The Secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, nor to anticipate troubles, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.- Buddha
Welcome and thanks for stopping
I'm Margaret Cowles. A friend, garderner, horseback riding
enthusiast, and a home business owner. I love country music. I am single, and live with my Baby
Girl (dog) in what I call paradise. Living in the woods of acres on end,
trails to ride/walk, the sights and sounds of the wildlife are just
Be YOUR own boss
Create a lifestyle working
on YOUR terms.
I have a wonderful life living
in Michigan. I enjoy horseback riding, dancing, gardening, friends,
music and just enjoying living in the moment.
I love music, quotes, garden parties,campfire dinners,
hayrides and concerts.
I began my journey working from home in February,
1995 while
being my Mom's caretaker for over ten years, because of Alzheimer's and
Parkinson's, I needed a way to be there for her and make the kind of lifestyle I
knew I could. Seeing so many others doing so, I dove in and research my field of
Creating a Winning
Mindset, setting goals and working smart will lead to
I wanted a
team to work with, to be able to associate with like-minded people and,
more than anything, I wanted to decide my own hours.
The nice thing about
teamwork is that you always have others on your side.
My real passion is working with and coaching
others who have a desire to create a lifestyle by their own design.Get the Lifestyle YOU
deserve!I don't know what your dreams are in life, but I
have a hunch, since you have read this far, that you have what it takes to be
very successful in my line of work. And actually it's not really 'work' it's a lifestyle. And quite simply
a lot of FUN too.
Cherish your visions and your dreams
they are the children of your soul, the
blueprints of your ultimate
~Napoleon Hill~
I'm ready to help more people to build a fun, successful business online from home, just visit and follow the instructions there.
Believe in yourself and that you have a gift that
can help you achieve a lifestyle you never thought was possible.
Leave me a message, IM or a comment and let me
know your thoughts.
Whether you think you can
you think you can't,
you're right!
If I could share only one thing about me with
you, it would be that I am determined to continue my own personal journey of growth and to assist people to acquire the mindset they will need to succeed in
life both personally and professionally.
If you want to take your
personal growth and business development to its highest level of performance,
success and leadership, I would be honored to partner with you to find
YOUR success.
"Our achievements of today are but the sum total of our thoughts of yesterday.
You are today where the thoughts of yesterday have brought you and you will be tomorrow where the thoughts of today take you".
~Blaise Pascal !
Sometime in your life you will go on a journey. It will be the longest journey you have ever taken. It is the journey to find yourself.
~Katherine Sharp!
Keep your dreams alive - seek to discover, treasure
and nurture your dreams and the dreams of others…and let’s not just learn
history, but let ourselves be inspired by it - inspired so much in fact, that we
make a little history of our own. Ask me