graffiti,design, ART music(all seasons),graffiti on wall, canvas,on cd portraits,helmets,t-shirts on skin.......graffiti is my life and my work!! good food,legal people,partys and concerts
gente a valga la pena, no es tan dificil
graffiti since clasical music, at hip hop, hard rock/heavy,death metal,something of techno.....
graffiti clockwork orange, pulp fiction, trainspoting,300, Spike lee, Tim burton, Tarantino, stanley kubrick etc.....
kill TV!!!!!
all Graffity books in my handsTolkien isaac asimov jorge bucay
the old graffity school!! hugh Hefner,CORNBREAD and COOL EARL.JULIO 204. FRANK 207 and JOE 136 , after that comes Taki 183