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Charles Bowdre
Samuel Bass
Bat Masterson
Sheriff Brady
William Mc Sween
Pat Garrett
Dick Brewer
Doc Scurlock
Jesse James
Wyatt Earp
Doc Holiday
John Tunstall
Cole Younger
"My Father"--Legend - A story, that supposedly took place at this time, started several years later after the Kid had become an outlaw. It has no factual background, and is merely a story. The story says that in 1871, when Henry was 12 years old, he and his mother were walking down a street in Silver City, N.M. (They actually lived in Wichita, Kansas at the time). They walked past a group of men standing in front of a saloon. One of the men, a blacksmith with a reputation for being a bully, hollered at Henry's mother. She ignored the man but Henry picked up a rock and threw it, knocking the man's hat off of his head. The blacksmith ran after Henry, but was stopped by a man on the street named Moulton. Moulton held the man until Henry could get away. A few weeks later Henry was back at the same saloon learning card tricks. Moulton and the blacksmith got into an argument. When the blacksmith tried to smash a chair over Moulton's head, Henry ran up to him and stabbed him three times in the heart with a small knife.