The Fantasy [DR] profile picture

The Fantasy [DR]

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello there, I'm the angel from your nightmare, but you can call me Giulia. Or Giuly, or Giuli, or Giu. First of all: I'm NOT emo. I don't think the world hates me, I don't cut myself and I'm not meditating suicide. I know I seem emo, but I'm not, really. My friends say I'm always happy and it's almost true, most of the time I am. But my mood changes very quickly, so one moment I'm the happiest person on the planet and the next I want to kill someone. I'm both shy and expansive, it depends on the situations. I like talking as well as being silent, it depends on my mood. I live for the music, I'd listen to it all the time. I also live for hanging out with my best friends, I love them. The third thing I live for is travelling, I've been in a lot of places and there are a lot of places that I want to go, first of all Australia and New Zealand. I'm lost without my glasses or my contact lenses. I share half a brain with a friend. My favorite color is black. I love going to concerts. I don't like meat. I like skiing. I'm permanent marker-addict. I'd like to have a bat.I love shopping. I like chinese food. I spend hours surfing the net. I say stupid things very often. I hate sunbathing. I love saying random things! :D JOIN THE A7X ITALIAN STREET TEAM
adopt your own virtual pet! ..
adopt your own virtual pet! ..
adopt your own virtual pet!

My Interests

In Which Circle of Hell Would You Reside? Your Result: Circle Four

Hoarders or Wasters: You were either too greedy or too careless with material goods. You will spend your time smashing weights against each other as you try to keep or destroy them.

Circle Five
Circle Seven
Circle Six
Circle Two
Circle Three
Circle Nine
Circle Eight
In Which Circle of Hell Would You Reside?
Create a Quiz sono una peccatrice nata... O_O

I'd like to meet:

all the bands i listen to!^-^



(+44), 30 Seconds To Mars, AFI, Aiden, The All-American Rejects, Atreyu, AVENGED SEVENFOLD, Blindside, Blink 182, Bullet For My Valentine, Escape The Fate, Fort Minor, Funeral For A Friend, Green Day, H.I.M., I Am Ghost, Jimmy Eat World, Linkin Park, Lostprophets, Mae, Matchbook Romance, Mxpx, My Chemical Romance, Nightwish, The Offspring, Panic! At The Disco, Queen, Rammstein, The Rasmus, Rise Against, Senses Fail, Silverstein, Slipknot, Sonata Arctica, The Spill Canvas, Story Of The Year, Sum 41, System Of A Down, Taking Back Sunday, Three Days Grace, Thrice, Trivium, Underoath, THE USED, Wednesday 13.


The Lord Of The Rings *-* , Pirates Of The Caribbean


Lost, CSI, Dr. House, Heroes, Grey's Anatomy, Supernatural, Ugly Betty.


The Lord Of The Rings and The Silmarillion; The Da Vinci Code and other books by Dan Brown; Omero,Iliade; Io non ho paura; Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse.


Davey HavokGerard WayJepha HowardSynyster Gates&Zacky Vengeance
Tomo Milicevic

My Blog

yeah xD

oh yeah, gente! sono ancora vivaaa xD ho solo abbandonato il blog per un po'...una cosa tipo 5 si sopravvive XD non è che abbia niente di particolare da dire eh..solo vederlo lì così abbandon...
Posted by The Fantasy [DR] on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 10:33:00 PST

The Black Parade

allora raga...come ben sapete MARTEDì 21 a Milano ci sarà il concerto dei My Chemical Romance, e saranno anke ospiti a TRL. Quello ke forse non sapete è ke i ragazzi del sito italiano dei mcr stanno o...
Posted by The Fantasy [DR] on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 09:24:00 PST


ta-daaaaaaaaaa!! eccomi qua appena tornata dalla gita in francia!!^_^ 4 giorni d completo delirio!!! xD no be' nn è stata una cosa così racconto ke faccio prima!! 1°giorno(mercoledì 8)...
Posted by The Fantasy [DR] on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:00:00 PST


Qst canzone del nuovo album dei MCR mi piace troppo *-* devo scriverla! xD     DEAD! And if your heart stops beating I'll be here wondering Did you get what you deserve? The ending of your l...
Posted by The Fantasy [DR] on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 08:55:00 PST

Test Psicologico

Orientamento Funzione dominante Funzione d'appoggio Funzione terza Funzione inferiore Tendenza Estroverso Sensazione Sentimento Pensiero Intuizione Percettiva Il tipo estroverso sensazione ha ...
Posted by The Fantasy [DR] on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 09:02:00 PST

twilight *-*

lunedì la sarah mi ha prestato Twilight..dio ma ke bel libro *-* martedì l'ho finito xD no ma mi è piaciuto troppo *_________* nn vedo l'ora d leggere il seguito...certo, tt può migliorare...tipo l'au...
Posted by The Fantasy [DR] on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 01:09:00 PST

ma sn tr un geniooooooo xD

cioè ma raga ditemelo ke sn un genio...ditemelo!!! oggi ha portato le verifike d francese e la reading conprehension d inglese.... francese 7 e inglese 8!!! cioè ma sn troppo avanti!! adesso mi basta ...
Posted by The Fantasy [DR] on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 09:22:00 PST

mio comple [pt.3 xD]

ebbene sì..nn è ancora finita...xD ieri sera ero qui in casa già bella in pigiama e pronta ad andare a dormire ke nn mi reggevo in piedi ke arriva mia sorella e mi dice ke dobbiamo andare su dall'agne...
Posted by The Fantasy [DR] on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 10:51:00 PST

mio comple (pt.2 xD)

ok alla fine ieri nn ho raccontato tt...manca la sera!! xD allora siamo andati al doppio malto a ho preso la pizza ma nn mi ricordo d averla ordinata xke` in quel momento ero tr esaltata...
Posted by The Fantasy [DR] on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 09:51:00 PST

happy birthday to meeeeee xD

yeah gente!!!!!!!! oggi sono ufficialmente una diciassettenne!!!!!!^_^ cm mi sento vekkiaaaaa XD cm giornata a scuola è stata abbastanza d merda...cioè 2 ore d lezione, 3 ore d tema e 1 d verifica d f...
Posted by The Fantasy [DR] on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 10:32:00 PST