Which Pirates of the Caribbean character are you?Economics, recently I'm really into the supply-side quallities internet technology offers inforamtion industries. That and social capital management (hello, MySpace). I'm an anarchist for lack of a better term (hello friendly government agent) and I study Cooperative Business Studies because I think we can build a more efficient system, utilizing the free market, if group ownership anddemocracy were more involved, instead of shareholder capitalism, and the impossible small and powerful group of CEO that direct this capital. Bored yet? Most governement and Corporate services and products could be delivered far more efficiently, and with a more realistic price (which serves to better budget expenses), if they were done utilizing consumer or producer cooperatives. I also like yoga, cats, tai chi, and Lynnrd Skynnrd.
People into Co-op stuff. Artists. Human-Animal Hybrids. Banjo Players (it's the next guitar, man). In the end, I've met a lot of good people, and I'm hoping to continue this run.And By the By, come to the Williams Family Band & God Damn Doo Wop Band show: Monday July 17th.
Okay... I can get my head around this. I am a musician. I like music. However, I gotta warn you... I usually like irritating music. If everything about a band is wretched, but the snares got a real great sound, or the vocalist is shrill and off key in an interesting way, I will listen to it until I puke. I tried to pick up the fiddle once, but my ex-wife spelled "fiddle", "D-I-V-O-R-C-E". I play the tenor banjo, it is a fabulous wreck of a sound. Nearly impossible to tune. I play a ludwig from the 1930's, it's got a long American neck, not a short Irish one, which gives it a darker wierder tone. BANDS: Pogues, Clash, Zounds, New Model Armey, DJ Shadow, Devotchka, Tossers, Mutiny, King Tubby, Devil in a Wood Pile, the Anti-Nowhere League, Steeleye Span everyone... seriously we are spoiled shitless in Cincinnati: The Comet Blue Grass All-Stars, Le Techno Pussies, the Rumpke Mountain Boys, Pernicious Knifs, Staggering Statistics, TimIanandSarah's band... the SOMETHING flowers, too freakin' many: Dj's Brian Decision, Grover, Chris, and the other Brian. For a small ass town, that's slipping closer to detroit everyday, we got it going on. Music is the only thing that ever makes any sense to me, really. Without music people would just wonder why i was making so much noise and throw things at me.
I used to like art house films and then I worked as a grip on a couple. Now I only rate movies on how much nudity was involved and how big were the explosion. The only two things that were wrong with Reign of Fire (which kept it from being the best movie of all time) was the lack of female nudity, and the redneck general from America didn't say "YeeHAW" when he jumped off the tower to try to sink a battle axe in the king dragon's head. You can't really view movies on plot, or meaning... their just too expensive. If you want something neat to talk about, take the 300,000 dollars it takes to make a cheap art house film and start a coffee house with it. You can have a conversation there. Although, what excites me about movies now a days, is the massive drop in cost due to all this fancy technology we got us here in the future. Yeah 21st century livin', woo. So I'm excited about the kind of movies we'll see oosing out of the internet and all that.
Is the devil. Screw TV. I don't have time for it. A great series like the Soppranos, 6 feet Under, or Battlestar Galactica, I can wait for the DVD. I don't have time for adds (and they freak me out anyway), or the boring plot, bad writing and mediocre acting. If I want moderate-conservative agitprop I'll go talk to the nuns who teach at St. Boniface down the block.
Dyslexia plus the printed page make Bill unhappy. I enjoy books, but it takes me a long while to read them. If you loan me a book I promise to 1. Possibly loose it (gNat I think I found that William Gibson novel you loaned me in '97) 2. Ruin it (gNat... nevermind). 3. Probably not finish it (gNat... as soon as this semester is done, I will read ALL of it..) 4. And if I really like it, I won't give it back. DO NOT GIVE THE DYSLEXIC A BOOK. It's like giving a rabid dog a small child to play with. I like books that are big, with big print and pretty pictures and come with supervision.
L Murray Lincoln, whose book (haha), "Vice President in Charge of Revolution". He was the president of the Ohio Farm Board, a farm cooperative, when it was electrifying all of rural Ohio. My dad, he's made it this far and he's also a banjo player. Joe Strummer, but then who doesn't have Joe Strummer as a hero (no one worth talking to that's who). Buddha, yeah buddy!