MARTIN TREANOR : Horror Author profile picture

MARTIN TREANOR : Horror Author

The devil is not as black as he's painted.

About Me


-"Yeah! Thanks to guys like Martin here, Horror is coming back with a Vengeance!! What happened to horror with bite? It's been too long since we've seen really truly frightfully frightful stuff in novels... stuff that harkens back to the heyday of Horror before all the silly stuff got in the way -- from spoofs, to vampires that can make love to their girlfriends without taking a bite out of them. How silly is that? Yeah rah for Martin."

- Rob Walker -

- Robert W Walker - Bestselling author of the 'Instinct' and 'Edge' series, and 2006 hit 'City for Ransom' - -

-"A damn fine read."

- Jonathan Maberry - commenting on 'WHO'S CHARLIE'.

-"Runner-up in 'Writelink' and Highly Commended by 'Lookout'; Martin Treanor's writing has been called - 'something new and different' - 'speculative' - and described as having - 'an unspoken appeal' ."

- Tangent -

I suppose I would have to say that I'm a writer - one who writes psychological horror, supernatural thrillers and things of that ilk. Otherwise known as, 'that Irish horror guy'.

I was brought up in Belfast and, over the years, I have lived in many places (nice places) and done many things (very enjoyable things).

Then in 1998 - my wandering days supposedly behind me - I settled in Denmark, with my fiancée Lynsey and frequent visits from my daughter Emma - along with the cats.

However, the pull of home was too much and I returned to the dear ould Emerald Isle, fiancée and all but, sadly minus the cats - for now.

- Update on cat - Everything fine now - Got another one. -

I have published stories in Canadian & US genre magazines SPINETINGLER and ZAHIR, THE SPINETINGLER SHORT STORY ANTHOLOGY 2005, CARILLON in UK, TIVOLI MEMBERS MAGAZINE in Denmark, newspapers and magazines in Greenland and THE DUBLINER MAGAZINE (Scandinavia and South Africa).

Competition credits include Very Highly Commended by LOOKOUT/CHILLOUT and Runner-up in WRITELINK. I've also published cartoons - DV8 magazine, in Ireland and various other publications.

In answer to the dozens of enquiries regarding when my novel 'DRAWN' will be released - I hope to be able to share it with you soon.

In the mean time, I'm working on the final touches to my next book, 'THREE LITTLE PIGS' and, when it's ready, I hope to share this one with you too.

A few years ago, I had a story published in the SPINETINGLER SHORT STORY ANTHOLOGY 2005 - I kinda forgot about it, but if you click on the title it will take you straight there - I hope you enjoy. Go to:- WHO'S CHARLIE

Writing the type of stuff I write, I suppose people would think me a bit - how would you say, 'Off kilter' - but I like to think of myself as a well rounded individual, who is just susceptible to the weird and unusual. Well that's what I tell myself anyway - and it works for me.

You can check out some of the stories here on my MYSPACE BLOG - why not SUBSCRIBE while you're here.

Also, on my newly renovated (it turned out really cool) website, you can get all the news, reviews and updates, my calendar, some more dark stories and more... Go directly to: -


Because there was such a great response to 'THE TEMPTATION', while it was being serialised - it is now available for download - in it's entirety - FOR FREE .

Sorry I had to do it using LuLu but I have no other software of my own - anyway, just click the cover to be taken directly to the site:

If you are new to the story, enjoy - if you have been following along - I hope you will enjoy it all over again.

Martin :)

My Interests

Writing, reading, planning my next mission to Mars, watching scary, weird or just unusual films and a wee bit of TV - and more writing.

I'd like to meet:

- Readers, Authors and, realistically speaking - EVERYONE - it's a mission thing. Honestly.

Request an add - it would be great to meet you.


The Stranglers, The Buzzcocks, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Pearl Jam, Kaiser Chiefs, Snow Patrol, Fat Boy Slim, Franz Ferdinand, New Order, Joy Division, Gorillaz, Nephew, Talk Talk, Interpol, Queens of the Stoneage, The Automatic, Green Day, just about any Indie/Rocky/Punky stuff - and the list goes on.


