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About Me

Who am I, is all depending on who is asking!One day a peacock, the next day a feather duster!I am what I am, and that's easy to be so. We dont have to do any thing in order to be our self! I believe I'm just that - easy, happy and just in time :)..... og så jeg fuld af love!Does the mind exist as a distinct entity apart from our thoughts about it? As "mind" is a myth, so is the notion of "self." The human being is like a dog chewing a dry bone. When its gums bleed, the dog may believe the bone is rich with blood. Just so, we believe the mind is real.
You created me, this profile is an expression of that creation!... Pimp out your webpage with nUCLEArcENTURy.COM

My Interests

Jah, I too! Interesting! Give me, my interest, my fetish of worship. Give me - me! Please take me through the mystery gate - LIGALIZE IT!:) Introduce my maker, and please allow me to be; your apprentice - I will practice my interest on you, starting by making you reading this!You are my interest, because you are my maker - LIGALIZE YOU! You are my reason to be interested in I, so please, be good, turn me un! Make me wonderfull! And is it a mistake, proberly - why not, it's fun to learn! And even more fun to unlearn! Otherwise, why would I have an interest, and in what? In life? No way honney, it's just not possible! To be interested, is wanting something, that I wouldent othervise get, right? You see, life dosent work that way. Life just dosent have interest in me getting nothing out of being it, life it self, so I to return that favour. Besides basic maintain of a body, wanting something ells is nothing but a course of misery, and the fulfillment of joy and happiness asure only that we don't want anything ells, that we don't want any thing to change, and that put interest in deep confligt with natur, cause natur is nothing but change. Setting a goal is the reason for all missury. So, there is no possible way to do anything in order to get happy or to maintain happiness and joy, whitout creating missory at the same time.Why?.Because individuell uniqueness cannot express it self, as long as there is dependence, and dependence is exactly what we express by interest. So forget about that, and all that authority claimed by interest. Yes, there is desire and there is fear, they go together, infact they are the exact same impuls. That is life! But keeping an interest means that there is confligt, that 'I', who believe to know better than reality is driven desires apart from fears. 'I' dont accept them to be one, and only take the one of them for granted, and in that as a fact, I am by interest imprisoned and as such I will get either of them, but creat time, mother of illusion. So fuck me running - what is fear an desire? The ending (of me)!?Interests means confligt and as so, being in need of a status, to surport the illusion of 'I'. "Where am I, heading(-'I'= am lost?)" This judgement is my escape route, and (soon to realise) my prison. What is 'My' question, the nature of interests according to 'I'!? It's what I truly dont want to face? That 'I' is nothing but a question, and 'me' is the jurk trying to realize it, even though 'I' is but a myth! The only comming to an end there really is, is end of fear and disire! So my fear of comming to an end, is the very same desire for how I would like to be comming - to go! To maintain confligt between desires and fears, in spite of the terror it groves, is the face of all interest! When desires and fears are truly one, there can no longer be interests at all. Ther is nothing second to care, there can be no interest in caring, because true caring is action, not a speculation. To care is to give up all interests, and leave the truth alone.Interest is the trap that keep humans from being free and living. Miserable people, are not free, they want what they dont have, and they dont want what they have! Not wanting anything from others, is natural and so it is the nature of the free man. He is wanting what he got, and he dont want what he dont have. In this statement of interests, I dont count in the things like food, sex, or sleep as an interest. Even though I know it is not basic to life, only to the existence of identities, memories, the produkts of culture, the dream of a 'I' and "my mind" and the nightmare of beliving in the possibility of controling it. In relity to have interest means that 'I' must be absolutly clueless, and a serius candidate in the state of hypocrisy. And as such I need a status, to cling on to, and by measure to define 'me' as the point of reference. But whatever idears that concerns me in that respect, will just end up swallowing me. 