In the summer of 2004, five life long friends and veterans of the local music scene, decided to bring their collective talents together to form Persona Non Grata. As the five began playing together for the first time, it was clear their intent was to redefine rock 'n' roll in general. Fusing hardcore with elements of jazz, punk, reggae, electronica, and rock, the band quickly became a unique and captivating standout in the local music scene; their 2005 full-length 'The Blueprint for Acting Human' is proof of this. In 2006, 'The Nuclear Medicine EP' was recorded at Gradwell Recordings in Haddon Heights, NJ, showing even more talent and diversity. With a new drummer, and new tunes on the way, Persona Non Grata plans on meeting their lofty goals, and meet the expections of their ever growing fanbase.