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;Joy Eslava's history:The first news of what later would be the theatre Eslava, byline of March, 1870. In this year, Don Bonifacio Eslava, requested a permission to the town hall of the epoch for the construction of a building in the lot placed in San Ginés's Alley 3, I joust to the back of the building that was giving to the number 11 of the Arenal Street.On September 31, 1871, the above mentioned building was inaugurated by a concert of pieces of Haydn and Beethoven between other geniuses of the music.In 1916, it turned in the sedate of what it was known as " The theatre of the Art ", beginning this way the theatrical representations, already being known the place as Theatre Eslava. The works were of an hour of duration (Theatre of Hours) and there were several representations during the same night.During the thirties, Celia Gámez remained associated with the theatre Eslava for a long time, not only as artist, but also as businesswoman, hiring the already famous theatre until 1943, year in the one that had to close doors.In 1955 Mr. Luis Escobar,he turned into businessman of his own theatre by means of the purchase of the theatre, to which the place placed in the street annexed Arenal 11. After the time dedicated to the reform, May 9, 1957 it opened the doors with the representation of " The Procuress " or "La Celestina".Between 1957 and 1979 there had the premiere(there made the first sale of the day) in Eslava a whole of 95 productions, being, many of them, authentic theatrical events of the epoch.Was in 1979, when Mr. Luis Escobar, decides to sell the theatre, recognizing that " ... all the things, and the places of spectacles are not an exception, have to adapt to survive.After the necessary works of conditioning, the discotheque finally opens doors in the night of February 24, 1981, turning in one of the most famous room of Madrid, so much for the glamour of nights, as for the mixed and cosmopolitan clientele.Joy Eslava had born.
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