Picking things up that Kester finds on the ground (in Mexico) and either putting them in Kester's mouth, pocket, or back where they belong. Counting Kester's toes (in Mexico). Walking with Kester's hands in Kester's pockets (in Mexico). Looking at things (in Mexico). Smelling pizza (in Mexico). Picking tomatoes out of peoples sandwiches when they aren't looking (in Mexico). Scratching and/or itching itches (in Mexico). Vaccum cleaners (from Mexico). Trying on underpants for a day and then returning them to the store where Kester bought them (in Mexico).
chicas (preferably female) in Mexico.
Any music that lends itself to crotch thrusts and/or the two finger twist... IN MEXICO.
Kester is a ladies man in Mexico, so Kester likes the Ladies Man because Kester can relate (in Mexico).
Daytime soaps are great (in Mexico). You know, like Days of Our Lives and such. Yes, but American Idol and TRL are Kester's favorites because Kester loves being told what Kester likes (in Mexico).
Kester says books are for nerds (in Mexico), except for The Hardy Boys or anything else written by another brother (in Mexico).
Kester is far to cool to have a hero (in Mexico), but if Kester had to pick one Kester would say Jesus (in Mexico)... either that or Kester (in Mexico)... its really a toss up between the two (in Mexico).