x . Nikki Brazilian Gatinha .x profile picture

x . Nikki Brazilian Gatinha .x

Wishin & Waiting To Be Someones Sunshine Is the hardest thing

About Me

Hey I am |♥ Nikki|

Note About MY pics, I am not a model, however most of my images were taken by me and composed by me. Even the really good ones...lol
♥ About Nikki :) ♥
→ ♥Born Canadian, Brazilian roots + 6 others.
→ ♥Born in The T-Dot. Spent most of my life in a London Ontario
→ ♥I am not a model like the other gurls on here I am just me. I am just a real person, not looking for fans. Just FRIENDS..
→ ♥ O.K love the girly stuff so if you do not like it better not ad me. I LOVE PLAYING up with the romance stuff and femininity, But no worries. I know how to balance it too.
→ ♥I am honest trustworthy, kind, caring individual. You be true to me I will mostly like go over board and do the same for you. I am always kind to people even when they might not seem to deserve it. Was brought up that way.
→ ♥Not always in the best spirits but am trying to find my way in life.
→ ♥I am sucker for romance, fairytale, true love, etc.
→ ♥I'm artistic, writer, graphic designer, web page artist, etc.
→ ♥I am very goal oriented and am ambitious. I do not see myself settling for whatever comes my way. Am looking for the best in life and want to reach my self potential in every way possible.......
→ ♥ I don't need more haters and DRAMA in my life. Tell me straight or not at all can not take BS any more.
→ ♥ I am on here simply TO MAKE AN MEET NEW PEOPLE. Just respect that...IF I am not your style, move on, no need to send hate mail etc..
→ ♥ I am a traveller and a cruiser, I do them lots been on 8 cruises and counting.. {not stoping there.}

New Info Coming soon...


Click on one of the below images to go to previous slide shows on my page!

Right Now: (The whats now with Nikki)

    Current Look♥: Varies, One minute can be glam next moment can be total down, no curently particular look. Very versatile.  Make up♥: Keeping it earthy, pinks, reds and browns. Not doing much. Lipstick usually kept light, as much as dark lipsticks can be very sexy, lighter flatters me better. Scent♥: Amor Amor By Cacharel, this perfume is intoxicating good, & smells wonderful on me. Groove♥: As of right now, am more into the Hiphop, R&B, and Reggaeton. Mind you always got room for the dance stuff. Station♥: 90% of the time Flow 93.5 as of lately. Also love z1035 but they play too much alternative for my taste right now. Sorry just don't dig that music any more.. Status♥: Single, kinda working on getting my career as a graphic designer going, Mind you its tough but am trying. Color Scheme♥: Yes I am using a lot of pinks, blues, blacks n whites. The combo is strong, very eye catching and somehow I find when its done properly its a very good combo out there. Inspiration♥: Mostly what inspires me is love, for some reason love truly inspries my creativity but of lately its my dream of love. My inspiration comes from a long list of stuff, music, poetry, other designs, dreams, goals, life thats what inspires me.. Challenge♥: My current challenge as I battle and fight anxiety its finding work, perhaps graduating and having a diploma in two things is already a big challenge in itself this finding working is proving to be a bigger challenge. Thoughts/Advice♥: Life is short, and like I saw on a quote on something. People will always find something wrong with you, so might as well love yourself for the person you are today because the way I see it if you continue to change your ways for other people your going to be the person that is going to suffer in the end. So yeah. Remember, People will always find something wrong with you. Let them be.. JUST BE HAPPY.

My Interests


In A Hurry But Want To Leave Love Quick Easy Way


by comment-boxes.com!

This is So True... I am just starting really realize it.

♥ → Likes ← ♥

Going  to movies
disney movie
graphic design

♥ →Dislikes← ♥
people that play with your heart
head games
being bored
having to say goodbye
abuse to animals
being lonely
not being able to sleep
people that think they own the world
rude people
swearing [ even though I am guilty of this as well :(  ]
being sick
stomach aches
heart ache
horror movies
being scared
the dark
heavy metal
being judged
negative comments
people that make fun of other people
being single

[ ICON ♥ ]

My addiction of icons +

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

♥[ I want to ultimately meet Jesus.]♥
In this Life I also would like to meet my soul mate if he exist or existed..I often feel like the above image I feel like I try to kiss someone that is not there. So maybe in this lifetime I do not have a soul mate, or maybe he is already gone from this earth. Maybe he existed years and years ago and wanted to find me but didn;t either. Or he just plainly does not exist .. Could be that very scenario. If I could just spend one hour with him who ever he is I could die happy knowing I at least met him

