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DESDEMONA belongs to those bands whose music does not let you be indifferent to its unique sounds and original arrangements.
The development of the band seems to be impressive. At the beginning of their career the musicians made the music similar to gothic-metal. However, they were combining various styles of music and mixing different instruments in search of their own style. It resulted in making the music which is recognizable and at the same time distinguishes the band from other alternative Polish groups. Electronics, guitars and female voice created cold, dark and gloomy athmosphere.
DESDEMONA is one of the most popular alternative Polish bands. The group gave a lot of concerts with such groups as: TYPE’O’NEGATIVE, TIAMAT, KATATONIA or PAIN.
Moreover, many times DESDEMONA performed at CASTLE PARTY FESTIVAL which is considered as a prestigious and famous festival of alternative music in Middle Europe. During CASTLE PARTY FESTIVAL they had an opportunity to play along withFRONT LINE ASSEMBLY, DREADFUL SHADOWS, DEINE LAKAIEN, CLAN OF XYMOX, SUICIDE COMMANDO, etc. What is more, the band twice participated in the tour of the gratest Polish alternative stars. The tour was called DARK STARS FESTIVAL. Besides DESDEMONA there were such bands like CLOSTERKELLER, MOONLIGHT, DELIGHT, ARTROSIS or FADING COLOURS.
Another important thing is that DESDEMONA records have been sold not only in Europe, but also in North Amercia, South America and Asia (mainly Japan). It is worth noticing that
DESDEMONA nalezy do tych zespolów, których muzyka nie pozwala pozostac sluchaczowi obojetnym na osobliwe dzwieki, którymi grupa raczy swoich odbiorców.
Zespól zaczynal od grania muzyki stylistycznie zblizonej do gothic-metalu, by ewoluowac i wypracowac ciekawy, a zarazem dosc oryginalny styl, znaczaco wyrózniajacy grupe na rodzimym rynku muzycznym. Elementy industrialnej elektroniki, ciezkie gitary i kobiecy wokal powoduja iz muzyka proponowana przez zespól nie daje sie jednoznacznie zaszufladkowac. Obecnie
DESDEMONA jest jednym z najpopularniejszych zespolów polskiej, mrocznej sceny alternatywnej. Grupa ma na swoim koncie wiele koncertów. Do najwazniejszych z nich naleza wystepy u boku takich gwiazd swiatowego formatu jak: dwa razyTYPE O NEGATIVE, TIAMAT,KATATONIA czy PAIN.
DESDEMONA wielokrotnie goscila na CASTLE PARTY FESTIVAL – najwiekszym festiwalu muzyki alternatywnej w Europie srodkowowschodniej, gdzie miala okazje zaprezentowac sie obok, FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY, DREADFUL SHADOWS, DAS ICH, DEINE LAKAIEN, PROJECT PITCHFORK, CLAN OF XYMOX, SUICIDE COMMANDO... Poza tym grupa dwukrotnie uczestniczyla w trasie koncertowej najwiekszych gwiazd polskiej sceny gotyckiej - DARK STARS FESTIVAL - DESDEMONA wystapila wspólnie z zespolami: CLOSTERKELLER, MOONLIGHT, DELIGHT, ARTROSIS czy FADING COLOURS .
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