Budskab Fra Græsrødderne profile picture

Budskab Fra Græsrødderne

About Me

Vi vil ikke være ofre for et døende system, Vi har hænder til at bygge vores eget!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------Messa ge From The Grassroots is a peoples movement started by the musician/composer/human rights activist, Thomas Koppel, before his much too sudden death in february 2006.The world is in Chaos: Illegal wars, thousands of people dying for big powers' lies and greed. Xenophobia, rascism, fascism rules the world and it is time for it to stop!We can nolonger witness innocent people being killed for big powers' hunger for more money and oil.We can nolonger take part in sending troops to Iraq, Lebanon, Palestina to fight in illegal wars, killing man, woman and child and being killed themselves for someone elses crimes.We can nolonger just sit and have rascist governments, making decicions over our heads making our countries xenophobic, rascist and hateful.We can nolonger just sit and watch thousands and thousands of people dying of hunger in Africa. And AIDS, where there is a cure but just not presented to the less fortunate. We can nolonger just sit and watch the genocide in Sudan. And the list goes on.Television is starting to look like a bad playstation game, as if everything shown just is fiction. They deliver it with big dramatic music and plastic anchors and it might all seem like a movie, but it's real.Though most of the stories the TV present are lies. Don't just take their words for an answer. Much more happens than what they say, and things aren't always squeeky clean behind the big curtain.We have to seek deeper, search yourself and you shall find. Horrible things are happening, Though you might not think that it effects you, it does!The earth is such a beatiful place and we have to take care of it as a child on our arms.The time is now to wake up, mobilize, talk to your neighbors, to the people at your school, your colleagues, your friends and family. That's how we can make a change, make people aware and start acting upon what you think is going wrong.As Thomas Koppel said in his letter to Denmark:" This great change is not something we fight for for years - to see nothing will come out of it anyway. The change begins, in the same instance we make our decision. Freedom is in the process itself - when we realize we can do things on our own. Forget about watching tv tonight and talk to someone about what you can do.What we need from ourselves is: that we preserve our respect for ourselves,respect for others - regardless of skin color and beliefs; that we hold on to love, solidarity, the dream, the poetry, the humor, the beauty, the big heart, the open mind, the common sense. It is all old virtues - becoming new and fine when used. All of it uniting real popular Danish culture with all other peoples' cultures on this earth. When we dig deep down underneath greed and lies, the dreams, the tears and laughter the same all over the world. All the thousands of wonderful flowers, that make the culture of this planet, come out of one single root that all people understand.That's the longing for freedom. "And that's The Message From The Grassroots!Find more on our peoples movement and see how you can take part:English www.messagefromthegrassroots.comDanish:www.budskabfragrasrod derne.dkPEACE!.............................................. ............................................................ I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Blog

Græsrødder på banen i København

Kære aktive københavnske græsrødderDer er mange muligheder for at være med i den kommende tid, meld dig gerne til en opgave sammen med en ven eller veninde, så bliver det hyggeligere.1. maj mangler vi...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 02:59:00 GMT

Nyhedsbrev april 2009

Til græsrødderne i København og omegn(Dette nyhedsbrev kan afmeldes ved at sende en mail til [email protected]) Umiddelbart svarer billedet af den politiske situation i Danmark ikke ti...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Apr 2009 13:27:00 GMT


Til orientering Annisette har delvist bidraget til musikken og Budskab fra græsrødderne har givet et lille økonomisk tilskud til produktionen.kærlig hilsenGerd Berlev-------- Original Meddelelse -----...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Apr 2009 01:30:00 GMT

9-11 fup eller fakta?

http://ekstrabladet.dk/nationentv/klip/?clipid=20889EN BESKED TIL ALLE DANSKERE... ...fra lektor Niels Harrit, sanger Ivan Petersen, skuespiller Flemming Jensen, Gasolin guitarist Franz Beckerlee, bas...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 02:11:00 GMT

Græsrødder i aktion for Palæstina mod Fogh - møde torsdag den 19. februar

Til Græsrødder i København og omegn Budskab fra græsrødderne har deltaget meget aktivt i forsvaret for Gazas befolkning, nu er det på tide at summe lidt over det Torsdag den 19. februar kl. 19 i Folke...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Feb 2009 15:50:00 GMT

Boykot Israel - Ikke palæstina - onsdag den 4. februar

"Boykot Israel - Ikke Palæstina"Israel ud af Gaza!Et besat folk har ret til modstandOnsdag den 4. februar v. Udenrigsministeriet, på hjørnet af Torvegade/Strandgade, ChristianshavnKl. 15-16.30 Markeri...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Feb 2009 04:28:00 GMT

Lad Gaza Leve!!!!

Kære under skriv ere på Thoma s Koppe ls appel Køben havns områd et Desvæ rre er situa tione n sådan i Gaza at den kræve r af os som menne sker at vi reage rer. Derfo r får du lidt flere mails...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Jan 2009 05:49:00 GMT


Opfordring fra Budskab fra Græsrødderne til demonstration mod massakren i Gaza! Kære venner Vi har gennem de sidste uger været vidner til en massakre i Gaza. Bombninger af tæt befolkede område...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Jan 2009 13:11:00 GMT

Oplysning og diskussion om aktiviteter mod massemordet i Gaza

Budskab fra græsrødderne har oprettet en Gaza-blog her: gaza.budskabfragrasrodderne.dkHvor der er plads til diskussion og til oplysninger om alle slags initiativer i Danmark for at få stoppet massakre...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 17:34:00 GMT


Stop Israels angreb på Gaza - Boykot Israel - Budskab fra Græsrødderne opfordrer i anledning af Israels invasion af Gaza alle til at møde op ved: Israels ambassade Søndag den 4. Januar 2009 kl. 17....
Posted by on Sun, 04 Jan 2009 08:21:00 GMT