'I' means lost and if 'I' survives, 'I' will be your Dictator, that twisted fuck, so total swallowed by interest in the ideals of 'I'. So no, I dont keep an interest in food, sex and sleep. Hell No, I take life as it comes, I'm cool! And I tell you this Not paing attention to that, dosent make life less sexy, less full of good sleeps and food, no! Besides, being caught up in interest, means you will be either dead, or lucky to learn, that being ambitious, is just another word for being lazy, and at the end, interest leaves you completly borred to the bone, destroyed! This usely happens just before you realize you self, in some new toy of interest :) And at this point, only if you are lucky, you wont become destruktiv and violent. So infact its the opposit. What you see is what you get! And with no perticular interest, you see a lot more than any interest can grasp! (...moisted, honney?;) With no interest, there can be no fear, and you will never be able loose interest in anything, just to become destruktiv in a terrible world, so to speak. Like my self, as when I was a young teenage boy, having no clue about my selv, and as a fact no reason and interests at all, it gave me a constant boner going, for 15 years :)oh, dear. Life is just so sweet to me and :) Why would I want to change it? Why would I have any interest at all? Where is that need for engagement - its so fetish? I take life just as it takes me? What more could ther be to life, than to live it? Take it as the fact it is? I do. - What could there possibly be, that are so much better than it all ready is?Nothing, truly nothing is better. Only as in a fantasi of perfection, and that is just the mind-game in action right there, creating its own eternity. Sure, that dream of "eternity", can be a better dream, but it can never truly be reached. Now dont forget, eternity meens it is never ending. - What a terrible alternativ to life; Something that I can nerver reach and that will never ever end! So the fact that we want something els, out of life, and we want to change life it self, is the very mess we find in life! This perfection, what ever god or individual, is nothing but a fantasi, it is the very limiting factor, for us to hide in while seeking a recover from further mistakes, all because of the fact that we wantet to change things as they were. Infact fantasies is the limit to all there is! What can I say? Hopefully you will get lost, and start living. Freedom is the opposit of having interests, freedom is when there is nothing more to loos! Everything will change anyway, So dont worry! And you know, it does it so swift'n clean, specially without our interference, some pety actions based on, so very limited memory of a "I". Really, life just goes one, all by it selv as long as "I" dont try to make any good or better of it. To have an honest interest in anything, must truly come out of speculation, from a filthy and troubled mind, thinking that life must be maintained, especially by, something for you and the rest of the world, to be known as "I", "Me" and "My mind" :) You know, only a sinner,can truly belive in, and obey stuff like the ten commandment's. - How arrogant is'n it to belive in sinn! Dont get me wrong, I do enjoy fantasies... I do like to be limited and entangled; take food, music or sex, its all fetish, and its truly nice things to find some limitations in, get so entangled with and all messed up by :) yes! love, dirty and die..... and so I do There is nothing to win - the winner suck satans cock!Have some coffee, sugar, music, drugs - LIGALIZE IT:)! ( ), more sugar, and coffee, and computer games. but dont fool your self - Expresing your self do not need a media. We are the expressio of life, thats it, no more to say about it. And its great to play and fool round, in arts, dance, talk, and as I have done, working with healing, yoga, sungazing and Qi Kung, infact as late as this morning! In my fantasies I still belive to benifit from it. I dont keep anything up by interests, it is just there or its not there, its out of my hands working all by it self. Also I'm a member of Enhedslisten, it's a political communist party in denmark, and it's the one and only liberal parti in denmark. Life is lust, life is anarki - viva la anarkista :) HOLA ( ) eat, fast, drink, suck, fuck and sleep on top of life!and so I do - meanwhile, traveling the world, being in sweden at the moment ( ) if there is such ... why wonder what the future holds? The only future ther is, is the reflection of the past, nothing els :) leave it just like that! ( )are you still around listening!