Exorcist, Evil Dead, M. Night Shyamalan's films, Gods Army, The Ring I & II, The Grudge I & II, Hostel, Dogma, Serenity, The Original Amityville, Lars Von Trier's films, Silent Hill - and I suppose you'd be seeing the trend by now - but as with music and books, the list goes on.


Supernatural, Bones, Firefly (What happened there - what a great show) 4400, Waking the Dead, Blood in the Wire, Kingdom Hospital and Riget (The Danish Version of 'Kingdom Hospital'), Invasion. My Name is Earl and of course The Simpsons. You have to have a laugh.



All the news, reviews and updates - dark stories and calendar from the MARTIN TREANOR website: -

I would need another profile to name them all, so if I have missed anyone, please accept my apologies - but a rough selection of authors that have twanged my great read nerve are: -

Robert W. Walker, Jonathan Miller, Simon Beckett, Koji Suzuki - The Ring I & II, James Herbert, Graham Masterton, Stephen King (especially 'Bag of Bones'), Dean Koontz, Harlan Coben, Peter Straub, Kathy Reichs, Paul Auster (Timbuktu - a great read), Umberto Eco, Peter Gadol, Kirsten Bakis, Roddy Doyle, Kurt Vonnegut, Ian Rankin, Samuel Beckett, Terry Pratchett, Michael Crichton, James Patterson, Robert Charles Wilson, J.A. Konrath - and just about anything I can get my hands on.

My Blog

Attn: Readers - an invaluable and interesting site.

Hey all:If I haven't been around for a while - please forgive me - I'm deep into the edits of my next book.But, for all those who love a good read, I have been informed of an invaluable and interestin...
Posted by MARTIN TREANOR : Horror Author on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:45:00 PST

Beannachtai Na Féile Pádraig - Happy St. Patricks Day

Because - from the early hours of tomorrow - I will be out and about doing the thing, I would like to wish you all one serious Saint Paddy's Day.  May it bring you merriment, may it bring you the...
Posted by MARTIN TREANOR : Horror Author on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 04:45:00 PST


Wow, what can I say - except, you have my deepest thanks for all your kind wishes and encouragement.  As I'm working my way through the redrafts of 'THREE LITTLE PIGS', I'll remember your support...
Posted by MARTIN TREANOR : Horror Author on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 05:20:00 PST

Nollaig Shona - or Happy Christmas

In the interests of plump portly bellies, I will keep this short.I would like to wish everyone a happy Christmas, I hope Santa will bring all the lovely things you asked for.  I've been waiting y...
Posted by MARTIN TREANOR : Horror Author on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 02:59:00 PST

Wee-hee - Ive got internet back again.

It's an amazing how, for most of my life I got by with the primitive art of pen and paper (yeah, yeah, yeah - more likely chalk and tablet - I know).  But, in this ever growing high-technological...
Posted by MARTIN TREANOR : Horror Author on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 10:33:00 PST


THE HALLOWEEN STORYHello all - firstly I would like to apologise for not being in touch; my internet has been out of action since Friday.  However, the nice people at The Garryvoe Hotel have let ...
Posted by MARTIN TREANOR : Horror Author on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 09:04:00 PST

A Pre-Halloween Story Link

Now, I know that sometimes I get so bogged in that I forget sometimes to post new stuff. But I would just like to say that I am working away on a wee Halloween spooker...Because the big day for spook...
Posted by MARTIN TREANOR : Horror Author on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 06:57:00 PST

They Filmed Me - - the poor misguided souls.

Hey all,While I was at Nakkefestival, divulging some depraved rantings to my unsuspecting victims - THE CONFESSION to be exact.  Unbeknownst to me (that's a really Irish saying) someone was filmi...
Posted by MARTIN TREANOR : Horror Author on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 04:53:00 PST

I was phished

Hey everyone,I just want to apologise if any strange or weird bulletins, messages or comments were sent by me.  I was phished by persons unknown.So, needless to say, I'm not selling Macys Cards o...
Posted by MARTIN TREANOR : Horror Author on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 04:09:00 PST

If you enjoy a great read...

Now, if I took the time to list all the books, stories and prose that have pushed my buttons - I would say that that single wee task alone would leave me straining to claw back a few hours out of a mo...
Posted by MARTIN TREANOR : Horror Author on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 07:33:00 PST