♥ Who I'd Like To Meet ♥
♥ → PEOPLE THAT LOVE LIFE . I am very tired of the dark & pain, etc/. Does not mean you need to be a PARTY party type of person, JUST LOVE LIFE and want to experience and enjoy whats called "LIFE" ♥ → Open minded people and individuals who are willing to help out. Difficulties will come in life its guaranteed its what you do when those moments hits you that really determines so much. LETS HELP AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER
♥ →I wanna meet people that actually want to get to meet someone new and actual make new friends.. If your just wanting someone to toy around with BETTER not try.
♥ → People that would like to have a new friend..
♥ →Just talk to me and be a REAL FRIEND.I love hearing from people.
♥ →I give people chances, more then I should but I just try to live in the thoughts and the notions that God gives us chances and he never turns us away if we need him or we need advice etc. Of course it happens in his time and his way and not ours

(Some people would be cool to get to know and have!)
→ Graphic Designers
→ Web Artists
→ Any one that likes to travel.
→ Writers/ Poets
→ Photographers.
→ Brazilians/ Portuguese
→ Latino/ Hispanics!

→ Italians, especially in TORONTO AREA & Italy
→ Age not a limit for me. Young, old, same age, doesn't matter.
→ Nice people!
→ Basically anyone really!! :DJust cause I do fall in the graphic design category so any one that would like to swap ideas etc.

Please visit my new tribute site too my little angel


Me and Fellow Creatures / and or Pics of beautiful animals

My World Wide Map...Where Am I Famous the most???
You have been marked on my profile map! Click to zoom-in.


Add yourself! :)


Totally in love with this remix!! super hot!!!!Justin Timberlake What Goes Around Comes Around Remix

Add to My Profile | More Videos

♥*New Age stuff, ambient tunes etc

Although I love all types of music and all kinds of stuff. I am driven by music and music drives me...Love so many things can not begin to describe everything lol. Music is like water to me.. Can not live without it

--DJ Sammy
--OBie Trice
--Jennifer lopez
--Marc Anthony
--Ricky Martin
--Mr Vegas
--Celine Dion
--50 cent
--Mario Winans
--Christina Aguilera
--DJ Encore
--Black Eyed peas
--Ricky Martin
--Enrique Iglesias
--Gloria Estefan
--Elivs Crispo
--David Bisbal
-- Chayane
-- Paulina Rubio
--Alice Deejay
--Ying Yang Twins
--Angel City
--Despina Vandi
--Toni Braxton
--Anna Vissi
--Stevie B
-- Missy- Elliott
-- Janet Jackson
--Basement Jaxx
--DJ Tiesto
--Swollen Members
--Christina Millian
-- Massari
--gosh the list is endless with me..

But Flow 93.5 Is hot music station too!!


♥ The NoteBook
♥ 40 Year Old Virgin
♥ The Break Up
♥ Selena
♥ U 571
♥ Mask of Zorro
♥ The Legend of Zorro
♥ Kate & Leopold
♥ Meet the Parents
♥ Meet The Fockers
♥ Ever After
♥ Extreme Opps
♥ Big Daddy
♥ Save The Last Dance
♥ Center Stage
♥ Analyze this and that
♥ Dance with me
♥ Sweet Home Alabama
♥ Honey
♥ Take The Lead
♥ Step Up
♥ The Fast and The Furious
♥ Nothing To Lose
♥ Titanic
♥ Entrapment
♥ Father of the Bride 1 & 2
♥ You've Got Mail
♥ The Wedding Planner
♥ My Best friends Wedding
♥ The Sweetest Thing
♥ Hope Floats
♥ Rush Hour 1 & 2
♥& how to loose a guy in 10 days
I do Not Think there is a much more ROMANTIC / A More Realistic Or closed to it then THE NOTEBOOK
*Catherine Zeta Jones, *Julia Roberts, *Meg Ryan, *Jennifer Lopez, *Robert DiNero, *Tom Hanks, *Vin Diesel, tons more



    Survivor The Swan The Simpsons Everyone Loves Raymond King of the hill Inspector Gadget Lilo and Stitch Perfect Strangers Whos the Boss Golden Girls Carebears Tom N Jerry The Cosby Show Friends Dr Quinn Medicine Women The Smurfs The Smoggies Murder She Wrote Diagnosis Murder I Love Lucy Hunter Knight Rider Jetsons Flinstones Columbo The Nanny Step by Step Growing Pains Family Ties

    I Do not watch much tv any more tv is awful..All it is is solving murders, kidnapping etc...IF it adds anxiety I take it out. Plain and simple.. I like the old versions todays stuff its too intense.. the old stuff is the best... I miss older stuff.. Todays stuff lacks creativity or is FAR TOO DARK.. I hat dark stuff


Don't have favorite books but I love magazines. Travel Magazine, Conde Nest Traveller, Travel and Leisure, Caribbean, Instyle, Cosmo, House and Home, Applied Arts Magazine, etc



