The chance of caressing musically a myth has always been in heart and mind of all of us.
What has happened to EVERQUEEN has been the result of the passion from five guys, who decided to pay homage to one of the band who influenced the most the way of making rock'n'roll: the QUEEN.
Terzio (drummer) has been the initial promoter of the band: he has felt from always a deep interest in the British quartet.
Since then, in a little time it has been quite easy for him to involve the rest of the band in this adventure: in fact , Terzio, Vincenzo (bass) and Andrea (keyboards) was playing together from a long time.
With the passing of time, the band has been passing through several line-up changes, until the EVERQUEEN band has reached a more convincing artistic level , and, above all, actually closer to the REAL QUEEN SOUND.
Objectively, the band's target has just been to re-create the magic and overwhelming atmosphere of QUEEN's mythical concerts of the past.
To reach this goal, it was necessary to rely on artists who believed in this feeling of ours.
Alessandro, guitarist, has given a huge contribution to the whole project, because he has been listening to Queen since he was a child and this brought him to look for reaching the real Brian May Sound, as much as he possibly could.
To complete our "rebuilding", the band has enthusiastically welcomed the entrance of Steve, singer. Steve owns an incredible resemblance to lamented Freddie Mercury and an amazing verve. Thanks to this artistic and human fellowship, EVERQUEEN keep on paying homage to the QUEEN much more motivated, proving that music is a way to tie together with the audience, to amuse and, above all, to enjoy people.
The biggest thanks goes to FREDDIE MERCURY: with his melodies he passed us his passion, his charisma and most of all his emotional energy.
Thank you Freddie, wherever you are: "God Save The EVERQUEEN!"
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