Mara is essentially the Buddhist devil, and he (or she; I’m not sure as to Mara’s gender) has three daughters that represent three of man's downfalls: hatred, lust and greed. Mara tempts mankind with the daughters, who appear as beautiful and wicked enchantresses. They are relentless in their attempts to seduce and corrupt, and if man falters under their advances, then Mara is free to consume his soul and use man to do his bidding.
I liken this to a lot of things in my life on a lot of levels. First and most importantly is the need to be a good man for my family. The life I've chosen will take me away from my wife and twin boys more than I know, and if this band is the success that I want it to be, I will be faced with a lot of adversity and temptation. I have to remain true to myself as a man, a father and a husband. I can't let my desire for success eclipse my real purpose for living, my family; and I can't let that same desire take away who I am as a person. Too many people have egos far too large for their accomplishments, and while I take pride in the things I do, I can't let a few achievements change my sense of place in the world.
On another level, I have, still do, and probably always will give in to all of these temptations in some way. I truly believe that is a human condition. I believe that the most defining moments on our lives are wrought out of intense battles with our inner demons. You can't defeat something that you're too scared to face or even become.
I have been hatred.
I have been lust.
I have been greed.
I've done a lot of very hurtful things to people that I've known and loved. I am not stronger than the wills of good and evil. I am only capable of making my own decisions in order to find company with one or the other.
This also applies to me musically as well. I've known for a long time that this was what I was put here to do. It was not my choice to be a musician. I didn't find it in school and take time to decide if it was something I wanted to do with myself. It found me. I was told what I was going to do with my life. I was told by something I've never seen or heard, but it still made itself abundantly clear, even through my worst moments. When I was too fucked up to stand on my feet, I knew I was a musician. When I was blind enough to curse the only souls who would offer me help, I knew I was a musician. When I would think of swallowing a shotgun, I knew I was a musician.
And when I write these songs, I know I HAVE to be honest about things like that. Too many people write too many words that mean nothing to them. They are written to serve their business and their business alone. For me, life is nothing without music (and family, of course), and music is nothing without the unflinchingly honest expression that can only come from real art for art’s sake. Yes, music can be your business. It can be a career and in fact, it is the career that I've chosen. But for me, music will ALWAYS remain an art form above anything else. It is my only true and unaffected voice. It is my anguish and my salvation; my deepest expression. I will not lose that line of sight. I will NOT sacrifice honesty for a dollar and a photograph. I will NOT give in to the spoils that strip this amazing art form down to just another poisoned, corporate ecosystem.
That’s what Daughters Of Mara means to me. It is a constant reminder of my place and purpose. It is shelter when life collapses. It is strength in knowing who and where I am in this world. It is every reason that I am here, and it is every reason that I find the deepest breath of life in music above all other things.
Shawn Zuzek. DOM
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