LeRoy P Marinell profile picture

LeRoy P Marinell

SANREMO (IM) Italia and

About Me

"Werewolves of London" is probably the best known tune written by LeRoy.....After "Werewolves", I'd have to say it would be "Excitable Boy", which was the title cut of the album.... It also managed to get plenty of attention.......actually there are 6 tunes he wrote with Warren Zevon....the others are "Looking For The Next Best Thing", "Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead", "It Ain't That Pretty At All" and "Model Citizen"...........Marinell and Zevon had some good times, more than their share of laughs, some bad arguments and wrote some memorable tunes together........one of the tunes that's sometimes up on this website is called "The Goose Is Dead" and it, pretty much, tells the story of those boys......crank up the level and enjoy it....... I've known LeRoy for many years....since the days of folk and yore in Ocean Park, California when he and Kenny Edwards stuffed towels in their martin guitars and founded their first electric band, The Truck..... eat your hearts out boys and girls.....LeRoy spends about 4 months of the year on Chicago's north shore and the rest of his time on the Italian Riviera in a town some call the forgotten star of the Italian Riviera, San Remo.......la bella vita.....hangin out on the shores of the Mediterranean by day and playing american rock and roll in joints up and down the coast from Nice, France to Genova, Italy by night....."It's good for the writing" he says.......and most of all it's the most fun he's had since the days when he and Waddy Wachtel used to put together a pickup band and play for $10 a night for all they could drink at Benny K's in Hollywood.....you'd never know who would show up on a given night, from Lindsay Buckingham and Kenny Edwards to Billy and Barry Cowsill.....no rehearsals....just call the song and count it off was the deal...... the most recent covers were done by Mavis Staples on her W.C. Handy, award winning (album of the year), "Have A Little Faith" which was produced by Jim Tullio...... there are 3 tunes on that cd written by Marinell and Tullio: "In Times Like These, "Pops' Recipe" and "At The End Of The Day"...... some of you might be familiar with a tune called "Two Heroes", written with Peter Case.....one of the great songwriters around today.....Peter was the guy that founded the Plimsoles........Johnny Halliday, the French Elvis, recorded "Generation Ban Louie"......in french, no less.....we still have no idea what he might be saying......the late Barry Cowsill recorded a version of "Sweet And Dirty Girl" the year before he died......then there are the tunes from the Mystery Brothers cd......a rare item, indeed, but worth listening to if you can find it....

My Interests


Member Since: 10/1/2006
Band Website: cdbaby.com/cd/leroypmarinell
Band Members: These are the guys who make up my recording band, the Wolfpack.. Some of them live in italy and some in the states....But, regardless of where they live, every one of them plays real good and we all love to rock.....they're the ones that play their hearts out on my tunes and make me sound like I know what I'm doing......not always such an easy feat...... Louie Zagoras, Jim Tullio, Kino Rossini, Peo Gandini, Ed Stevenson, Mark Gleed, Blair Wagner, Bobby Remington and Mark Diffenderffer (Diff)........ many thanks guys...... And. a VERY special thank you to Tommy Winter.....The man who owns and runs the Random Phil recording studio in Banockburn, Illinois, where a lot of my stuff was recorded....and not to forget Johnny Holiday, aka Bushki, head of the dreaded, technical department.....Last, but certainly not least, is Lisa, chief of operations for North America......Without whom nothing would ever get done.....For example, you order a CD and you receive it because Lisa made sure it was shipped.....
Influences: Back when LeRoy was growing up in Chicago, Chess and Checker records owned a local radio station that played the best blues there was.......Wolf, Muddy, Chuck, Willie and on and on......that station played day and night whether LeRoy was awake or asleep.......then along came folk music and he decided it was time to get a guitar....the theory being, if they could do it, so could he......It would, probably, also be safe to say that LeRoy was never what one would call compliant.......So when his teachers told him that his aptitude tests indicated he should be a lawyer or scientist, actually, most anything, as long as he stayed away from the arts, what do you think he did? hmm?????? that's right......he went out and bought his 1st Martin guitar......a sweet 000-18, which he wishes he still had.......that lasted for a few years and he played coffee houses and concerts from Chicago to Los Angeles.......there was even a time when he and John Denver used to put on shows in Big Sur on the California coast for hamburgers, beer and a place to camp out....... and then, along came the Beatles......everything changed......electricity and drums had arrived...... as a very young boy, WJJD, plow incorporated, was the top country music startion around Chicago.....Hank, Lefty, Patsy, the Sons of the Pioneers and on and on....that was the beginning i guess.......although "Sabre Dance"was a favorite for a while....... later it was every kind of music, as long as it was good.....a good polka could do it......opera too.......bluegrass....you name it......it all had an impact......but when Elvis released "Heartbreak Hotel" and Bill Haley hit the radio with "Rock Around The Clock", the die was cast........ The most recent, musical hero is a guy calls himself Zucchero. An Italian artist who is, truly, one of the greats.....Because of him, Marinell's written a couple of songs that are part in English and part in Italian....."He (Zucchero) does that a lot and it charmed me the first time i heard it"....There's a live version of one up on this site sometimes....it's called "Stringimi Forte Paulina" (Hold Me Tight Paulina)......Recorded live at the Sax Pub in Sanremo, and the story's, pretty much, true........................................................ ...........................
Sounds Like: Music....it sounds like music........and lyrics.....what people listened to when there were musicisns and songwriters.....LEROY P MARINELL: Love In The Ruins

A brand new album from the writer of "Werewolves of London."

Record Label: Mondiale Media
Type of Label: Indie