Modelling, health and fitness, fashion, make up artistry, photography, art, personal training, body sculpting, bodybuilding, training children, singing.
Other Things you should know about me:
Addicted to COFFEE (I never go without my big cup of caffeine!! I wish we had a Starbucks here!!!)
gummi bears!!! SHOES, bOOTs, hot bubble baths, romantic dinners, PINK, Darrell Lea liquorice, AMERICA (one day I'll live the states, smokey eyes, BEACH (love lazy days just tanning in the sun, with a good book), Lindt dark chocolate, BUBBLE TEA, Michael Jackson, cooking, skinny jeans, Vera Wang Princess, summer, sleep in days, training, slogan tees, Bobbi Brown cosmetics, Estee Lauder Mascaras (the best mascara, Calvin Klein Euphoria, boob tube dresses....
What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going"
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, and tolerant with the weak and strong because some day you would have been all of these.
Be commited
Do what it takes (& you will)
HAVE what you want!"
"If you can IMAGINE it, you can ACHIEVE it, if you DREAM it, you can BECOME it"
Many of life's failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.
You come to love not by finding the perfect person but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.
.. - Get Your Own
***photographers***models***Agents/Managers***Casting directors***producers***talent scouts***modelling agencies***modelling schools***fashion designers***film makers***publishers***make up artists***hair stylists***image makers***event managers***personal/fitness trainers***nutritionists***sports persons***coaches***coaching (for children)***bodybuilders***fitness models***
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