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TU PEOR ADIKCION banda de Premià de Mar (Barcelona) formada en el año 2004.Fusionando tres estilos hip-hop-reggae-dancehall, dos culturas spain-gambia. Os presentamos nuestro nuevo trabajo, producido por OROS y MJ (BULLDOFF RECORDS GAMBIA), grabado en Barcelona y Gambia.Con las colaboraciones de artistas de Gambia: DEBROE, STAR-C, TIYU, JAH LEX, GUNGEE VEX... Senegal: MC PALE, Barcelona: OHEN, DJ THEBEAT. Masterizado por DIVE DIBOSSO. Datos a destacar: Numero 2 y numero 4 con los temas Street life y Mama en Radio West Coast (Gambia) durante dos semanas en el mes de mayo del 2005. 3er clasificado en el concurso de musica Cirera rock 2004, Festival Sodabeat 2005 (Barcelona), Festival S.O.S Africa sala la Paloma 2005, Actuaciones en Gambia y Senegal junto con Bull Doff Clan verano 2006.TU PEOR ADIKCIONOROS ( mc and producer ) & DA KBJ ( mc )Information related to the group: band from Premià de Mar (Barcelona) created in the 2004; it is a mixture of two different cultures: Spain-Gambia, three styles: HIP-HOP/REGGAE/DANCEHALL and also three different languages: spanish, english and wolof.New album information: produced 50% by OROS and 50% by MJ ( BullDoff Records Gambia ), recorded in Barcelona and Gambia. It is done in collaboration with different artists from Barcelona: OHEN and DJ THABEAT ( subsuelo ), Gambia: MJ, JAH LEX, GUNGEE VEX, NJIE-B, STAR-C, TIYU& DEEBROE, Senegal: MX PALE.Other details: they were at number two with the track STREET LIFE and they have been at number four with the track MAMA for two weeks in RADIO WEST COAST GAMBIA ( AFRICA ) in the 2005. Thanks to all these elements, they toured Gambia and Senegal in the 2006 summer with BullDoff Soldiers and with the collaboration of the Alibaba band. Some interviews on radio and some TV shows.Concerts in Spain: SOS racism event ( " La Paloma". Barcelona 2006 ), Sodabeat ( Barcelona 2005 ), Cirera Rock Festival (Mataró 2004) ( number three in the ranking in this competition ) and other concerts in different discos/events in Barcelona, Girona, Madrid, Sevilla and Valencia.Contact: [email protected] www.myspace.com/tupeoradikcion www.myspace.com/henzoone

Last Tuesday 12th July 2007 Pamodou Jammeh aka MJ, a 25 year-old-producer of Bull Doff Army ( Peppa House, Tu Peor Adikcion, Njie B, Jah Lex, Poetic X, Debroe, Heart Breaker... ) passed away in the Banjul's hospital ( Gambia, West Africa ) because of a pneumonia. We lost a great friend and an exceptional musician. We hope your soul will shine on top of the Mount Zion. Brother REST IN PEACE.El pasado día 12 de julio del 2007 fallece en el hospital de Banjul (Gambia, West Africa) a causa de una pneumonia Pamodou Jammeh aka MJ de 25 años productor del colectivo Bull Doff Army (Peppa House,Tu Peor Adikcion, Njie B, Jah Lex, Poetic X, Debroe, Heart Breaker...) Nosotros hemos perdido un gran amigo y un músico excepcional. Que tu alma brille en lo más alto del Monte Zion. Descansa en paz hermano.

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Member Since: 9/3/2006
Band Website: reverbnation.com/tupeoradikcion
Band Members:
Tu Peor Adikción (T.P.A) - Promo - 2007 (Promo de Dancehall)


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