Far too many to mention, the obvious, Sex,(and all related fetishes) reading, writing, conspiarcy theories, ufo's or to use the correct teminology ETV's and their occupants, squirrel rustling. If you haven't guessed by now, I Love My Music...I do play guitar and shred like a bitch with no fingers; Actually moshing as I write Lol. I'm also quite a spiritual person and have pixies living in my radiator. To understand my theories on all things spiritual, you need a degree in quantum mechanics and something to keep you awake.
Interesting free thinking people, truth seekers & Aliens
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Everything you've probably never heard of...Metal,Rock, Punk, Classical, etc blah, blah...don't do Emo shite or that thumping crap you usually hear emitting from Chav mobiles.
Sixx: A.M. - "Life is Beautiful"
that one where that bloke dies...and...err...yup! Actually quite a few. Anything that has been produced with a passion. Horror, Sci/fi, are my two favourite genres.
Thunderbolts of the Gods (David Talbott & Wallace Thornhill)
There is nothing interesting on that mind control box, except maybe Family Guy, Dr Who, The Mighty Boosh and other various comedy and decent sci/fi.
Way to many to name off hand, but Orwell's 1984 has got to be up there, along with Chaucer and the Romantic Poets. Anything that's been well written.
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Many great writers and free thinkers. Anyone who works toward the betterment of the human waste, sorry! I mean race. STEWIE GRIFFIN,My smell free under ware, Oh! and 'Capitan Kleptomania' the thieving bastard.