Welcome to the Official DAUGHTERS OF MARA Street Team page. Our purpose here is to spread the word about the great new band DAUGHTERS OF MARA from Los Angeles, CA. All friends and fans of the band are welcome to join here and show their support. This page will grow over time and more content and opportunities to help will become available. Please read our 1st Blog above for more details and to get started. If you are trying to find the Official DAUGHTERS OF MARA Band page, please click on the banner below.Thanks for stopping by! ---Lupe, DOM Street Team Leader
Copy the html code here to paste the DOM banner above to your page, messages, and comments.
Copy the html code here to paste the small DOM banner above to your signatures at other fan boards you may frequent. It is also the perfect size to include in your comments and messages! It will link people directly to the band's official myspace page.
If you have a profile on Tagworld or Pure Volume too, please add the these banners to your pages there.Where do YOU want to see DOM on tour? Click below and DEMAND that DOM comes to your city!
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4/style