I'd like to meet:

You, are the only part of me, that I can truly know, and 'I'm the part, that can never realy be know to me, certainly not without you :) So, in order to realise my self, I'd love to meet every one passing my way. However, I would like to meet WonderWoman:) ......................................................... And a wild tiger...if its, must likely going to be, the second last tiger on earth, I would even let him feast on this beautifull and sacred body! First I look strait in to hes eyes! And (hopefully:) I will be - very silent. Some of you may know what I meen by this! Secondly (.... eventualy some thought will come by, just to catsh my attention...and thats it!) I'll clean this wonderfull body, for the last time, emty it for waste'n shit... n' I will enjoy peeing my pant :) Thirdly I'll embrace him, and he'll have the experience to feast, on a peace of a silenced body, buddhabadutski...maybe even for his first time. I will love the Tiger still, I'll take his case to the highest, I will speak for him,...to the very last :) There is a silent and sacred connection, between man and beast, between human and tiger, and it has been disturped, the silence is broken. There is less than 700 tigers left in nature, But I tell you this: There is probably even fever than 700 human beings, fully blooming in the world to day.


Aber, those are plenty!!! I really have no taste, so anything goes, as long as it's good. I truly dont care about idols, names, labels, styles and looks :) Listening is all about education. We can only listen to what we are prepared for anyway. Listening is not about sound, it's all about education. We don't listen to music. Wanting to listen, is what makes us incaple of doing so. When we listen to music so to speak, we put our attention out of place and in to the past. What we do, is measuring and the point of reference is I, according to culture. We are filtering the sound but the filter is only a thought, it's a memory not a reality, and it is only what culture is making us remember. That is infact what we listen to, not the sound waves which is there in the ears all the time. We only listening to whatever idear and culture we have been prepared fore, and that very idear is the one concept we squeeze our self into when we give up our uniqe individuality. In reality, we respond to movement, but when we listen to music there is no movement, there is only a certain direction, nothing is new so we don't respond at all, what we do is we react on culturel pressure, which is creating the concept of I. So ego is born out of violence, culture is the violater and music is one of it's basic means. Our concept of listening is stucked with what ever destroyed our individuality. We only listening to that violent replacement of our original self! You can dance, drik or run away - If your a rock'n roller or you dick the opera, it's all the same. Culture is all about how we, the living dead's get along with the fact that we are not precent.However, that being said; I do like El Pop - simpel hardwired and radical teckno/psycodelic/goa/trance/bla/bla/bla/(?) Only it has to be very creativ, very steady and I do like it to be very high speed, very basic, very funky, with a twistee bite, and even a bit on the evil side to, ridiculously tough and industrial violence. Sorry, I am just very picky about it, and I want it loud, really loud!However, On the other hand, and very fare from that. I do care!:) I'll just throwe in a few names for the heck of abstractions: Ayub Ogada iggy pop OP8 Suicide Beast Of Bourbon Motörhead Led Zeppelin The Cramps Django Reinhardt Weather Report Jan Johanson Me'Shell Ndegéocello Miles Davis John Scofield Linton Kwesi Johnson Erik Satie Cornelis Vreeswijk,...( ) venus in fur :)


Its called the american dream, because you have to be asleep to believe in it. If you are looking for troubles, and love to get upset, then I can recommend you, to go and check up on these following video "talk" clips: www.ugkrishnamurti.org And Yes, I love movies. Specially when they are from somewhere els than hollywood. Movies like; Time Bandits & Brazil Little Voice The Swenkas Gummo Sult Den enfaldige mördaren Cidade de Deus Idi i smotri Belovy Stalker + 911 In Plane Site - http://www.911inplanesite.com/ http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8274552561914055825 . oh, check out this one: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ . Charlie Chaplin Terry Gilliam Hans("Hasse") Alfredson Wong Kar Wai Pedro Almodóvar Woody Allen Andrei Tarkovsky Joel Coen & Ethan Coen Harmony Korine Federico Fellini ...Jaco Pastorius -Teen Town- (Weather Report 1977)
Weather ReportJaco Pastorius - bajo Wayne Shorter - Sax Joe Zawinul - teclados Alex Acuna - bateria Manolo Badrena - percusión

