Ivan Pavlov: The Man who helped teach The Elite how to Dumb Down America!!!Ivan Pavlov (1849 - 1936)------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------Compiled by Mindy Lautenheiser (May 1999)• Biography • Theory • Time Line • Bibliography------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------Ivan Pavlov was a Russian physiologist whose research on the physiology of digestion led to the development of the first experimental model of learning, Classical Conditioning. Most of his research was gathered studying salivating dogs. An illustrated review of Pavlov's experiments is available on the [Discovery Web Site].Pavlov was born on September 14, 1849, at Ryazan, Russia. Because he was born into a large family, poverty was always an issue. His father, Peter Dmitrievich Pavlov, was the village priest and young Ivan tended to the church property. Pavlov inherited many of his father's characteristics including a strong will to succeed.The oldest sibbling, Ivan Pavlov was also among the healthiest. He began school at the Ryazan Ecclesiastical High School. Pavlov and his brothers eventually entered the Ryazan Ecclesiastical Seminary. At the Seminary, he planned to pursue a career in theology. However, after being introduced to the works of Charles Darwin and Ivan Sechenov, Pavlov decided to transfer to the University of St. Petersburg to gain knowledge about natural science. There, Pavlov gained great respect for a professor of physiology, Cyon. Due to Cyon's enthusiasm for physiology, he decided to become a physiologist during his third year. At that point, Pavlov started work as an assistant in a laboratory in which he earned 50 rubles a month.Eventually, Pavlov's research on the physiology of digestion would earn him the Nobel Prize. As a skilled surgeon, he was able to implant small stomach pouches in dogs to measure the secretion of gastric juices produced when the dogs began to eat. With the help of his assistants, he was able to condition the dogs to salivate at the click of a metronome. As his work progressed, Pavlov established the basis for conditioned reflexes and the field of classical conditioning.----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Theory Pavlov concluded that he was able to pair a neutral stimulus with an excitatory one and have the neutral stimulus eventually elicit the response the was associated with the original, unlearned reflex. In Classical Conditioning terminology, an unconditioned stimulus (US) is an event that causes a response to occur, which is referred to as the unconditioned response (UR). And, in Pavlov's study with dogs, the food within the dog's mouth is the US, and the salivation that results is the UR. Pavlov took a step further and added an element known as the nonexcitatory, conditioned stimulus (CS), which is paired with the US. Pavlov used a metronome as the CS which he rang first, then fed the dogs. This pairing would eventually establish the dog's conditioned response of salivating to the sound of the metronome. After repeating this procedure several times, Pavlov was able to remove the US (food) and by only ringing the bell the dogs would salivate (CR). Since the bell alone now produced the unconditioned response (salivation), the association had been established (Conditioned). Pavlov continued to present the CS with any pairing with the US until the CR no longer occurred. This elimination of the CR is known as extinction. However, waiting a few days and then reintroducing ticking metronome resulted in the dogs once again salivating to the CS. Pavlov termed this, spontaneous recovery.Pavlov continued of the conditioned response. He replaced the metronome with other stimuli for use as the CS. He conditioned the dogs using a buzzer, the flash of a light, a touch on the dog's harness, and the use of different pitches of a whistle in which the dogs had to differentiate between to determine which pitch resulted in access to food.Pavlov's experimental research gained much respect throughout Russia as well as America and the rest of the nations. Although he began his investigations late in life he managed to develop the major constructs of a fully realized field of learning. He summarized his discoveries in his remarkable book, Conditioned Reflexes.--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Time Line September 14, 1894 Born in Ryazan, Russia 1870 Leaving his religious career, Pavlov enrolled to take a natural science course at the University of St. Pertersburg 1875 Graduated from the University of St. Pertersburg and took an assistantship from Cyon in his laboratory at the Military-Medical Academy; received the degree of Candidate of Natural Sciences 1876-78 Becomes an assistant in Ustimovich's laboratory Summer of 1877 He spent time in Physiological Laboratory of Professor R. Heidenhain at Breslau 1879 Graduated from the Military-Medical Academy 1879 Completed third course of study at the Academy of Medical Surgery; awarded his first gold medal 1879-1904 Wrote for a volume in commemoration of the 25th Graduation Anniversary from the Military-Medical Academy June 13, 1880 Proposed to Seraphima (Sara) Vasilievna karchevskaya 1880-84 Postgraduate study and research at the Academy 1881 Married Sara 1883 Discovered dynamic nerves of the heart and submitted thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medicine April 24, 1884 Made a lecturer in physiology at the Military-Medical Academy 1885-86 Studied abroad June 15, 1890 Made chair and appointed professor of pharmacology in the Military-Medical Academy 1890 Appointed director of physiology department at the Institute of Experimental Medicine in St. Petersburg June 13, 1891 Gained directorship of the Department of Physiology in the Institute of Experimental Medicine 1891-1900 Did most of his research on physiology of digestion at the Institute of Experimental Medicine May 29, 1895 Appointed to Chair of Physiology until 1925 1897 Published his lectures entitled Lectures on the functions of the principal digestive glands 1901 Elected as a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1904 Received Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for work on the physiology of the digestive glands 1907 Elected Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1912 Given an honorary doctorate at Cambridge University 1915 Awarded the Order of the legion of Honour (Medical Academy of Paris recommendation) January 24, 1921 Awarded a special government decree signed by Lenin 1924 Resigned from professorship at the Military-Medical Academy 1935 Youngest son, Vsevolod, died 1935 Government built a laboratory for Pavlov with his chief work on conditioned reflexes 1936 On February 27, Pavlov died in Leningrad--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Bibliography Babkin, B.P. (1949). Pavlov: A Biography. Toronto, Canada: The University of Chicago Press. Hothersall, David. (1995). History of Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. pp. 239-253. Morris, C.G., and Maisto, A.A. (1999). Understanding Psychology. 4th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. WEBSITES: "Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich". Available: http://www.excite.com/reference/almanac/?id=A0158299 Provides the year of birth and death, birthplace, and career field of Pavlov. "Ivan Petrovich Pavlov". Available: http://www.de.nobel.se/laureates/medicine-1904-1-bio.html Provides factual information about Pavlov's life both personal and career related.---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------[History Home Page] [Psychology Department Home Page]HOW DOES THIS AFFECT US!?WHY IS THIS USED ON US!!
The Men Who Decided to Tell The True History of Birth of Western CultureDo you really think he will do this?The Men Behind the Scenes Rockefeller, John Davison Rockefeller, John Davison, 1839–1937, American industrialist and philanthropist, b. Richford, N.Y. He moved (1853) with his family to a farm near Cleveland and at age 16 went to work as a bookkeeper. Frugal and industrious, Rockefeller became (1859) a partner in a produce business, and four years later, with his partners, he established an oil refinery, entering into an industry already thriving in Cleveland.In 1870 he and his associates—including S. V. Harkness, H. M. Flagler, and his brother William—organized the Standard Oil Company of Ohio, capitalized at $1 million. By enforcing strict economy and efficiency, through mergers and agreements with competitors, by ruthlessly crushing weaker competitors, and by accumulating large capital reserves, Rockefeller soon dominated the American oil-refining industry. Rebate agreements, which he forced from the railroads, and the control of pipeline distribution of refined oil strengthened the near monopoly of the Standard Oil Company.In 1882 the diverse holdings of the various members of Rockefeller's combination were tied together into the Standard Oil trust. Court action compelled the trust to dissolve 10 years later, but in a few years the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey was chartered as a holding company, with a capitalization of $110 million. Rockefeller was also prominent in the affairs of railroads and banks, being second only to J. P. Morgan in the domain of finance. When the United States Steel Corporation was formed (1901), Rockefeller was one of the directors. In 1911 a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court required the holding company to dissolve and its directors to relinquish their control over the numerous subsidiaries. Rockefeller personally ruled over his enormous petroleum business until 1911, when he retired with a fabulous fortune.Intensely religious, Rockefeller had an interest in philanthropy as deep as his interest in business. He gave generously to the Baptist Church, to the YMCA, and to the Anti-Saloon League. He also founded (1892) the Univ. of Chicago. The most prominent of the philanthropic enterprises to which he eventually turned over some $500 million were the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, founded (1901) in New York City and since 1965 known as Rockefeller Univ.; the General Education Board, organized (1902) to make gifts to various educational and research agencies; the Rockefeller Foundation, established (1913) to promote public health and to further the medical, natural, and social sciences; and the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, founded (1918) in memory of his wife, for the furthering of child welfare and the social sciences. He wrote Random Reminiscences of Men and Events (1909).American