In this place, I am what I write, plus a picture.
Cosmic Traveler With A Smashed Compass is the story of a soul’s journey through the afterlife. It explores Tibetan Buddhism, the psychological realm of the Gods and the harrowing tumult (and wonder) that inundates the mind at the moment of death.
According to Tibetan Buddhism, at the moment of death a person’s soul (mind) transcends into a dream state known as the Chonyid Bardo (afterlife). It is in the Chonyid Bardo that gods manifest as eidetic, or hallucinatory representations of one’s religious convictions, rallying in a psychic production that portrays the inescapable plight of all sentient beings – self judgment. Although of dream, the heavens and hells of these gods are as real to the soul as Earth is to the human body.
(1) The moment the soul crossed the mystical threshold into the Void, his body, or rather his sense of body, and his thoughts, his entire sense of Self, were no more. He was a droplet of consciousness entering the clearest of oceans, and as surely as a droplet becomes as one with an ocean, so too did the soul become as one with the Void; from the minute to the colossal did he become.
(2) Standing before Heaven's gates, the soul was uncertain as to who he was, or where he'd come from, as all souls are. This is a natural consequence of the transcendental quagmire, for the matter of whether one’s consciousness is ascending or descending through the psychic storms of existence can be difficult to discern when the plight of affirmation is eternal, leaving one an easy target for the most crass and cunning of godly sophists. Indeed, to have no memory of a past and no concept of a future serves well a practical purpose, because a soul's past is plagued with terrifying abuse and ceaseless servitude, and a future that offers nothing but more of the same. To reside only in the present provides a soul the opportunity of a new beginning, from one moment to the next, ceaselessly, forevermore...
(3) To those about to receive him in Heaven, the little soul was as much adored as he was abhorred. They knew well of his ageless exploits, even if he himself had forgotten. His name was Baconian, Baconian Zanzibar; and his quest for truth, both defiant and daring, was legendary throughout the cosmos.
(4) “Lord Baconian is a cosmic traveler with a smashed compass, who hunts for truth, yet knows not where to hunt for he has lost his way. He spots Earth one day, and thus does he join many souls who, as an endless river, flow into and through the planet’s hue of green and blue, which combined with the white light of the sun, makes it so beautiful and unique. Many souls simply pass straight through, oblivious to the physical realm despite their being in it, continuing their journey onward through this universe and on to the next, whilst many others find their way into Nature’s womb, here on Earth, and so do new flowers bloom with the energy of these souls, and new babies are born of every species..."
(5) For thousands of years religious wars have raged, and so will they continue until there are no souls left on Earth for the gods to fight over."
(6) "There is only one way to die; that's laughing.., and looking good." (Baconian Zanzibar).
Ask yourself this question. When your eyes close for the last in time, what is it that you will see?
CARL JUNG described Tibetan Buddhism as a more advanced form of psychology than that practiced and contemplated in the West. After a near death experience on the operating table, The Tibetan Book of the Dead became Jung's bible.
PHOTOGRAPHY: Samples of my photography are on the rotating cube. If you wish to view more of my portfolios, please go to ....