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About Me

Artist/Dad/Teacher/Writer/Musician/Golferwww.artbycassiday.c om ALSO PRINTS ARE AVAILBLE AT printpops.comBud Cassiday says, "As one who lives my daily life in that bittersweet zone between memory and hope, I continue to explore the desire for meaning we humans experience—that searching for patterns that we can recognize. I find that many of my pieces exist in that world between the recognizable, safe, and comfortable --- and illusory, discordant mysteries of structure and form. Some of my works lean toward the world of comfortable pattern, some include a light hearted whimsy of creation, and others capture the frustrating lack of clarity and meaning we too often witness or experience."Bud says, "Sometimes after a long day or week of working on abstract compositions contemplating the meaning of life, the relativity of perception, the inadequacies of language, and the devaluing of knowledge, I need to paint a flower or a sailboat on the ocean, or a landscape, or go play a round of golf." "I often have fun with the titles of my art, as well," Bud says. "My Simple Gifts series is an example of this. One of my favorite melodies is that American folk tune Aaron Copland used for his orchestral version. Such a simple melodic line contrasts sharply with many of the complex unrecognizable abstractions in that series. Another of my favorites is ‘Hot Dog Vendor’; and try as I might I can’t find the hot dog or the vendor!"I am a middle aged, self-employed, divorced , 6 handicap golfer, saxophonist, artist, after having had careers as an English teacher, a social service worker, and a union organizer. I've traveled to most states in the US and have been to Europe once. I tend to stay at home quite a bit pursuing my newest career creating fine art. I've got a son who lives with me half the time and he's at the top of all my priority lists. I love to golf and get out a couple of times per week. I love taking my son fishing or bike riding. And we play tennis, basketball, catch with baseballs and footballs. We enjoy hanging out together. I like great literature but I also like making up bad jokes: Why were Tim Cruise, Cuba Gooding, and Renee Zellweger kicked out of the Louvre? Because they were yelling "Show me the Monet." "Show me the Monet." I make a good cheeseburger but I can also munch my way through chips and dip for dinner, too. Honey Nut Cheerios make a pretty good afternoon snack. I love watching This Old House videos and once renovated a 100 year old former farmhouse in a central Omaha neighborhood. It was pretty cool by the time I got finished.

My Interests


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My Blog

Creationism, The Big Band Theory, and Omaha Community Playhouse

Dear friends:   One of my student's essays was on evolution v. creationism.  In attempting to explain creation theories, she was criticizing the obvious scientific flaws in evolutionary th...
Posted by Bud on Thu, 01 May 2008 08:14:00 PST

Marriage, Politics, and Josey Wales

One of the writing assignments I give my students is to write a paper about a "concept."  One student chose the concept of "marriage."    He gathered a bit of the information fr...
Posted by Bud on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:11:00 PST

Political ads you wont see - or maybe you will

Hilary went negative in Pennsylvania and won a big victory for herself.  And I see that the Republicans in North Carolina are starting their advertising attacks on Barack Obama with the Pastor Wr...
Posted by Bud on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 08:56:00 PST

Stinson Beach, CA for my Dad in the hospital

Here's a small abstract piece I did last year - US Highway 1 by Stinson Beach, CA.    My family vacationed there for many many years.  My Dad grew up in Marin County just north ...
Posted by Bud on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:49:00 PST

Saturday summary

Here’s my pic of the week!  Papillion, Ne, on a Starry Starry NIght - March 2008.   The week ended on a good note with a tiling job done and a round of golf on Friday afternoon. ...
Posted by Bud on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 11:10:00 PST

Fox News Anti-Obama Hour

I’ve tried to catch the new regularly broadcast Fox News Anti-Obama Hour every night this week to guage the damage caused by Obama’s former pastor at his Chicago church.  I watched Ka...
Posted by Bud on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 04:32:00 PST

Trouble for Broch OBama

Musings on a Saturday morning of a more or less serious nature.  As a Brach O’Bama supporter and fellow Irishman  (it’s about time we had another Irishman in the White House), ...
Posted by Bud on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 09:19:00 PST

Chickens, Chickens, Chickens and Guernica

Here it is Saturday morning again and I'm sitting here sipping coffee, reviewing my week, planning for the next. One of my artist myspace friends asked what it was with me and my chickens that I've ...
Posted by Bud on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 07:32:00 PST

Le Poule

It's Saturday morning and I'm sitting here thinking about the week, sipping coffee, while Jeremy is watching cartoons.  Metro's Winter quarter is over now which I hope will mark the end of the ...
Posted by Bud on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 10:10:00 PST

Inspector Clouseau, Hillary Clinton, Brock Obama, and Ralph Nadir

I found myself getting really p****** off when Ralph Nadir announced his third party candidacy for the Presidency and that leads me to the following comments regarding the past few days on seve...
Posted by Bud on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 08:09:00 PST