DynastyTranslate Bush Family Values Photo Album For more than a half century, members of the Bush family have been setting policy and making decisions for all Americans. Let's look at the family that has had such an impact on the lives of human beings worldwide It all started with Prescott Bush, George W. Bush's grandfather. In 1918 it is said that he robbed the grave and stole the skull of the Native American warrior Geronimo as part of an initiation into Yale's Skull and Bones Society. The Skull and Bones society has long been important to the Bush Family. George Bush Sr. and George W. Bush were also members of this secret society. Prescott Bush had a bit of trouble back in the 1940s. While American soldiers were fighting the Nazis in WWII, a few of the companies Prescott managed were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act because they were fronts for Nazi Industrialist Fritz Thyssen, a financier of Hitler's Third Reich.Here are more pictures of Bush family and friendsThis is GW's Uncle Prescott, Jr. During the embargo on China, his company was the only US firm allowed to do business there, exporting communications satellites. He recently retired as the Chairman of the USA-China Chamber of Commerce, which might be one reason China isn't part of the Axis of Evil. (more on China) He also has ties to Manuel Noriega (below).For many years, the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (now DEA) wanted to have Manuel Noriega arrested for drug trafficking, but instead George Bush, Sr. kept him on the CIA payroll. For more than a decade, thousands of tons of cocaine poured onto the streets of America through the Panama Canal while the US government looked the other way. This destroyed the stability of millions of American families, and the repercussions to our society are still being felt today. Here's GW when he was in the National Guard, which he joined to get out of going to Vietnam. He was a pilot in Texas until his flight status was revoked for refusing to take medical exams. For at least eight months, he didn't even show up for duty. Click here for full details This is JebThis is Jeb's friend Orlando Bosch.This is Jeb's wife Columba BushHe's a terrorist accused of blowing up an airplane killing 76 people in Cuba, but George Bush, Sr. thought so much of him that he gave him a Presidential Pardon.She was embarrassed after she got caught smuggling almost $20,000 worth of clothes and jewelery into America after a trip to France.This is Jeb's brother Neil Bush. He cost American taxpayers $1 billion after some shady loans he made caused the Silverado Savings and Loan to go under in 1988. Now he's making millions selling software to Florida schools. Now he's divorcing his wife and leaving her broke, after he had several affairs and contracted a venereal disease (scroll down). Coincidentally, Neil was scheduled to have dinner with John Hinckley's brother the day after the Reagan Assassination attempt. When George Bush, Sr. was the Vice President, he was involved in secretly selling weapons to our enemy Iran. The money from the weapons sales went to build a secret army that was trying to overthrow the Nicaraguan government. This resulted in years of violence and slaughter for many thousands of Central Americans, and it allowed thousands of tons of drugs to be dumped on the streets of America. When he was president, George Bush, Sr. gave a presidential pardon to the others who were involved in the Iran-Contra scandal. Besides their last names, George W and Jeb Bush have this in common: All of their children have been in trouble with the law. Unlike most Americans who commit crimes ranging from sexual misconduct to felony prescription fraud, the Bush Kids never go to prison.Now George Bush, Sr. works for The Carlyle Group. They invest in defense companies, medical laboratories, and the telecommunications industry. The Carlyle Group is one of the government's biggest contractors. George Bush, Sr. and The Carlyle Group stand to make billions of dollars from the War on Terror. On September 11, The Carlyle Group was having a conference at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Washington, DC with members of the Bin Laden family, one of their investors.Rockefeller, John Davison IV (b. 1937) — also known as John D. Rockefeller IV; Jay Rockefeller — of Charleston, Kanawha County, W.Va. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., June 18, 1937. Great-grandson of Nelson Wilmarth Aldrich; grandnephew of Richard Steere Aldrich; nephew of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller and Winthrop Rockefeller; son-in-law of Charles Harting Percy; brother-in-law of Mark Dayton; cousin of Winthrop Paul Rockefeller. Democrat. Served in the Peace Corps; member of West Virginia state house of delegates, 1967-68; secretary of state of West Virginia, 1969-72; Governor of West Virginia, 1977-85; defeated, 1972; U.S. Senator from West Virginia, 1985-; delegate to Democratic National Convention from West Virginia, 2000, 2004. Presbyterian. Member, Trilateral Commission. Still living as of 2004.
Ballentine called for a National BlackOUT for commerce how about for our Votes!! NO one can win without the black vote but they are constently lying to the Black Voters!!! Promising Change! Nothing Happens!!