I'd like to meet all the rich celebrities out there with wads of cash they're wondering what to do with. I'm very imaginative I'd be glad to offer you my input.
Def, they aren't just a buncha old farts. punks.
I like dumb girly movies..and I only like watching them by myself cuz whenever someone is with me all they do is make fun. To name a few..Babycakes..Babyboom..Crybaby..jk I noticed a theme going on there..Johnny Depp is hot but I can't stand that movie.
I'm a reality show freak
Memoirs of a Geisha I really liked that one But I usually like true story accounts or gangster books.
Well I don't really have a hero..sad but true..I DO look up to my mom a great deal tho. So I guess you could say my momma is my hero :) Maybe I should re-write this.