I love the way my path has twists and turns and I still end up where I'm supposed to be. I had one of those big AHA moments last week. I was completing my last Herbalism class and we were celebrating our accomplishments. Each person was to choose one or two of 15 small paper sacks that contained poems, information, music cd's, seeds and other things to represent their contribution to the ceremony. I chose sack 2 - to back up a little, I have always loved gardening and over the last week I have been working with a friend to develop a new business web site - www.wellnessgardening.com - I am going to design, build or co-create wellness gardens for schools, companies and families. Back to sack 2 - the information in my sack was all about gardening. It was like a confirmation from spirit that I was on the right path. As I listened to my classmates read or share the information in the sacks they chose, I realized that my life had been one BIG labynrith and I had finally reached the center. For those of you who have never walked a Labyrinth, it is a circular path that turns and winds it's way to a center. As you walk in, you focus on the things you want less of in your life or the experiences you wish to release. Many people write these things on a piece of paper. When you arrive at the center, you either bury and burn the paper, symbolizing the release of what no longer serves you. As you spend a few minutes in the center, bring your focus to the things you want more of in your life or the changes you wish to make. Sometimes people write these things down too. Now retrace your steps back out of the labyrinth and upon exiting, thank God, Spirit, the Universe or whoever you believe in for bringing good things into your life. Take the paper home and put it in a drawer, symbolizing your ability to release the outcome for your greater good. I am now free to experience all life has to offer - bigger and better than ever before. Don't worry about where your path has been - mine has taken me from teen psychic, to fearful youth, to single mom and along the way I have been a student, secretary, cabinet builder, dental office worker, back to administrative work, hypnotherapist, life coach, mind-body psychologist, writer, author, herbalist and gardener. I like where I've been and I love where I'm going. I wish you the best on your journey. Check out more on my web sites - www.hypno4kids.com and www.wellnessgardening.com. Buy my book at www.lulu.com.found this
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Skittles/Gummi Bears, You are Skittles/Gummi Bears. You are very adventurous and love to try new things. You are creative, artistic and have a wide variety of friends and interests - you might have a hard time choosing mates or careers.
Skittles/Gummi Bears
3 Musketeers
Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
Jolly Ranchers
KitKat/Crunch Bar
Hershey Bar
*What Type of Candy Are You?* (w/pics.)
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