Wildlife Interface Collective profile picture

Wildlife Interface Collective

For the Future of all Animals

About Me

Preserving and Conserving the lives of all animals and ecosystems...Leopards in action.The ice is melting from under the polar bears paws. We need to be concerned with global warming. Anything you can do to reduce your carbon footprint will reduce the impact on the polar bears and their way of life.

Take action at action.defenders.org/myspacewolves

UNDERCONTRUCTION I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.1In Idaho the Wild spring/summer chinook have declined annually since 2001, and are headed toward extinction. Only six sockeye salmon returned to Redfish Lake last year.Science shows that the most lethal factors affecting Idaho's salmon and steelhead are the four lower Snake dams.Stellar Sea lionsOrcasGrizzly BearsGrizzly Bears getting down to business.This is happening in most major rivers but with thoughtful leadership, we can have salmon and low-cost electricity. We can have salmon and healthy economies. We can have salmon and productive farms, we have to come to a comprimise. However, in places like idaho it's impossible to keep both the salmon and the four lower Snake dams. If we want to reverse salmon/steelhead extinction in the area, we must remove those four dams and other dams around the NW and stop the over fishing. The salmon can replinish themselves if they were only given the chance.

My Interests

Nature, Ecosystems, Wild Animals, Domestic Animals, Protecting Endangered Species and their Ecosystems, Educating People, Making a Difference.Coral reef. Not just here but around the world the coral reef is threatened. The reef makes home to thousands of species of life. The reefs ecosystem is very fragile and can easily be contaminated. If the reef is unhealthy it affects all the marine life that depends on the shelter and the food sources that the reef provides. Certain species of sharks, fish, crustaceans, algae and many other forms of life depend on the survival of the reef. The most common ways the reef is destroyed is by. Pollution, over fishing, gill net fishing, even using sticks of dynamite to kill every living thing in an area as a way of fishing and human ignorance are all sources of destruction to living coral reef. As with other environments, the key to conserving biodiversity on coral reefs is conserving the habitat. In the coral reef environment, the most important habitat feature is good water quality. If this can be maintained, conservation of many other important habitat features will follow. Our developing knowledge of the larval behaviour of reef fishes may, one day, allow for the re-seeding of reefs depleted by overfishing. However, unless those reefs have good water quality and provide the shelter and food needed by fish species at all stages of their life cycle, re-seeding will not be successful. Coral reefs, and the enormous number of species that live on and in them, need warm, unpolluted seawater and plenty of light.The red sections are the most threatened areas of Coral Reef.The Ban of Gill Nets. Gill netting is a type of fishing that kills thousand, possibly millions, of sea creatures each year, including dolphins, whales, seals, seabirds, and sea turtles. These nets are also believed to kill huge numbers of fish which can mean the destruction of the fishing industries and the loss of jobs. This method of fishing is extremly wasteful. Not only is an estimated 40% to 50% of each catch lost when the net is hauled in but uncounted numbers of fish are injured in the net and may escape only to die later. In a study by Greenpeace, one dolphin will be drowned for every 9 tuna caught by this method in the south pacific. These nets are no good! Find out if they are being used in your area and take action. Stop gill net fishing.SAVING THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT..It is natural for some species to become extinct. But today, the current rate of species extinctions is 100 to 1,000 times greater than normal!We are only starting to understand how each species interacts with each other and their environments. For each species that goes extinct, we lose an opportunity to cure diseases, feed ourselves or find other ways to improve our lives.The Endangered Species Act protects species on the brink of extinction. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to protect the fragile web of life, so that they have the chance to experience the animalsOne of the most important pieces of conservation legislation in U.S. history, the Endangered Species Act was passed in 1973. But even though it has helped so many species -- from the majestic bald eagle to the American alligator -- the future of the Endangered Species Act is far from secure.Logging is reckless and destructive to wildlife and their habitats. Logging has put many animals on the endangered species list and has driven them into urban areas where they get themselves into trouble with humans. Trees are also natures way of filtering the air that we breathe. With the out put of Pollutants that we emit into the atmosphere, with our cars and factories, and the clear cutting of trees at the same time it does not equal out. We are being self destructive and digging a hole so big we may never get out. Please do not support companys that embrace the chopping down of old growth forests. Choose recycled items and make sure to recycle. Its up to us as people to make the right choices and to change the unhealthy trends of the mainstream.

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Feel free to post any thoughts and ideas concerning the world around us.


Pedro the Lion, Modest Mouse, Band of Horses,


Caught in the Moment, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, almost everything on Animal Planet, National Geographic and The Discovery Channel.


Jane Goodall, George Archibald, Timothy Treadwell, Tom Mangelsen, Steve Irwin, ASPCA,