Louis Lingg and the Bombs, punk, pop, anarchiste. Depuis 2006.
this is a really cool video filmed with 2 cameras by the amazing fred ambroise of our set in the zorba cafe on 16th febuary.
This is a video from our set at the Miroiterie 17th January.
This is a trailor for a fucked up american film that features our song AM STRAM GRAM!
Louis Lingg and the Bombs
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mon email:
[email protected]
It's gonna fucking rock!
Leurs influences sont d’abord punk de la génération 77 avec The Buzzcocks, The Clash, The Undertones ; jusqu’aux groupes punk modernes tel que The Epoxies, Antiflag, Rancid, Greenday . Ils gardent aussi en mémoire les chansons de leur enfance écrites par Shirley Ellis et celles de leur adolescence: Nirvana, Bikini Kill, The Pixies et The Butthole Surfers.
En France : Guerilla Poubelle, The Hatepinks et Charge 69.
Le groupe rend hommage à Louis Lingg, le fameux anarchiste de Chicago qui met fin à ses jours dans le couloir de la mort en 1886. Il inspire au groupes ses chansons les plus politiques, qui côtoient des morceaux plus ludiques et enfantins; mais le dénominateur commun a tous les morceaux de ce groupe reste l’énergie pop et l’enthousiasme militant.
Vous pouvez ecouter un interview avec le groupe (en francais) de l'emmission radio, Rock en Folie. Cliquer cette lien: Rock en folie.com
Louis Lingg and the Bombs is a Parisian punk rock band formed in the summer of 2006.
The group is named after Louis Lingg, the famous Chicago anarchist who committed suicide on death row in 1887. Some of their songs are ultra-political anarchist punk rock anthems and some of their songs are like children's nursery rhymes. ALL of their songs are full of pop hooks and melodies and they are sung with energy and commitment to the cause of REVOLUTION!
We love to play live and are always looking for concerts so... contact us!
My e_mail:
[email protected]
We hate capitalists and sell outs!
Achetez notre disque!: (clicquez sur le lien en bas)
We finished our first 8 track CD EP! You can buy it online at: (click on the link below and get your credit card out. Totally secure, cheap and fast. We promise!) Les-independants.com
or in the following Parisian record shops:
Born Bad,
Bimbo Towers,
Ground zero,
Also, you can download the NetBloc Volume 9 compilation from Blocsonic. it's a totally free, revolutionary, awesome compilation (with a really well designed booklet in pdf form) that features a Louis Lingg and the Bombs song! Click here: www.blocsonic.com
The group is 100% DIY! and...