I am comic.Boy! My real name is 'Nick edwards'. I write acoustic based pop music accompanied with violins. Take Get Cape ,Wear cape ,fly, Frank Turner and Dashboard confessional and a hint of Damian Rice and i would guess you would see me fitting loosely in between with my own style and representation of acoustic based Folk/Rock/Pop.
I have a volionist called 'Harriet Green', who plays with me on some of my live shows, and helps put together my songs. I get together with my friends for help putting together my records, and i really hope you like my songs. i would love to add to my sound in the near future, and continue to play alongside people who enspire my everyday.
You can almost always find me hiding away usually from the crunch of my hometown life. i enjoy drinking with my friends and amost always find time for a cup'o'tea. " A cup of tea to seperate one of lifes great hours" (Take note). I dont ever begin to understand life, i just like to sing about it. I write songs about me and my friends and the ones i love, about times that i share, about times that we lost. i hope you enjoy :-)
I released my single 'Good Luck' on 21.02.08. My single 'Good Luck' is taken from my upcoming record ' P.s. With friends making atmostpheres', which i am releasing on 17TH APRIL 2007!. You can Pre-order " P.S. With friends making atmostpheres" now by clicking on the paypal button under the 'RECORDS' Logo to the left. also taken from the same record uploaded on myspace are 'p.s. with friends making atmostpheres', 'Best days of your life' and, 'Behind the rush'.
1. Listen to my tracks, watch my music video, download my songs and leave me a message telling me how great i am and how i changed your life!
2. Buy my latest record 'P.s. with friends making atmostpheres'. you can do that by clicking on the paypal button for a hard copy or wait a few weeks for the itunes release in May. Its probably the best record you will ever buy.
3. Tell all of your friends, family, and relatives about me and how i can change their lifes!
4. Take a look at my gig listings and come to a gig to see me in the flesh play my beatifull songs. I promise you good times!
Here is the video i done recently for my single 'Good Luck'. The video was done by the kind hands of Jamie Stanton and Gary Scullion. you can get in contact with him by clicking on his lovely picture in my friends.
So Thanks for all your support up to now.....but i just like to play my guitar, and am very greatfull that you love to listen.
And a short video for your enjoyment...
In the past i have had the privledge of playing alongside other great and talented musicans like Luke Pickett ,Dartz!, Luke Leighfield, The television talks, Tonight is goodbye, Dave house, Kevin Barnes, Frank turner, Furthest drive home, The Broadcast , and have played shows at the Cavern, Liverpool, The Barfly, london, The FLy, London, and the Cardiff, Barfly among a few.
If your wondering where all our awsome artwork comes from you can check out this guy by clicking on the logo below. Go check him out!
You can contact me:
[email protected]
Add us on msn:
[email protected]
Tel: (+44) 7512 848 505