though being overweight or obese increases the risk of insulin resistance, the researchers noted the insulin resistance appeared greater than it would with just excess weight alone. Insulin resistance causes the body to improperly use insulin, building sugar up in the bloodstream that can raise the risk of developing heart problems and stroke.Eli Lilly and Co. is the target of another proposed Zyprexa class action lawsuit in Canada.The Zyprexa lawsuit is similar to another Canadian lawsuit filed last month. The Indianapolis, Indiana based drugmaker is being sued for damages of $900 million on behalf of all Canadians who took Zyprexa and became diabetic.Zyprexa is approved as a schizophrenia and bipolar disorder drug and is Lilly's best selling drug. The company also faces Zyprexa related lawsuits in the United States.
Effexor is used to treat Depression and Anxiety Disorder. This drug belongs to the class called SNRI ( serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors)
It'is classified as extremly addicting and is known to cause suicide, suicidal thoughts and behaviors.Another risk is Serotonin syndrome. This is a serious effect that can be caused by interactions with other drugs and is potentially fatal. This risk necessitates clear information to patients and proper medical history. For example, the drug abuse by at risk patients of certain non-prescription drugs can cause this serious effect and emphasizes the importance of good medical history sharing between General Practitioners and Psychiatrists as both may prescribe Venlafaxine. Involvement of family in awareness of risk factors is highlighted in Wyeth information sheets on Effexor.
Common side effects:
Nausea, Ongoing Irritable Bowel Syndrome,Dizziness,Fatigue
Insomnia, Vertigo, Dry mouth, Sexual dysfunction, Sweating
Vivid dreams, Increased blood pressure, Electric shock-like sensations, Increased anxiety at the start of treatment, Akathisia (Agitation)
Less common to rare side-effects:
Cardiac arrhythmia, Increased serum cholesterol, Gas or stomach pain, Abnormal vision, Nervousness, agitation or increased anxiety akathisia, Panic Attacks, Depressed, feelings, Suicidal thoughts suicidal ideation, Confusion
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, Loss of appetite, Constipation, Tremor, Drowsiness, Allergic skin reactions
External bleeding, Serious bone marrow damage (thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis), Hepatitis, Pancreatitis, Seizure, Tardive dyskinesia, Difficulty swallowing, Psychosis, Hostility, Activation of mania/hypomania.
Weight Loss (of concern when treating anorexic patients)
Weight gain (effect not clear, but of concern when treating young women who may have Body Dysmorphic Disorder).
Severe discontinuation (withdrawal) syndrome
Main article: SSRI discontinuation syndrome#Discontinuation of Venlafaxine.
Sudden discontinuation of venlafaxine( Effexor) has a high risk of causing potentially severe withdrawal symptoms. The high risk of withdrawal symptoms may reflect venlafaxines short half-life. Missing even a single dose can induce discontinuation effects in some patients.Discontinuation is similar in nature to those of SSRIs such as Paroxetine (Paxil® or Seroxat®).Venlafaxine(effexor) has, along with the general group of SSRI and SNRI anti-depressants, been the subject of controversy as to efficacy and safety. A petition with more than 12,000 signatories is on the internet containing anecdotal comments regarding the severe side effects of venlafaxine, severe withdrawal difficulties, and that these effects were not communicated to them by their physicians. While this petition is not a designed study that has been subject to statistical analysis, the sheer preponderance of number of users sharing their difficulties with this drug gives it clear significance on the impacts of Effexor on patients and the critical importance that physicians advise patients of these effects.
Depression no longer carries the stigma it once did. The number of people diagnosed with depression since the 1980s has tripled, also due in part to education and public awareness. Everywhere you look, there are advertisements for antidepressants, including Zoloft, Prozac, and Paxil, which have become common names to most people. Thus, the competition between drug companies to gain an edge over their competitors has also increased.Through the 1990s, more than half the drug company studies on antidepressants showed they were no better than a sugar pill. In 1998, a scientist at Pfizer, maker of Zoloft, found that "all SSRIs have the rare potential to cause akathisia." When referring to the most extreme cases, the scientist wrote that the patients might feel "death is a welcome result". The Zoloft and other antidepressant drug controversy have escalated into a legal battle. Zoloft lawsuits and other SSRI related lawsuits have continued to be argued.February 2, 2004, an FDA advisory committee will hold yet another hearing regarding the risk of suicide by people taking antidepressants, like Zoloft. For many families, the battle against antidepressant drug companies has been frustrating, especially since the February 2, 2004 hearing will be 13 years after the 1991 Prozac hearings first convened to discuss violence and suicide reports.A class of antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may cause an increased risk of violence in some users, according to a new report.Common SSRIs include Paxil, Prozac , Zoloft , and Lexapro. This recent study focused specifically on Paxil (paroxetine), one of GlaxoSmithKline's top-selling drugs.British researchers examined records of 9,219 patients who took Paxil. They found that compared with those who received a placebo, Paxil users were twice as likely to have what they termed a "hostility event" – or violent behavior."The new issues highlighted by these cases need urgent examination jointly by jurists and psychiatrists in all countries where antidepressants are widely used," the researchers wrote in their report."When violence is a suspected outcome, every case has to be considered carefully on the principle that individuals are responsible for their conduct, unless there is clear evidence of compromised function that cannot be otherwise explained," the report said.The article is published .. in the journal of Public Library of Science-Medicine.SSRIs have come under scrutiny since being linked to a heightened risk of suicide among the adolescent population. In 2004, the Food and Drug Administration ordered that all SSRIs carry a stronger label, warning of the potential suicide risk.SSRI's and SNRI drugs have the same addiction power as heroin, crack, cocaine, and speed. It is important that we know there are other alternatives avalible for us. To me it is plain to see that the companies creating these drugs do not have our welfare in mind. Please know that all though they may help some people they really are not for everyone. Know what your getting into.