FIRST OFF I HAVE TO SAY MY HERO..God and Jesus Christ, Which I hope each day to better a relationship with God and get to know Jesus who was born on this earth and paid the ultimate price. Just so we could have eternal life.I also feel the need to say I'm Sorry because I know so very much this within and yet I have a hard time getting out of the rut. I feel ashamed sometimes because for a man that paid the ultimate price and I show it with how I do its not good. I often feel like I let them down, I do not want to yet I do, daily I am sure.
Christian MySpace Graphics
Christian MySpace Graphics

Nikkis Poem Simply stated but my first poem written to God.
Christian MySpace Graphics
God you molded and created me with your hands.
You gave life to me and can once again.
Only the strength from up above can truly help me.
But you send friends to help me.
Like my little angel who was always true.
Who shows compassion and unconditional love, like you do.
Help me to be strong, help me to carry on,
even when the world wants to do me harm.
Guide my life and help me to be strong,
even when feelings run so deep within me.
I don't want to dissapoint you, or let you down.
But sometimes I am not sure what I should do.
You know my strengths, you know whats weak.
You know my desires and what I need.
You're the one who writes my storyline.
So I want to trust you and to know that you care.
But I can not deny that sometimes I hurt so much
Confusions run in my head, such deep feelings inside.
That I start to wonder whats truly right.
Longings grow, needing intensifies,
as I see this world and how cruel and how much evil lies.
I have gone tired and also weak of not truly feeling safe
I just dont know how to compete.
How do you compete for love, how do you compete for someone to see?
Sometimes I just feel like I can not breathe.
Stress comes and I feel like I can't carry on
but I still long for those things that somehow helped me to carry on.
I am just at a point where I have lost some of that faith that lied within me.
How do I get that back, can those things really be true?
Or have I just gone insane.
God I ask that you help me to always be true to you.
Especially when I just feel like I plainly won;t do.

My Blog

ADD My Angel!!

ADD Smokey!Add Me IF You Love Animals! click picture to see profile Pets N Animals Rock!Click here to get a WHORE ME code...
Posted by x. No 1's Girl, No 1 Special[ HoneyBee Nikki ] on Sun, 06 May 2007 08:36:00 PST

Reflexology interesting!!

So this is interesting.. This is a keeper... Interesting to know
Posted by x. No 1's Girl, No 1 Special[ HoneyBee Nikki ] on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 09:19:00 PST

A Girl Can Dream

Guys wonder whet the hell is wrong with them, well here you go:From a girl's point of view:We don't care if you talk to other girls.We don't care if you're friends with other girls.But when you're sit...
Posted by x. No 1's Girl, No 1 Special[ HoneyBee Nikki ] on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 06:32:00 PST

You Know Your Brazilian When

SO TRUE.. not even funny.. Can relate to most of this list!!   U know You're Brazilian When... YOU KNOW YOU'RE BRAZILIAN WHEN...>You didn't know anything about bills until you came to the US.>Yo...
Posted by x. No 1's Girl, No 1 Special[ HoneyBee Nikki ] on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 08:59:00 PST

[ Not Good :( ]

[ Not Feeling Good ] Sighs all day been feeling really lonely and bored, + cold. Gosh I need a life. I dunno what to do? I really don't. Nothing seems to appeal to me. I'm like the biggest looser tha...
Posted by x. No 1's Girl, No 1 Special[ HoneyBee Nikki ] on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 07:14:00 PST


[ Bored ]Sighs I am so bored right now... no ones on... No mail.... People continuesly delete me and am left bored stiff.. ARG I hate being bored.. .But sighs nothing on tv...no one to talk too...Tons...
Posted by x. No 1's Girl, No 1 Special[ HoneyBee Nikki ] on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 05:26:00 PST

How Well Do You Know Your Flags?

Took this off Jens Blog...hehehBut did it myself.Not bad!! I know my geography..Its history I am not so good at. My score on The Do You Know the Flags Test:Medium(86% easy, 70% medium, 77% hard) You ...
Posted by x. No 1's Girl, No 1 Special[ HoneyBee Nikki ] on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 09:26:00 PST

Yeah, thats life.

[ insecure moments....] I dunno the evening came and started feeling mega lonely + scared. I dunno why...Its not a good thing.. You know that sense that any major shift or something happens could be a...
Posted by x. No 1's Girl, No 1 Special[ HoneyBee Nikki ] on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 08:41:00 PST

Updates From Bulletins

Okay here are two bullentins I wrote basically the updates of what I wrote...Todays March 8 BetterOkay I am better now.not 100% but no more throwing upI was able to get lots of rest so I Am better.Sti...
Posted by x. No 1's Girl, No 1 Special[ HoneyBee Nikki ] on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 11:17:00 PST

thoughts then bed!

[ Blog Then Bed ]Okay I am sitting here thinking why on earth am I getting so upset about.. I am far from thinking I am all that but if someones going delete me and remove me from their life whats the...
Posted by x. No 1's Girl, No 1 Special[ HoneyBee Nikki ] on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 09:36:00 PST