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About Me

I am one-half of Middlefish Pond, a two-person vocal group spawned in the fertile terrain of eastern Iowa in 1970, now a commuter relationship between Random Fill Studio (Chicago area) and Amanapond Music (ASCAP) (Washington area). The band, which plays original songs sharing a satiric blues-rock-folk-often political-Zen sensibility, is proud to have made its much-anticipated debut commercial release, "Last Chance to Breathe." Check out our MySpace page at, as well as Or...In my alternate universe, I'm a labor journalist/editor equipped with a wife, two kids, smart dog, a dumb cat, yadda yadda yadda.Now you know.

My Blog

Brave New World

Hello folks. This space is primitive because I'm new to MySpace, but regrettably not to the world. Feel free to share your thoughts about music, art, personal growth, personal growths, creeping fascis...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 13:42:00 GMT