CLONAZEPAM or (Klonopin)
The adverse experiences for Klonopin (clonazepam) are provided separately for patients with seizure disorders and with panic disorder.
Seizure Disorders: The most frequently occurring side effects of Klonopin are referable to CNS depression. Experience in treatment of seizures has shown that drowsiness has occurred in approximately 50% of patients and ataxia in approximately 30%. In some cases, these may diminish with time; behavior problems have been noted in approximately 25% of patients. Others, listed by system, are:
Neurologic: Abnormal eye movements, aphonia, choreiform movements, coma, diplopia, dysarthria, dysdiadochokinesis, "glassy-eyed" appearance, headache, hemiparesis, hypotonia, nystagmus, respiratory depression, slurred speech, tremor, vertigo.
Psychiatric: Confusion, depression, amnesia, hallucinations, hysteria, decreased libido, insomnia, psychosis, suicidal attempt (the behavior effects are more likely to occur in patients with a history of psychiatric disturbances). The following paradoxical reactions have been observed: Excitability, irritability, aggressive behavior, agitation, nervousness, hostility, anxiety, sleep disturbances, nightmares, and vivid dreams.
Respiratory: Chest congestion, rhinorrhea, shortness of breath, hypersecretion in upper respiratory passages.
Cardiovascular: Palpitations.
Dermatologic: Hair loss, hirsutism, skin rash, ankle, and facial edema.
Gastrointestinal: Anorexia, coated tongue, constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, encopresis, gastritis, increased appetite, nausea, sore gums.
Genitourinary: Dysuria, enuresis, nocturia, urinary retention.
Musculoskeletal: Muscle weakness, pains.
Miscellaneous: Dehydration, general deterioration, fever, lymphadenopathy, weight loss or gain.
Hematopoietic: Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia.
Hepatic: Hepatomegaly, transient elevations of serum transaminases and alkaline phosphatase.
Physical and Psychological Dependance: Withdrawal symptoms, similar in character to those noted with barbiturates and alcohol (e.g., convulsions, psychosis, hallucinations, behavioral disorder, tremor, abdominal and muscle cramps) have occurred following abrupt discontinuance of clonazepam. The more severe withdrawal symptoms have usually been limited to those patients who received excessive doses over an extended period of time. Generally milder withdrawal symptoms (e.g., dysphoria and insomnia) have been reported following abrupt discontinuance of benzodiazepines taken continuously at therapeutic levels for several months. Consequently, after extended therapy, abrupt discontinuation should generally be avoided and a gradual dosage tapering schedule followed (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION). Addiction-prone individuals (such as drug addicts or alcoholics) should be under careful surveillance when receiving clonazepam or other psychotropic agents because of the predisposition of such patients to habituation and dependence._________________________________________________
_________Candace B. Pert, Research Professor, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington
What you need to know about serotonin-enhancing medications.Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors do exactly that: Inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, thus leaving excess serotonin which allows this stimulation to continue. It has long been known that inhibiting
the reuptake of serotonin will produce depression, suicide, violence, psychosis, mania, cravings for alcohol and other drugs, reckless driving, etc.
The most popular drugs that produce this reuptake of serotonin are:
SSRI Antidepressants: Prozac, Serafem, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, Celexa, Lexapro.
SNRI Antidepressants: Effexor, Remeron, Serzone, Cymbalta
Atypical Antipsychotics: Zyprexa, Geodon, Abilify, Seroquel, Risperdal.
Weight Loss Medications: Fen-Phen, Redux, Meridia
Pain Killers: (Any opium or heroin derivative) Morphine, OxyContin,Ultram, Tramadol, Percocet, Percodan, Lortab, Demerol, Darvon or Darvocet, Codeine, Buprenex, Dilaudid, Talwin, Stadol, Vicodin, Duragesic Patches, Fentanyl Transdermal, Methadone, Dextromethorphan (commonly used in cough syrups), etc.
WARNING: Anesthetics can also fall into this group as well as drugs used for other purposes. Always check to see what the mechanism of action is in a drug before combining it with another serotonergic agent or using it soon after the use of a serotonergic agent because the combination of two can cause the potentially fatal reaction
known as Serotonin Syndrome. As the main function of serotonin is constriction of smooth muscle tissue, Serotonin Syndrome produces death via multiple organ failure.
"Psychedelic agents mimic the effects of serotonin."
