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Keith Mann

They call me a Terror Chief!

About Me

I am what the media label an "animal rights extremist". This means I am extremely opposed to the use of violence against other animals for food, fun, sex and profit and I proudly defend the weak and vulnerable in our society. My objection to the use of animals in vivisection is two fold, firstly it is unethical secondly unhelpful. I am like many labeled an extremist simply for questioning this outdated cruel but profitable industry. Medical progress is hindered by animal testing, as will be demonstrated in the first independent scientific evaluation that is carried out into this whole area. I have been involved in animal protection work since I left school in 1982 and begun to learn of the terrible things humans do to other animals. Not something I was taught about in school. What I was taught at school logarithms, fractions and all that and what I thought I wanted to do with my life soon became irrelevant and I have since then dedicated my time to changing the destructive ways we behave a species. Briefly I followed the ordered path of protest and duly wrote to MP's and so on but soon became disillusioned with lies the excuses and pace of change and have since made much more progress by taking the law into my own hands. As a consequence I have saved many animals from cruelty and spent time in prison for my efforts. I am proud to speak publicly on behalf of the Animal Liberation Front and others who risk their lives and liberty to protect others.
Today I am involved in promoting the thought-provoking social history documentary Behind The Mask which I am touring the UK and further afield with, a film which is inspiring audiences at every event. Come see:
This is a hugely significant social history statement not to be missed and I recommend it to everyone with an open mind and dare those will closed minds to take a look. It isn't some horrific film of animal abuse but a very powerful and exciting take on a hot topic. A trailer for the film can be viewed here
You can buy the film on DVD from me for £10 from BM 2636 London WC1N 3XX. It is also available to buy securely online using PayPal (a PayPal account is not required, just a valid debit or credit card) Click here to buy.
I have also recently completed a book on the history of the Animal Liberation Movement called From Dusk 'til Dawn. It was published on May 24th and is now available to anyone anywhere. This is a big work, over 650 pages, which I began in 1992 and it covers the growth of the ALF and looks in detail at the events that have shaped the modern animal liberation movement. More information can be found here
Would you believe that the so-called extremists have never killed anyone yet have suffered many casualties in recent years in violent attacks little reported in the press, including three deaths? Who was it putting pressure on the government in 2003 to finally outlaw fur farming in the UK? Not the RSPCA, no chance! It was the fur farmers themselves; unable to cope with the public pressure they were under as raiding parties breached their security. Who was the only person to be imprisoned for planting a car bomb under a huntsman's Land Rover. A hunt saboteur? An "animal lib loony"? No it was the huntsman himself seeking to discredit the movement. And what became of the once animal friendly RSPCA that it would allow animals in its care to be sold to unscrupulous breeders and an uncertain fate and give its stamp of approval to factory farms and slaughterhouses?
You can buy the book for £14.99 plus postage from BM 2636 London WC1N 3XX. It is also available to buy securely online using PayPal (a PayPal account is not required, just a valid debit or credit card) Click here to buy.
In 1993 I escaped from prison and spent a year on the run. This is when I lived with Peter Pipes whose picture is here and several hundred other animals at Celia Hammond's sanctuary in East Sussex. He was special and his passing broke my heart. I was later sentenced to 11 years and served seven. In 2003 I broke into a testing laboratory in Hampshire and removed files detailing extensive poisoning programmes using tens of thousands of animals to test botox, a cosmetic product - supposedly, according to MP's, banned in the UK. Botox is now on the extensive list of animal tested products that are killing people.

My Interests

Fighting The New World Order With Global Non ComplianceTHE FINAL SOLUTION

I'd like to meet:

The one they call God. Find out what on Earth he was thinking.




Loose Change
Add to My Profile | More VideosBBC World reports the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building (WTC 7) while it is clearly still standing outside the window behind the reporter (tall building on the right). They also give a time reference that is 23 minutes before the actual collapse. As the reporter keeps talking to the studio anchor and the time approaches the actual collapse, her feed cuts out to the BBC studio (approx. 5 minutes before). Who fed them this information?



My Blog

Wakey Wakey

Human Freedom Animal Rights One Struggle One Fight                           &nbs...
Posted by Keith Mann on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 02:27:00 PST

Corrs guitarist: 9/11 was an inside job e3750417.ece Corrs guitarist Jim Corr has claimed that there was overwhelming evidence that the 9/11 attacks in America were car...
Posted by Keith Mann on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 01:08:00 PST

A Really Cruel Compromise

Can you imagine a time when, in order to address the pressing issue of human rights abuse in backward countries, the likes of Amnesty International agree a compromise whereby torture techniques are ...
Posted by Keith Mann on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 03:36:00 PST

conspiracy, fact.

Tom Valentine, Radio Free America: There are people, like myself, who are called "health nuts". A "health nut" is a person who advocates natural health things. The "nut" is a term of endearment now. T...
Posted by Keith Mann on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 06:18:00 PST

3 More Videos of police raid at UK AR Gathering

Posted by Keith Mann on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 02:53:00 PST

Pictures of Police Raid at UK Animal Rights Gathering 2007

-->[if !supportEmptyParas]-->  -->[endif]--> Gearing up about to invade the camp site -->[if !supportEmptyParas]-->  -->[endif]--> -->[if !supportEmptyParas]-->  -->[endif]-->...
Posted by Keith Mann on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 08:37:00 PST

New video of raid at Animal Rights Gathering 2007 Check 'My Videos' ...
Posted by Keith Mann on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 03:18:00 PST

UK Animal Rights Gathering Report

To update on the weekend's AR 2007 (UK) gathering at the FRIEND sanctuary in Kent. 200 lovely people from the UK and some further afield came together over the three days. The weather was wet on Fri...
Posted by Keith Mann on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 03:38:00 PST

Shac attack

The politically motivated arrests of 30 animal rights campaigners on May 1st by a staggering 700 police officers is the but the latest indication of the extremes this government will go to try and a...
Posted by Keith Mann on Sat, 05 May 2007 04:05:00 PST

Donald Currie sentencing

ALF activist Donald Currie (40) was yesterday sentenced to 12 years in prison at Reading Crown Court for his involvement in the global campaign against Huntingdon Life Sciences. He was additionally g...
Posted by Keith Mann on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 02:29:00 PST