Sorren Maclean profile picture

Sorren Maclean

keep on movin your bodies

About Me

The Sorren Maclean Band from Tobermory, Isle of Mull. Have been together since they supported King Creosote and Jeremy Warmsley in October 06. Played Fence Collective Homegame Festival April 07, T Break Showcase at King Tut's May 07, Wickerman, GoNorth, Belladrum, gig's in ABC, Capitol, Box, Ego, Medina, Po Na Na, Hootenannies, Market Bar, Abertay Uni, Dirty Hearts Club in Aberdeen and nights around Mull..... Live session on Radio 1 with Vic Galloway in August. Acoustic line-up but LOUD - guitar, double bass and drums. You can find the band hanging out or rehearsing at An Tobar, the Tobermory Arts Centre.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/8/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Sorren Maclean- acoustic guitar, vocals - John Barlow - drums, backing vocals - Gordon Maclean - double bass, backing vocals.
Record Label: Tob Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

ABC gig - the Scotsman review

"THERE was disappointment at the news that Dundonian singer-songwriter Michael Marra, who'd been due to open this double-bill with the four accompanists featured on his latest recording, Quintet, was ...
Posted by Sorren Maclean on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 01:09:00 PST

T break showcase review

Hello, Here's a review of our gig in King Tut's for the T break showcase. 'Fortunately, we were awoken from our slumbers by the folk pop summery vibes of the Sorren Maclean Band. Immediately eng...
Posted by Sorren Maclean on Wed, 30 May 2007 05:27:00 PST