The brain chemical these drugs increase, serotonin, is the same brain chemical that LSD, PCP and other psychedelic drugs mimic in order to produce their hallucinogenic effects. And remember that psychedelic agents are "a class of compounds with no demonstrated therapeutic use, a history of extensive abuse, and the ability to
provoke psychosis. Yet many brain researchers value the psychedelic agents above any of the other psychoactive drugs" because "the research into psychedelic drugs has already enriched our understanding of how the brain regulates behavior." (Dr. Solomon Snyder, DRUGS AND THE BRAIN). Just how much will these brain researchers learn from our experience with these drugs designed to
specifically increase serotonin, the same brain chemical the psychedelic agents mimic to produce their effects?
We know that these drugs interfere with serotonin metabolism (demonstrated by levels of the serotonin metabolite 5HIAA). It is not serotonin that is low in these disorders, it is this by-product 5HIAA, which indicates the level of serotonin metabolism, that is
low in depression, suicide, etc. Yet as serotonin (5HT) goes up serotonin metabolism (5HIAA) generally comes down. We already have studies demonstrating at what percentage each of these drugs increase 5HT and decrease 5HIAA. Here are the results of elevated levels of serotonin (5HT) and decreased levels of serotonin metabolism (5HIAA):
Elevated 5HT (serotonin) levels:
schizophrenia, psychosis, mania, etc.
mood disorders (depression, anxiety, etc.)
organic brain disease - especially mental retardation at a greater incident rate in children, autism (a self-centered or self-focused mental state with no basis
in reality), Alzheimer's disease, anorexia
constriction of the blood vessels, blood clotting, constriction of bronchials and other physical effects,
Lower 5HIAA (serotonin metabolism) levels:
suicide (especially violent suicide),
violent crime,
alcohol abuse,
impulsive acts with no concern for punishment,
reckless driving,
dependence upon various substances,
multiple suicide attempts,
hostility and more contact with police,
arguments with spouses, friends and relatives,
obsessive compulsive behavior,
impaired employment due to hostility, etc.
All are exactly what patients and their families have continued to report to be their experience on these drugs since Prozac was introduced! These individuals are frantically searching for answers while this research sits right under our noses. Although this is a totally different picture than pharmaceutical marketing departments
would have us believe, marketing claims and reality rarely have much in common.
Researchers tell us that five, ten or twenty years later it is not uncommon to find we have another thalidomide on our hands. Raising 5HT (serotonin) and lowering 5HIAA (serotonin metabolism) in such a
high number of people can produce very serious, extensive and long term problems for all of society. Even more frightening for the future of our society is the rapidly rising and widely accepted practice of prescribing these drugs to small children and adolescents. This crucial medical research must be addressed openly,without delay, rather than remain buried in seldom read medical research documents as has been the case in the past with other mind-altering medications, once thought to be safe, which were subsequently prohibited by law.
verse SSRI ReactionsRecent medical studies show that that the brain levels of Prozac are 100 times greater than blood levels and it is believed that this is the case with the other serotonin reuptake inhibitors as well - evidence of toxic brain levels affecting behavior no matter what the blood levels demonstrate. As patients have continued to report, this accumulation is evidence that accumulation of drug residue will produce a delayed withdrawal and that it will continue to produce reactions, not only during the period of time the patient is using the drug, but for long periods of time after discontinuation of the drug use.Brain wave patterns indicate patients are in a total anesthetic sleep state while appearing awake and functioning. Increasing
serotonin - exactly what these drugs are designed to do - induces both nightmares and sleepwalk. Patients report over and over again that they have lived out their worst nightmare. And as with sleepwalk episodes, many have no recall or little recall of what they have done. Often someone must prove to them what they have done while they where under the influence of these drugs before they will believe it to be true. One patient stated that he could not detect during his two year use of Prozac what was real or what was a dream!Seven to ten percent of patients do not have the liver function necessary to metabolize these drugs. Unfortunately even if they do have a functioning P450 IID6 liver system to metabolize the drugs, this group of drugs totally saturates that liver system so that the ability to metabolize the drug gradually becomes greatly impaired and the metabolism of other drugs becomes greatly impaired.Stress or depression can be detected by elevated levels of cortisol,yet one single 30mg dose of Prozac clearly doubles the level of cortisol. This should in the long run double the patient's stress and depression. But that is not the only detrimental effect of elevated cortisol levels. This can cause a multitude of serious physical and emotional adverse side effects.Giving these drugs to children is absolutely unconscionable for many reasons. One of the most obvious is that increased cortisol impairs the development and regeneration of the liver, kidney and muscles, as well as impairing linear growth. Yet, learning that even one parent was given this information would be surprising. PROZAC:
Here is the complete list of adverse reactions attributable to SSRI medications:
Vivid and violent dreams,
Inability to detect dreams from reality (The world takes on an
other-worldly aspect),
No emotions,
Inability to feel guilt or cry,
Loss of appetite,
Rash; Breathing or lung problems,
Heart fluttering,
Shaking - jitteriness,
Unusual energy surges at times producing super human strength,
(adrenalin rushes),
Memory impairment,
Hair loss,
Blurred vision or pressure behind the eyes,
Inability to discontinue use of drug and increasing own dose,
Cravings for alcohol, sweets, and other substances or drinking large,
sums of alcohol, coffee or other caffeinated drinks, diet pop with
NutraSweet, etc.,
Swelling and/or pain in joints,
Burning or tingling in extremities,
Muscle twitching or contractions,
Tongue numbness and slurred speech,
Chills or cold sweats,
Muscle weakness,
Extreme fatigue,
Diabetes or hypoglycemia,
Lowered immune system,
Seizures or convulsions,
Weight gain or weight loss,
Mood swings,
Altered personality,
Symptoms of mania, ie., inability to sit still or restlessness,
racing thoughts, acting silly or giddy (like a teenager again),
Sexual promiscuity leading to unwanted pregnancy or divorce,
Irresponsibility, wild spending sprees, gambling, criminal behavior,
shoplifting, embezzling, stealing, hostility, etc.,
Blank staring,
Inability to see any alternatives in situations,
Aggressive or violent behavior,
Wanting to ram other cars or driving irrationally,
Impulsive behavior with no concern about consequences,
Numbness in various body parts - legs go numb and right out from
under patient,
Sexual organs go numb making orgasm impossible,
Pulling away from loved ones and others (isolating oneself),
No desire to be touched,
Falsely accusing others of abuse - family members or acquaintances,
Loss of spirituality,
Feeling "possessed" or that something evil is inside,
Self destructive behavior and suicidal ideation,
Suicide attempts,
Muscle tremors,
Loss of co-ordination,
Prozac Label (September, 1988)
Here is the information as it written on the label insert for Prozac:
Body as a Whole--
Frequent: chills; Infrequent: chills and fever,
face edema, intentional overdose, malaise, pelvic pain, suicide attempt
Rare: abdominal syndrome acute, hypothermia: intentional
injury, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, photosensitivity reaction.
