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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

The Michigan Living History Education Association is a Michigan NON-PROFIT 501 (C-3) Educational Corporation, and the yearly membership dues include your spouse and anyone who is a member of your household, a single membership is just for one person or one person and one small child. The dues are every year from February 1 to February 1 of the next year.
glitter-graphics.com Group Meetings: Every 2nd Wednesday of the month March-November with a Christmas Party in December
glitter-graphics.com Group History: 16th Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment was made up of 10 Companies, totaling 761 Officers and men. Company “D” was one of the 10 companies and was made up of 104 men from Saginaw, Michigan.
glitter-graphics.com The 16th Michigan served in the Great American Civil War, from September 8, 1861 to July 8, 1865, when the war ended.
glitter-graphics.com The 16th Michigan served as part of the Union Army, taking part in 48 Major battles, against the Confederate Army. As part of the famous 5th Corps, 1st Division, the Regiment saw action in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. In what was possibly the most important Battle of the Civil War, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
glitter-graphics.com The 16th Michigan was one of four Regiments that held a place called “Little Round Top”, against a force twice their number, on July 2, 1863. Had the Confederate Army taken this spot, the Battle of Gettysburg may well have been a Confederate Victory and could have lead to the End of the United States of America.
glitter-graphics.com During these four years of War, the 16th Michigan lost 173 men, killed in action. 54 died from wounds received in actions, 8 died in Confederate Prison, 104 died of disease, and 211 were discharged because of disease or wounds.
glitter-graphics.com No regiment served more bravely or with more Honors that did the officers and men of the 16th Michigan
glitter-graphics.com Present at Appomattox courthouse, the 16th Michigan received 28 of 71 Confederate Regimental Flags surrendered.
glitter-graphics.com The Michigan Living History Educational Association, (MLHEA) is a Federal, Non-Profit. (501-C-3) Serving to Unite persons interested in working toward a common goal of Living History Education, to Preserve local and state history, to educate citizens in the proud Michigan heritage by Lectures, seminars, living history encampments, battle re-enactment. Lecture programs at area schools and colleges, using visual displays and historic artifacts, and by participating in parade and other activities that promote the teaching of Michigan history.

My Interests

Civil War Re-enacting, The Civil War, History in General

I'd like to meet:

Fellow re-enactors, anyone who loves history..


All sorts but especially Civil War Marching Hymns


Gods and Generals, Gettysburg, Hamburger Hill, We Were Soldiers to name a few


History Channel, Discovery Channel


Civil War Info, History in general Hard Tac and Coffee


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Your One of "Wheat's Tigers"1st Louisiana Special Battalion.
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My Blog

June Newsletter ~ 16th MI ~

Michigan Living History Education Association ~ June 2008 ~ June Meeting: The meeting was small, River of Times is still on track, Greenfield Village was discussed. Gas prices were mentioned, we unde...
Posted by 16thmichigan on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 01:48:00 PST

May Newsletter

Michigan Living History Education Association ~ May 2008 ~ May Meeting: There was a good turn out for the meeting, There was only two events talked about: Tawas is a go, River of Time is moving forw...
Posted by 16thmichigan on Wed, 28 May 2008 04:14:00 PST

April Newsletter

Michigan Living History Education Association ~ April 2008 ~ Meeting: There was a good turn out for the meeting. River of Times was discussed and everything is moving forward. Please let Dennis kn...
Posted by 16thmichigan on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 06:44:00 PST


Michigan Living History Education Association ~ March 2008 ~ YEARLY DUES ARE NOW DUE! DON’T FORGET TO MAIL YOUR DUES TO KATHY SPIEKERMAN THANKS! Meeting: There was a good turn out for the fi...
Posted by 16thmichigan on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 04:10:00 PST

Only Michigan

I got this from an email and its TOO FUNNY and often true!!! Enjoy Josh   Jeff Foxworthy’s view of Michigan ...*If you consider it a sport to gather your food bydrilling through 18 inches...
Posted by 16thmichigan on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 04:08:00 PST

Our tentative 2008 schedule

~ Tentative Event List (as talked about at the Round Table meeting) ~ *We will decide which events we as a unit will participate in at our first meeting* ..> Date: Event: Location: Sponsor(s): ...
Posted by 16thmichigan on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 06:00:00 PST

January/February 2008

~Michigan Living History Education Association~January/February 2008Welcome to the 2008 season!The First Meeting of the year will be on March 12, 2008 @ 7:00 pm @ Gary and Christine VanRiper's residen...
Posted by 16thmichigan on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 05:58:00 PST

2007 In Review

Here are the Blogs I posted last year (mainly on the other page) for anyone who wants to review, directions, newsletters, etc. of 2007. Directions to Stockton House~Flint MI Current mood: hopeful Cate...
Posted by 16thmichigan on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 01:39:00 PST

May Meeting~Newsletter

News: Meetings: The May meeting was short. Discussed River of Time is still a go, and Memorial Day Parades. Hopefully more members can attend the June meeting. Next meeting will be June 13, 2007 @ 7...
Posted by 16thmichigan on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 06:42:00 PST

April Meeting reminder

Don't forget that the April meeting is this Wednesday, April 11 @ 7pm @ our usual place, if you need directions let me know. thanks.
Posted by 16thmichigan on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 02:06:00 PST