... profile picture


...bEhiNd tHe cLoUds, tHe sUn is sHiniNg...

About Me

i'M LiAncA, LiaNe, LiAnx, Lee...wHatEveR yOu waNna calL me! :) i'M a "siMpLe" tyPe of gurL! i loOk "matAray" and kiNda "bitcHy" daw, bUt oNce yOu gEt to kNow mE, i asSure you, iTs the tOtaL opPosiTe! :) i'M swEeT aNd sUpEr "maLambiNg"! i hAte pEopLe wHo pRetEnds to bE sOmeonE therE nOt! i'M a vEry VERY sEnsiTivE pErsOn and sUper impAtieNt!I LOVE... GOD ; my fAmiLy ; my fRiEnds ; dAnciNg ; sLeEpinG ; buBbLe bAth ; pErfuMeS ; peRfUmEd bOdy LoTioNs ; dAngLing eArRings ; aCcEsSoRies ; *vOdka iCe* ; *sTrong iCe* ; *jOse cUervO* ; cLubBing ; gimMicks ; wAtchIng LovE stOries ; tHe fEeliNg of bEing "kiLig" ; to hEar cOmpLimeNts ; oUtinGs ; bEacHes ; miNi-sKirts ; cUte tOps ; sWimMing (evEnthougH i dOn'T knOw how) ; lAugHing ; jApaNeSe fOodS ; hAngiNg out wiTh my fRienDs ; waTchIng tV; mY cEllpHonE ; miRrOrs ; *piNk, baby bLue and wHite* ; liStenIng to mUsic ; *tEady beArs* ; cHocoLates ; meeTing nEw pEopLe.... and oFcouRse i loVe ME!!! hehe :P.... lianca_17 --- my ym id ;P

My Interests

going out with friends, dancing, basketball, eating...watching movies...collecting dvd's...listening to music...cute tall chinito guys!!! hehe... ;)

I'd like to meet:



senti songs, rnb, hip-hop, acoustic, alternative, trance.... anything, except for hard rock and country songs....


mEan girLs, bRing it oN, yOu gOt sErvEd, cEntersTaGE, bLuEcrush, sErendiPity, a wAlK to reMemBer, tHe nOtEboOk...




the holy bible...magazines! ;P


my pArEnts! :)