Cardiovascular System--
Frequent: hemorrhage, hypertension
Infrequent: angina pectoris, arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, hypotension, migraine, myocardial infarct, postural hypotension, syncope, tachycardia, vascular headache
Rare: atrial fibrillation,
bradycardia, cerebral embolism, cerebral ischemia, cerebrovascular accident, extrasystoles, heart arrest, heart block, pallor, peripheral vascular disorder, phlebitis, shock, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, vasospasm, ventricular arrhythmia, ventricular extrasystoles, ventricular fibrillation.
Digestive System--
Frequent: increased appetite, nausea and
Infrequent: aphthous stomatitis, cholelithiasis, colitis,
dysphagia, eructation, esophagitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis, glossitis, gum hemorrhage, hyperchlorhydia, increased salivation, liver function tests abnormal, melena, mouth ulceration,
nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, stomach ulcer, stomatitis, thirst
Rare: biliary pain, bloody diarrhea, cholecystitis, duodenal ulcer, enteritis, esophageal ulcer, fecal incontinence, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hematemesis, hemorrhage of colon, hepatitis, intestinal
obstruction, liver fatty deposit, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, rectal hemorrhage, salivary gland enlargement, stomach ulcer hemorrhage, tongue edema.
Endocrine System--
Infrequent: hypothyroidism
Rare: diabetic acidosis, diabetes mellitus.
Hemic and Lymphatic system--
Infrequent: anemia and ecchytmosis
Rare: blood dyscrasia, hypochromic anemia, leukopenia, lymphedema,
lymphocytosis, petechia, purpura, thrombocythemia, thrombocytopenia.
Metabolic and Nutritional--
Frequent: weight gain
Infrequent: dehydration, generalized edema, gout, hypercholesteremia,
hyperlipemia, hypokalemia, peripheral edema; Rare: alcohol
intolerance, alkaline phosphatase increased, BUN increased, creatine
phosphokinase increased, hyperkaltemia, hyperuricemia, hypocalcemia,
iron deficiency anemia, SGPT increased.
Musculoskeletal System--
Infrequent: arthritis, bone pain, bursitis,
leg cramps, tenosynovitis
Rare: arthrosis, chondrodystrophy,
myasthenia, myopathy, myositis, osteomyelitis, osteoporosis,
rheumatoid arthritis.
Nervous System---
Frequent: agitation, amnesia, confusion, emotional
lability, sleep disorder
Infrequent: abnormal gait, acute brain
syndrome, akathisia, apathy, ataxia, buccoglossal syndrome, CNS
depression, CNS stimulation, depersonalization, euphoria,
hallucinations, hostility, hyperkinesia, hypertonia, hypesthesia,
incoordination, libido increased, myoclonus, neuralgia, neuropathy,
neurosis, paranoid reaction, personality disorder*, psychosis,
Rare: abnormal electroencephalogram, antisocial reaction,
circumoral paresthesia, coma, delusion, dysarthria, dystonia,
extrapyramidal syndrome, foot drop, hyperesthesia, neuritis,
paralysis, reflexes decreased, reflexes increased, stupor.
Respiratory System---
Infrequent: asthma, epistaxis, hiccup
Rare: apnea, atelectasis, cough decreased,
emphysema, hemoptysis, hypoventilation, hypoxia, larynx edema,
lung edema, pneumothorax, stridor.
Skin and Appendages---
Infrequent: acne, alopecia, contact
dermatitis, eczema, maculopapula
I'd like to meet:
When there is a thought in your mind, the longer you dwell upon it, the more life you give that thought. Give it enough life and it will become real, so make sure the thought is indeed a great one.
In order to do affirmations effectively these are the things you need to do:
1.Believe YOU CAN change your thought pattern and chose your destiny. It must be a positive powerful belief.
