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empty playground

profane - insane

About Me

Polecamy studio nagraniowe BloodBlack Studio
Najlepsza audycja metalowa! Sprawdz Thrashing Madness na www.afera.com.pl

Empty Playground is an antitheist chimaira, a heretic disfigurement, a fetus of the industrial era. The band represents an atheist view on life and a brutal view on music.
They formed several years back with two of it's members feeling an urge to express themselves musically, visually and ideologically. After exploring many ways to achieve their goal they finally ended up withthe band you see here and the sounds you can hear on their selftitled, debut EP album.
Their music is rage, their music is rotten, their music is savage, it's the taste of blood, sweat, flesh and tears all in a tasty, raw package. The music is simple yet too complicated to describe. Not boundwith genres, not bound with fashion, the mixture of fast and energetic drums, raw, simple, downtune riffs and insane vocals, spiced up with synthetic beats and horror movie samples simply makes you fuck thepit up!
This goes together with a strong anti-theist ideology. Coming from an orthodox catholic country of Poland (Eastern Europe), where the church tells people what to do, what to believe in, what to think, how tovote, how to fuck and what to eat, their rage against clerical rule turned into a scream of hate against all religion and churches. No matter jewish, satanic, hindu, or catholic - religion is death to a freemind!
'deformation of the body makes the pain go away,
deformation of the soul makes you go insane'
Empty Playground to anty-teistyczna chimera, heretycka deformacja, plód ery industrialnej. Zespól reprezentuje ateistyczny poglad na zycie i brutalny poglad na muzyke.
Idea zalozona kilka lat temu przez dwóch z jej obecnych czlonków, którzy odczuwali potrzebe muzycznej, wizualnej i ideologicznej ekspresji. Po zbadaniu wielu kombinacji jak osiagnac pozadany efektskompletowali sklad, który tu widzicie i robia muzyke, która mozecie uslyszec na debiutenckiej EPce!
Ich muzyka to gniew, ich muzyka jest zgnila, dzika, to smak krwi, potu, ciala i lez w surowym, smakowitym pakunku. Jest prosta, jednak zbyt skomplikowana, aby poddac ja prostej klasyfikacji. Nieograniczajac sie gatunkami muzycznymi, moda, serwuja mieszanke energetycznych i szybkich bebnów, surowych i prostych, niskich gitar, popierdolonych wokali przyprawiona syntetycznymi bitami i podkladami, orazsamplami z horrorów, która powoduje, ze masz ochote zrobic gnój w kotle!
Muzyka idzie w parze z silna anty-teistyczna ideologia. Zespól pochodzi z ortodoksyjnego kraju katolickiego, gdzie kosciól mówi ludziom co robic, w co wierzyc, co myslec, jak glosowac, jak sie pieprzyc i cojesc. Ich gniew wobec kosciola przerodzil sie w nienawisc do wszelkich form religijnych. Niewazne czy zydowska, satanistyczna, hindu czy katolicka ...
religia to smierc dla wolnego umyslu!

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Member Since: 3/9/2007
Band Website: emptyplayground.com
Band Members: vocals





Influences: Cannibal Corpse, Slipknot, Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, Devourment, Krisiun, Kaiserach, Brujeria, American Head Charge, Asesino, Cradle of Filth, Fear Factory, Lamb of God, Meshuggah, Mnemic, Mudvayne, NeverMore, Death, Rammstein, Slayer, Vader, Behemoth and so many fucking others ...
Sounds Like: ur mom puking cornflakes while getting ass fucked and gagged by two black 9" cocks, wtf did u think we sound like?
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

[PL] Empty Playground w INTERIA.PL METAL NEWS!

Na portalu INTERIA.PL umieszczono newsa o Empty Playground! Wejdz na portal i rozpocznij dyskusje! Zostaw komentarz!Groza na Pustym Placu Zabaw ...
Posted by empty playground on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 02:14:00 PST

[PL only] Wywiad z afery do odsluchania!

Skleilismy do kupy fragmenty wywiadu przeprowadzonego z Empty Playground w audycji Thrashing Madness (Radio Afera)! Kliknij na banner, zeby sciagnac wywiad!...
Posted by empty playground on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 02:32:00 PST

[PL/ENG] 3 new songs up! Debut EP OUT NOW!! / 3 nowe kawalki! EPka juz dostepna!

[ENG]HAH!!Fucking finally!! All the work has paid off and we are able to present to you this spawn of ours which we call our selftitled EP! You can visit our MySpace to  check out 4 out of 7 trac...
Posted by empty playground on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 06:43:00 PST

[PL/ENG] Nowa odslona Myspace / New Myspace Layout

[ENG]We've just setup our new myspace layout! The theme refers to our debut release coming early June! Wer're pretty hyped about it so let us know what you think and leave some comments! We're also lo...
Posted by empty playground on Sun, 25 May 2008 12:02:00 PST


[ENG]We've just posted one of the tracks from our upcoming, selftitled debut EP!! Be sure to check it out at our myspace and tell us what you think!To give you a better view on what..s comming up, the...
Posted by empty playground on Sun, 25 May 2008 12:07:00 PST