EXTREMELY Funny Beach scenes ! LOL

This kid is hilarious. He really has some balls. - www.be-dumb.com


I never had a TV set, and now a days I certainly prefer to keep it that way, I do have Internet though. However I like Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Simpsons, Southpark, Sacha Baron Cohen,... stuff like that - the rest is really just silly fascist FOX'ed propaganda, and it sucks tremendously!You want to watch some great fun TV, News, infomation and peoble like George Carlin, please go to: http://www.informationclearinghouse.infohttp://www.brasschec ktv.com/page/261.html http://www.copvcia.com/


André Franquin :"Gaston Lagaffe" Storm P "Det kræver karakterstyrke at sælge elastik i metermål" Rumi Nietzsche Sri Nisargadatta Jiddu Krishnamurti U.G.Krishnamurti U.G.Krishnamurti Quotations All our experiences, spiritual or otherwise, are the basic cause of our suffering.... The body is not interested in anything that you are interested in. That is the battle that is going on all the time... There seems to be no way out.... You are trying to enforce peace through violence. The living organism is very peaceful; you don't have to do a thing. Thought can never capture the movement of life, it is much too slow. It is like lightning and thunder. They occur simultaneously, but sound, travelling slower than light, reaches you later, creating the illusion of two separate events. What I am trying to point out is simply that your spiritual and religious activities are basically selfish. All the accumulated knowledge, experience, and suffering of mankind is inside you. You must build a huge bonfire within you. Then you will become an individual. There is no other way."The moment you repeat that which is not yours, you have become the follower of somebody." "If books and talks could change people, this world would become a paradise." "If you want really to learn something, school is the last place to go." "Once you are relieved of the burden of culture, any potential will be exposed. What stands in the way is the culture, all the teachers and what they have taught." "When the movement in the direction of becoming something other than what you are isn't there any more, you are not in conflict with yourself." "I am not out to liberate anybody. You have to liberate yourself, and you are unable to do that. What I have to say will not do it. I am only interested in describing this state, in clearing away the occultation and mystification in which those people in the 'holy business' have shrouded the whole thing. Maybe I can convince you not to waste a lot of time and energy, looking for a state which does not exist except in your imagination." But unfortunately, in the market place, we have many claimants who say that they are enlightened, and they are in turn out to enlighten everybody. There is a market for that kind of thing. The demand and supply principle is responsible for that. But actually an enlightened man or a free man, if there is one, is not interested in freeing or enlightening anybody. This is because he has no way of knowing that he is a free man, that he is an enlightened man. It is not something that can be shared with somebody, because it is not in the area of experience at all." "Your minds pose as much a threat to the future of mankind as the nuclear weapons. The hydrogen bomb has its origin in the jawbone of an ass. The caveman used it to kill his neighbor. Here your civilized man is doing what the caveman did but you do it for the ..good of mankind.' Those who still hold that right is all on their side and that their eternal good will burn away the evil of others are the real enemies of mankind." "To be an individual and to be yourself you don't have to do a thing. Culture demands that you should be something other than what you are. What a tremendous amount of energy -- the will, the effort -- we waste trying to become that! If that energy is released, what is it that we can't do? How simple it would be for every one of us to live in this world!" "All learning, all teaching is for destructive purposes. You learn about the laws of nature to control and dominate your neighbor. It's a game of one-upmanship. I'm not saying anything against it. I'm just saying that's the way it is. All learning, all teachings are 'war games'. Winning all the time is all that you are interested in. Charity is the filthiest invention of the human mind: first you steal what belongs to everyone; then you use the policeman and the atom bomb to protect it. You give charity to prevent the have-nots from rebelling against you. It also makes you feel less guilty. All do-gooders feel 'high' when they do good." "On one occasion, when I asserted with great vehemence that whatever happened to me had happened despite everything, despite my visit to Ramana Maharshi, despite my contacts with J. Krishnamurti and my personal conversations with him, and despite all the things that were expected of somebody who wanted to be an enlightened man, one friend in the audience said, 'We cannot accept your statement of "despite"....' He said that my statements were irrelevant. 'The problem is very simple,' he said. 'If we accept what you are saying, namely, that whatever has happened to you has happened regardless of what you did, and that everything you did was irrelevant, we lose the only hope that we have in you. We still feel that although we have lost faith in them all, we cannot lose faith in you.' I told him that that is the one thing that is standing there in him which makes it impossible for him to free himself from whatever he is trying to free himself from, because he has replaced one thing with another. That is all that we can do. One illusion is replaced by another illusion and one teacher is replaced by another teacher." "I have no particular message for mankind, except to say that all holy systems for obtaining enlightenment are nonsense and that all talk of arriving at a psychological mutation through awareness is rubbish. Psychological mutation is impossible. The natural state can happen only through biological mutation."