2.Make sure to work with only ONE or TWO affirmations at a time. This will give them time to work on your subconscious mind.
3.REPETITION, REPETITION, REPETITION You won't get effective results if you only say them in the morning and never again. Write them, say them out loud, repeat them through out the day.
4.DON'T GIVE UP! When you experience negitive thoughts, work through them keep using your positive affirmations.
Believe in your success! You're worth it!
I have updated my affirmation slide show. Now more and even greater positive thoughts!
Quotes to give your day that extra something :)
| View Slideshow"
DRUG & NUTRIENT INTERACTION: Some herbs may interact negatively with some perscription medications. Please do your research before mixing herbals and perscribed meds.
Ginkgo works by increasing blood flow to the brain and throughout the body's network of blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the organ systems. It increases metabolism efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters, and boosts oxygen levels in the brain which uses 20% of the body's oxygen.
Benefits of enhanced circulation in the brain include improved short and long term memory, increased reaction time and improved mental clarity. Ginkgo is often used to treat elderly persons with Alzheimer's and other symptoms of cerebral insufficiency. Cerebral insufficiency is a general term for a collection of symptoms that include difficulties of concentration and memory, absentmindedness, confusion, lack of energy, depressive mood, anxiety, dizziness, tinnitus, and headache.
Ginkgo has been used to relieve tension and anxiety and improve mental alertness, elevate mood and restore energy.
Increase sexual energy, regulate blood flow and promote general longevity.
Ginkgo also acts as a powerful antioxidant and contributes to the oxidation of free radicals which are believed to contribute to premature aging and dementia. Antioxidants also protect the cardiovascular system and central nervous system.
Ginkgo's beneficial effects on the circulatory system also can be of benefit in the treatment of eye and ear disorders.
Omega-3s are known to have membrane-enhancing capabilities in brain cells. Omega-3 fatty acids comprise approximately eight percent of the average human brain according to the late Dr. David Horrobin.
Omega-3 deficiencies have also been tied to many conditions, including the following:
dyslexia, violence,
depression, memory problems,
weight gain, cancer,
heart disease, eczema,
allergies, inflammatory diseases,
arthritis and diabetes.
MEGA VIM â„¢ - Level 4 Potency Multivitamin
Aids in energy production and resistance to stress to deal with conditions including mild depression, anxiety, nervousness, trauma and post surgery recovery. It is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and essential for maintaining healthy nerves, skin, hair, eyes, liver, mouth and good muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract.
B Complex 100 mg - Time Released
Helps to maintain overall good health by helping to prevent nerve damage, promoting cell development, promoting healthy brain and nerve functions, assisting in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and protein, supporting cell development and red blood cell formation, treating cataracts, increasing circulation and promoting the secretion of bile from the liver.
Enhanced potency Vitamin B100 complex for energy production and stress relief.
Unique mega potency specialized multi-vitamin and mineral stress formula. Ensures your body is getting the exact nutrients it needs when it needs them most. The eight essential B vitamins, vitamins C and E as well as the minerals calcium, magnesium and zinc are key actives to the Stressease formulation.
Derived from St. John's Wort extract 300mg, standardized to guarantee hyperforin active (min 4%) and standardized to 0.3% hypericin. Equivalent to 1,200mg crude dried herb. Enriched with an anti-tension botanical complex of soothing herbs: Lemon Balm, Ginkgo Biloba, and Rosemary Leaf.
Stress Plex contains essential nutrients to support healthy nervous system.
The lifestyle and dietary practices of many people living in this stress-filled era results in lowered levels of serotonin within the brain. As a result, many people are overweight, crave sugar and other carbohydrates, experience bouts of depression, get frequent headaches, and have vague muscle aches and pain. All of these maladies are correctable by raising brain serotonin levels. Conditions associated with low serotonin levels helped by 5-HTP:
Carbohydrate craving,
Sleep apnea,
Migraine headaches,
Tension headaches,
Chronic daily headaches,
Premenstrual syndrome,
These are some of the books I've read and C.D.s I use and found very helpful. If anyone else has self help books or C.D.s they've found helped them please share.
Louise’s key message in this powerful work is: “If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.†Louise explains how limiting beliefs and ideas are often the cause of illness, and how you can change your thinking…and improve the quality of your life!
Dr. Burns shows how you can use cognitive therapy to overcome a wide variety of mood problems (such as depression, frustration, panic, chronic worry and phobias), and personal relationships problems (such as marital conflict or difficulties at work).
From Panic to Power will take you on a transforming journey from fear, anxiety, and panic to success, personal power, and peace of mind. Lucinda Bassett developed the internationally acclaimed "Attacking Anxiety" program -- a combination of techniques and skills that helps people suffering from anxiety and panic attacks to overcome their fears and regain their independence. Her powerful program, which teaches people how to think differently and respond in a less anxious way, has already enabled thousands all over the world to transform their draining doubts, fears, and anxieties into powerful positive energy and newfound freedom.
Specially designed subliminal messages help relax your mind and body, while changing attitudes. Discover a wealth of inner strength and wisdom to successfully face any of life's challenges. Alpha frequencies, music and subliminal messages. Run Time: 60 minutes.
Feel refreshed and invigorated as the positive messages in this program enter your subconscious mind. Anything becomes possible as these new ideas emerge to positively change your life. Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta frequencies, music and subliminal messages. Run Time: 60 minutes.
