Alas...the person I would love to meet most is no longer walking this polluted earth. Elvis Presley died on August 16th, 1977 ... when I was just 2 years old. I am told I cried all day that day. LOL ............................ .......................... That said, I am here to meet Dentists with the Hiccups, Escaped Convicts, Arsonists, Fortune Tellers, Inside Traders, Ambulance Chasing Lawyers, Women that Cheat & Lie AND Friends that'll back-stab u without a moment's hesitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................ ..........................................................QU ESTION: If Milli Vanilli fell in the forest, would someone else make a sound?
ELVIS "King" PRESLEY rocked! The Original King of the BLING. The Original Bad Boy. REST IN PEACE!
In no order: True Romance, The Departed, A Bronx Tale, Scarface, Swingers, Godfather Trilogy, Wedding Crashers, Usual Supspects, Carlito's Way, Goodfellas, Casino, Gladiator, The Patriot, True Romance, Braveheart, True Romance, Devil's Advocate, True Romance, Heat, True Romance, Original Sin, Gia, Pulp Fiction, The Last Kiss, True Romance, Serendipity, True Romance, Narnia, History Of Violence, Notebook, Lord Of War, Titanic (Yes..I am not ashamed to say it), Crash, Color Purple, Swordfish, Forest Gump, Dumb & Dumber, Dodgeball, Marked For Death, Die Hard Trilogy, Rocky 1-5 (and soon to be released 6) & Spartacus.
Hardly have time to watch but SOPRANOS and American Idol I make time for.
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Elvis Presley