Alright then - YOU are my Hero! For reading all this nonsence, it amazes me you did it so fare! Ye'(biiip)Fucking Chr'(biiiip)$t! Dont fall for that hero horse shit - there are no such thing as a hero! For one, impulse is the medium of emotion; the seed of all impulse is a feeling bursting to express itself in action. Those who are at the mercy of impuls - who lack self-control - suffer a moral deficiency: The ability to control impuls is the base of will and character. By the same token, the root of altruism lies in empathy, the ability to read emotions in others; lacking a sense of another's need or despair, there is no caring. And if there are any two moral stances that our times call for, they are pricisely these, self-restraint and compassion. You are that-You dont need a hero to prove your or any other one's existence. To belive, to have faith, is to maintain continuity, where ther can be no continuity. To belive is to want to maintain exsistence, in a hostile and unnatural environment. Why would I be there? So, how can I have a hero! And I'm not, and I dont wana be there!Is the hero a saver, one who gathers them pieces of broken hearts, in order to keep it intact, all because some stupid guy, is incapable ad the moment? Is that a hero? You know it takes a stonehart heart to break, so is'n it so that the hero infact is the very one that breaks that heart, wide open? So Stupid can get a breack, and take an other chance? Or, is the hero neither one, but one who tells you to throw away all the crutches that we have been made to belive is are essential for our survivel. The one that says; "Throw them away and dont replace them. You can walk and if you fall you will rise and walk again." Is that a hero? oh'dear, belivers are soo kinky! oh...sometimes I wish I was a beliver tooo;) But I'm sorry, I still just dont have a hero! However, if I really, really must have an idol, I will definitely shoose any person that dont try to be anything they are not, they will be free, enough to care about me and the rest of the world. Here is a few good shots, not for a hero but a messenger of a hero: I think of peoble like the anarkist U.G. Krishnamurti the Nietzsche of comedy Bill Hicks the presidents Castro & Hugo Chavez educator and linguist Noam Chomsky dokumentarist Michael Morre and Starring entertainer iggy pop World concurrer Timur Gurkani Then again, I would proberbly shoose a heroin to a hero :) Maybe Vandana Shiva "A life should definitely belong to one who tries to save it, not to one who tries to take it!" - Kuan Yin

My Blog

No one can truly be interested, in anything!

Copy From A's profil. About A's interest. It just seemed to never end, and it keept groving, certainly to loong for a profil. So A decided to make this Blog out of it. ..> ..> A's Interests..>....
Posted by A on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 12:45:00 PST


http://lads.myspace.com/photoshow/slideshow.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" wmode="transparent" flashvars="userID=115991525&bgColor=3355443&b...
Posted by A on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 08:38:00 PST

love, is the center of nowhere

it seems that i am in free fall - truly free fall. nothing less; but the nature of universe! i am falling but i'm not lost. or am i - very much lost, indeed? i will see about that!what ...
Posted by A on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 04:11:00 PST