Calm your body. Cleanse your mind. Revitalize your spirit. Feel how your intuition intensifies, your creative and perceptive powers increase as your muscles relax, your fears vanish, and your stress fades away. You'll emerge from the experience recharged and ready to tackle any challenges with a fresh attitude. Alpha frequencies and music guided by Kelly Howell. Run Time: 60 minutes.
How self-acceptance overcomes the judging mind.
• Using honesty as a conduit to the parts of ourselves that need kindness and love the most
• Maitri: the meditation practice that multiplies love, and more The definition of an enlightened being is one who is completely fearless, teaches Pema Chödrön. With guided meditations, rare heart teachings, and Ani Pema’s trademark humor, here is a timeless path From Fear to Fearlessness.
As your subconscious mind absorbs images of profound love and
unlimited joy, your heart opens and you generate a powerful magnetic field of radiance - an attracting force that draws to you the love you desire.
Create Success Inside you are all the tools you need to succeed. Use this program to energize yourself, to uncover your own unique formula for success. Flood your mind with positive messages that boost your self-esteem and trigger the creativity that will help you make your dreams come true.
Trigger phrases and positive suggestions encourage you to eat less, enjoy exercise, build a positive self-image, and change deep-seated behavior patterns. Get yourself motivated to look your best.
The fire of life. The driving force of creation. Desire. The sacred energy that creates irresistible magnetism, attracting the very things you long for. Let this life-transforming meditation guide you through blissful reverie towards the fulfillment of your deepest desires. Feel exalted - and empowered to manifest your dreams!
Everyday we shape our destiny by what we think and do. So, if you're eager to stretch far beyond your present boundaries and create the future of your dreams, this breakthrough program is for you. Open to your life's purpose, embrace all you long for, and feel how the universe conspires with you to manifest the destiny held deep in your most sacred dreams.
Relax and allow Theta frequencies to induce a dream-like state of expanded awareness and heightened receptivity. New ideas, new insights will flash spontaneously in your mind as you are swept into the very center of consciousness where hidden information is stored and elusive answers are revealed. You'll experience a deep sense of peace and wellbeing as you explore the mysterious and magical Theta state.
Hurtle past creative blocks and stale concepts. Discover how to engage the essence of true beauty that artists have pursued for centuries. Reach a state of profound relaxation that expands your perceptions and opens the channel to your personal sources of inspiration. Enhance your capacity to achieve new insights and access ideas and knowledge that exist outside of conscious awareness.
As your brain cells resonate with Delta waves, you start to slowly swirl and drift. Pestering concerns are washed away, allowing you to fall into deep sleep states that bring the refreshing slumber your body and mind need for optimum performance. Refresh your brain and clear away mental "fog." A few hours of sleep a night with either one of these programs will make you feel as though you had a full eight hours of rest.
Flow into a state of relaxed concentration where the right and left hemispheres of your brain move into perfect sync. Frustrating mental blocks and fears gently dissolve. Fresh neural pathways open effortlessly. You'll feel invigorated as you access up to 90 percent more of your untapped ability to learn, recall and create new ideas. Listeners report this program was particularly helpful in boosting intuition and other forms of extrasensory perception.
There are even more C.D.s to choose from.
Visit Brain Sync
Order your favorite ones, pay by mail(Check or Money Order) OR over the net by credit card.
Unlock your potential!
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Seasonal Affective Disorder
As the long sunny days begin to shorten and the prospect of the coming winter looms large, you can feel your mood begin to change.
"As soon as November rolls around and the sun begans to set earlier in the evening, you notice that you are much more tired and start to feel sad. You find it very hard to get out of bed some mornings.
There is an estimated 600-thousand Canadians who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD.
Symptoms of SAD
Sleep problems - Oversleeping but not refreshed. Drowsy during the day.
Fatigue - Too tired to cope. Everything is an effort.
Irritable. Can't concentrate.
Depression - Hopelessness, anxiety, guilt, despair.
Overeating - Craving carbohydrates. Weight gain.
Loss of libido - Decreased sexual desire.
Physical problems - Stomach problems, joint pain
Signs and Symptoms of a Panic Attack:
In a panic attack, symptoms develop abruptly and usually reach their peak within 10 minutes. A full-blown panic attack includes at least 4 of the following symptoms:
Shortness of breath or smothering sensation,
Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate,
Chest pain or discomfort,
Trembling or shaking,
Feeling of choking Sweating, Nausea or stomach distress,
Feeling unsteady, dizzy, lightheaded, or faint,
Feelings of unreality or of being detached from yourself,
Fear of losing control or going crazy,
Fear of dying,
Numbness or tingling sensations,
Hot or cold flashes,
Most panic attacks end within 20 to 30 minutes, and they rarely last
Signs and Symptoms of Social Anxiety:
Some of the signs and symptoms include:
1.An extreme fear of a situation in which you have to meet new people or you may be scrutinized by others.
2.The feared social situations are experienced with intense anxiety or avoided entirely.
3.The anxiety-provoking social situation causes physical symptoms like blushing, sweating, shaking, trembling, tense muscles, shaky voice, dry mouth or a pounding heart.
