TATAH KALAGNI-RUDRATMA YAT SRSTAM IDAM ATMANAH SANNIYACCHATI TAT KALE GHANANIKAM IVANILAH: then at the end of time Lord in person in the form of RUDRA the destroyer of worlds will annihilate all the creation like the wind disperse clouds ...................... Kalagni is the fire of Kali (kala:the time,the death,the night,the black fire,the archaic vision ,sets on the previous energy,base without base,night without end.kalagni is the fire behind the fire,the sun behind the sun,the death of death ,the fire snake of kundalini who destroys the seven worlds of the sevens chacras and liberate yogins of the rajastic fire of death to amrita(nectar of immortality)and made him pass beyond space and time and become Shiva.in the macrocosmic form kalagni is the apocaliptic fire destroying all manifestations.from the multiple back to unity(essence of life).
aum namah shivaya...
kalagni are compositions in construction inspired and dedicated to shiva and spirituality,yoga,bhakti,jnana,raja,tantra, vedanta,advaita,tao,and all religion or philosophies of unity love and tolerance for all.the ultimate reality is revelated by all divines men and women like Krishna, Rama,Shankara,Ma Ananda Moyi ,Apollonios de tyane and more.their
message was the same.holy wars is the results of money worship,racism, egoism,intolerance,corruption.kalagni (the black fire snake at the end of time)is the divine fire of shiva's third eye,destroy mental illusions, ignorance and egoism.we need to go from darkness to the light.each man and woman can and need to realize the infinite divine power hidden inside by yoga meditation or lifes experiences each man a different way.but my music is a mix of abyssal dark and spiritual as the vision of life i have. i played at the begining of soul erosion,and my first show with hangar 18.at the moment im in composition and will look for musicians later.May the divine fire shine in everone,everthing,always, everywhere!.................................................
........om shantih.
Chaconne by Kalagni
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