Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
im very outgoing, fun to hang out with sometimes moody. i love music, comedy, the arts... um. i used to drink a lot , but my love of drinking was a direct result of coming from a huge IRISH family. they like to party hardy . but only during really important times , of course.such as ,christmas, new years, wednesday, valentines day, third tuesday of the month day.....i have a lot of cousins which is cool. some of them are my age. and when we were little we played together...but we didnt play "house". we played bar.. and i always wanted to be the bartender but my cousin made me play the hot chick that walks in the bar and gets free drinks for wearing revealing clothing... then my aunt would home i d get in trouble for wearing her halter tops... I have a total of 8 piercings. yes they all hurt. yes. i have 5 tattoos. yes they hurt too. um, no i dont have my nipples pierced. no i dont have anything below the belt pierced..ewe... i m from philly and i hate taking septa . because it is dirty and it always smells and its always late. any bus i ever need or have needed i n the past. ..late.. and i always get stuck near the drunk , chatterbox, smelly old person, who "used to have a great job" " used to have a car" "used to own soo much property" " talks with quotation marks" i finally got my license! and i really need a car bad.. so if you are reading this and thinking " oh my god, i want to give a car away to someone .. like right now" do not hesitate to contact me!.....philly is cool though cause it has some neat people. like the other day i met a psychic bum. i was getting off the El and he was like " a little help?!" and iwa s like " sorry dude, i cant help you" and he was like " ya know, if you were getting your ass kicked in an alley i couldnt help you either.. " sure enough , ten minutes later i was getting my ass kicked and in an ally of all places!.. also there s the "joke bum" who usually walks around south street.. the other day he came up to me and was like " what's the best nation?!?!?!?! a DONATION?!?!?!" and i said to him " oh you... oooooh you... silly .. why dont you get a real job and stop trying to tell jokes for a living?!?!" ( thats funny cause im an aspiring stand up comedienne.. well its more ironic than funny... but you have to see the face i just made when i recreated the joke bum THAT was funny.. im actually laughing at myself typing about it!! oh god i kill me!!! ) .. i used to do a lot of ACID in highschool. can you tell??? No Literally i used to drop acid in high school.. i do not recommend dropping it before algebra 2.. i used to get called to the front of the class to do equations and all i could do was draw pictures of bunnies being chased by reclinging chairs screaming things like bunny hate cinnamon popcorn balls!!!! it was fun at the time but i never listened to the adults who would tell me " jen, acid is the trip, thats NO vacation!" and i didnt listen when they told me that i would get flashbacks later in life... i was like "wait ! all this awesomeness is gonna happen to me later in life when i least expet it?!?! awesome!!! dude. should have listened. flashbacks suck. oh crap im gettin one right NOW *&%*&%*^*& newsflash!!! did you know that cookies taste better with playdoh on them!!?!? and what DOES purple smell like i ve always wanted to know.. im a faerie!! i like shiny things!!! .....(*&%*&^*&^ im back.. i didnt really just have an acid flashback.. did i fool you?? i hope i did..i am a trickster i ll tell ya!!! i dont do drugs anymore but there are certain things in life that make me wish i still did. LIKE SPRINT!!!!! its the most annoying cell phone service EVER. and how come when i try to check my messages, instead of getting them at first i have to hear the Sprint lady give me a fuckin monologue. "One new message. message marked urgent! message recieved january 3rd at 5:46 pm. wait! thats today . message recieved today at 5:46 pm. to listen to message now! press one. to listen later press two! next stop margaret orthodox station ! a wheelchair accessable station! for wheelchair acessable routes, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, please deposit 50 cents for next 2 minutes! if a train leaves from ney york at 3:46 and a boat leaves from ROME... CALL DISCONNECTED!!!" why is she so ENTHUSED that my call was disconnected?!?!?!?!?! i ll tell you why. i heard that Sprint LADY is DATING movie phone guy!!!! could you imagine THOSE two on a date.. at like a restaurant. Moviefone guy: hellooooooooooo and welcome to this eveniiiing... how was youuuuuuuuur day? iiiiiiiiiiiif it went well, press one nooooooooow! if it was tiring prrrrrreeeeeeesssssssss two nooooooooow.. Sprint lady: hunny , you were approximately 4 minutes late. you were supposed to meet me here at 7:00 pm on january 11. it is now january 11 , 7:04 pm......... Moviefone guy: Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim soooooorryyyyyyyyyyy.. toooooooooooo forgive me press one nooooooooooooooow. to pic my brain to find out why i was late . press twoooooooo now...toooooooo throw your glass of water in my face!! press threeeeeeeeeee nooooooowww to hear a word from our sponsers at Q102.. press foooooouuuuurrr nowwwwwwww