The basic symptom of social anxiety disorder is of being very anxious in the presence of others. If you suffer from social anxiety disorder, you may think that other people are very confident in public and you are not. Just blushing may feel horribly embarrassing to you, and you may feel like everyone's eyes are always on you. You may feel anxious about giving a speech, talking to a boss or dating.
It is important to remain attentive to negative stress symptoms and to learn to identify the situations that evoke them. When these symptoms persist, you are at risk for serious health problems because stress can exhaust your immune system.
Recent research demonstrates that 90% of illness is stress-related.
While it is not possible to live without any stress, we can learn ways to handle the stress of daily life efficiently, and to manage our reactions to stress and minimize its negative impact.
Physical symptoms:
Physical symptoms can be caused by other illnesses, so it is important to have a medical doctor treat conditions such as ulcers, compressed disks, or other physical disorders. Remember, however, that the body and mind are not separate entities. The physical problems outlined below may result from or be exacerbated by stress:sleep disturbances,
back, shoulder or neck pain,
tension or migraine headaches,
upset or acid stomach, cramps, heartburn, gas, irritable, bowel syndrome,
constipation, diarrhea,
weight gain or loss, eating disorders,
hair loss,
muscle tension,
high blood pressure,
irregular heartbeat, palpitations,
asthma or shortness of breath,
chest pain,
sweaty palms or hands,
cold hands or feet,
skin problems (hives, eczema, psoriasis, tics, itching),
periodontal disease, jaw pain,
reproductive problems,
immune system suppression: more colds, flu, infections,
growth inhibition.
Emotional symptoms:
Like physical signs, emotional symptoms such as anxiety or depression can mask conditions other than stress. It is important to find out whether they are stress-related or not. In either case, the following emotional symptoms are uncomfortable and can affect your performance at work or play, your physical health, or your relationships with others:
nervousness, anxiety,
depression, moodiness,
irritability, frustration ,
memory problems,
lack of concentration,
trouble thinking clearly,
feeling out of control,
substance abuse,
Signs and Symptoms of Depression:
Persistent sad, anxious or "empty" mood
Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed, including sex
Decreased energy, fatigue
Difficulty concentrating, remembering and making decisions
Insomnia, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
Appetite and/or weight loss or overeating and weight gain
Restlessness, irritability
Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain
Thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts
(Source: National Institute of Mental Health)Suicidal thoughts are the most serious symptom of depression and must always be taken seriously. If you or someone you know is demonstrating any of the following warning signs, seek professional help right away:
Thoughts or talk of death or suicide
thoughts or talk of self-harm or harm to others
giving away prized possessions or a sudden lifting of depressed mood (often indications that a decision about suicide has been reached)
Signs and Symptoms of Bipolar disorder:
Everybody has mood changes, but not everyone has the drastic mood swings that are characteristic of bipolar disorder. The high mood of bipolar disorder is called mania, or a manic episode. The low mood of bipolar disorder is called depression, or a depressive episode.Following are the signs and symptoms that distinguish bipolar disorder.
A manic episode of bipolar disorder:
happy, expansive, optimistic mood (feeling “high,†feeling better than ever)
alternative mood: irritable, angry, aggressive, provocative, intrusive
impaired judgment; reckless; unpredictable,
excessive involvement in pleasurable or high risk activities, such as sex, drug or alcohol use, or spending sprees, high physical and mental energy; increased productivity; excited; a feeling of high intelligence and creativity,
extremely talkative, rapid thoughts,
decreased need for sleep, less ability to sleep,
inflated self-importance; in some, delusions or hallucinations
extremely sociable,
inability to concentrate; distracted; restless, impulsive,
no perception that the mood and behaviors are abnormal
A person in the manic phase of bipolar disorder rarely seeks help; the person may feel good and not recognize that anything is wrong.
A depressive episode of bipolar disorder:
profound sadness, hopelessness, pessimism; crying spells,
low self-esteem, worthlessness
“flat†mood: apathetic, indifferent; lack of interest or pleasure in most activities
fatigue, lethargy: decreased energy and activity; difficulty getting out of bed in the morning
decreased sexuality
restless, irritable, angry, worried, anxious, guilty
fewer thoughts and less talking; slower thinking and talking
difficulty in concentrating, making decisions, and remembering
social withdrawal; diminished ability to give and feel love
drug or alcohol use
change in appetite; weight gain or loss; loss of interest in food, even if eating more
change in sleep patterns: sleeping more or less than usual
suicidal thoughts, plans, or attempts; life seems devoid of pleasure.
People are more likely to seek help during the depressive phase of bipolar disorder than during the manic phase. This is because they recognize that the symptoms are disruptive to normal life. But some do not even seek help during the depression because they have no energy and no hope that anything can change.
Agoraphobia is translated as “fear of the marketplace.†It was traditionally thought to involve a fear of public places and open spaces. However, it is now believed that agoraphobia develops as a complication of panic attacks. If you have agoraphobia, you are afraid of having a panic attack in a situation where escape would be difficult or embarrassing. You are also afraid of having a panic
attack where you wouldn’t be able to get help. Because of these fears, you may begin to avoid crowded places such as shopping malls or sports arenas. You may also avoid cars, airplanes, subways, and other forms of travel. In more severe cases, you might only feel safe at home.
