Video provided by LiL'bEnChVideo provided by LiL'bEnCh
Hmmm i like to meet ung medyo Aggressive Type, Naugthy or Bitch in a gurl Something Like Sadism Responsible Cry Baby. Romantic, Serious,Simple
eMiNeM, D12, jA RuLe, NeLLy, Lil'fLip, Lil'bEnCh, Lil'Sis, Lil'JoHn, Lil'KhAye, KeLLiS, OuTkAsT, B. E. P., TwiSTa, R.KellY, LuDaCrIs, KaNyE wEsT, FaT JoE, DiCe & K9, BeAsTiE BoYs.........
the fast & the furious, 2fast2furious, XXX, gOnE iN 60sec.b
WaLa eH...!! FHM LnG....!!
X X X (vin desiel)