What is schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is generally believed to be a brain disorder, like other disorders such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or Multiple Sclerosis. The word "schizophrenia" comes from the Greek roots schizo (split) and phrene (mind). A person with schizophrenia has an altered perception of reality. Schizophrenia appears to be a failure of the brain's chemical or electrical systems to function properly, resulting in a variety of unusual neural twists, such as disjointed ideas, confused or disconnected thoughts, and sounds or other sensations experienced as real when they exist only in the person's mind.Signs and Symptoms of Schizophrenia:
Sleep problems,
Social isolation,
Hyperactivity or inactivity,
Inability to concentrate,
Unusual emotional reactions ,
Deterioration in personal hygiene,
Unusual sensitivity
Delusions: false ideas that a person has about him or herself or surroundings (such as receiving special messages from the TV or radio, having unusual powers that no one else has, or being singled out for persecution)
Hallucinations: sensations that are heard, seen, smelled, or felt that a person experiences while others do not. The most common hallucination is auditory – hearing voices talking negatively about the person or sometimes giving commands for dangerous behavior; however, not everyone with schizophrenia hears voices.
Disrupted thoughts and behavior: trouble concentrating and maintaining a train of thought (conversation might not make sense-may respond to queries with a seemingly completely unrelated answer; or sentences that start with one topic and end somewhere completely different); unpredictable or erratic behavior, including pacing or rocking, depersonalization, or behavior inappropriate to the situation.
Grossly disorganized behavior: inability to perform goal-directed tasks often resulting in daily living challenges; unpredictable agitation or silliness; behaviors that appear bizarre and lack purpose; social disinhibition, or the inability to suppress impulsive behaviors and emotions
“Negative†Symptoms (absence of what is normally noted in the general population)
Flattened or blunted affect: reduction of, or lack of emotional expression, including flat voice, lack of eye contact, and restricted facial expression
Avolition: lack of interest or enthusiasm for previously enjoyable activities, difficulty in creating goal-directed behavior, social withdrawal
Catatonic behavior: apparent unawareness of the environment, decreased motion or excess and aimless motions, bizarre postures, lack of self-care
Alogia: difficulties with speech, inability to carry a conversation, short and sometimes disconnected replies to questions, lessening of fluency
Self-injury (self-harm, self-mutilation) can be defined as the attempt to deliberately cause harm to one's own body and the injury is usually severe enough to cause tissue damage. This is not a conscious attempt at suicide, though some people may see it that way.
It has been reported that many people who self-injure have a history of sexual or physical abuse, but that is not always the case. Some may come from broken homes,alcoholic homes, have emotionally absent parents, etc. There are many factors that could cause someone to self-injure
as a way to cope.
The act of injuring oneself is also used to help cope with, block out, and release built up feelings and emotions. Self-injury is probably the most widely
misunderstood forms of self harm and there are many myths associated with it, which can make it difficult for people to reach out and ask for help.
Dangers: Self-injurers often become desperate about their lack of self-control and the addictive-like nature of their acts, which may lead them to true suicide attempts. The self-injury behaviors may also cause more harm than intended, which could result in medical complications or death. Eating disorders and alcohol or substance abuse intensify the threats to the individual’s overall health and quality of life.
Anti Depressant side effects
Drug Awarness
Help Guide
New Anxiety Cure
Anxiety? Panic Attacks? Phobias?
Time tested, drug free, fast, effective and permanent anxiety elimination method.
The Linden Method
Prozac Survivor-Information for people who have had adverse reactions to Prozac.
Prozac Survivors
Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD)
London Ontario Sites and Sevices:
Understanding Mental Illness
Health Sevices for South West Ontario
Health Services
Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychoses (PEPP) is a community focused mental health program
London Interfaith Counselling Centre
London Interfaith
(For Residents of the U.S.A)
If you believe you may have a claim against a drug manufacturer, you should not hesitate to seek legal advice from a lawyer with experience in this area. In the U.S.A there are lawyers experinced in dealing with SSRI lawsuits. I have yet to find resourses like this in Canada. Let your voice be heard. Take a stand and find a lawyer near you. Below are just a few links I found to lawyers wanting to help.
SSRI Lawsuit- A nationally-recognized personal injury law firm.Your individual state's law may limit your time to bring a legal claim to protect your rights. Your legal review is free and there is no commitment.
SSRI Lawsuits
aceutical Drug Litigation Lawyer
Brooks Law Firm of Savannah, Georgia is experienced in personal injury suits against pharmaceutical manufacturers, as well as the doctors who prescribe dangerous drugs. We serve clients throughout Georgia in medical malpractice and product liability cases against drug companies and health care providers, such as SSRI withdrawal and Oxycontin addiction.
Brooks Law Firm
_______________________________________________________The Meneo Law Group - If you or someone you know was taking Prozac®, Paxil®, Zoloft® or another anti-depressant and gave birth to a baby who suffered from respiratory distress or a respiratory disorder, please click below to find out more about your or her legal rights.
Meneo Law Group
below to find Zoloft lawyers & attorneys now!
Legal Law Help
Find out if you have an Antidepressant lawsuit
Antidepressant Lawsuit
_______________________________________________________A Kansas law firm that has successfully litigated many personal injury and wrongful death claims involving unsafe drugs.
Perscription Negligence