Beat Angels profile picture

Beat Angels

24-Hour Porn Star Shine

About Me

Beat Angels dig lots of things. Neal & Jack. Jim Thompson & Ann Margaret. Clash 45's & cheap Mexican souvenirs. Women with a past. Johnny Thunders & Dean Martin. The lost weekend & 101 dalmations. Beatle boots & loud guitars. Midnight Cowboy & Bruce Lee. Myrna Loy & cocktail hour & all those Cheap Trick singles...
Flattering Praise:
"With bigger melodic hooks than most underground or commercial pop groups, and guitars louder than those of many punk bands, it's impossible not to be seduced by these under appreciated rockers." Hit List Magazine
"...Beat Angels are one of the greatest rock & roll bands in the world today"... Album Network
"Awesome, all crude gestures and mannerism. They are rock n roll and were just what the doctor ordered after so much non-genital pop. They were what I expect candy would have sounded like 15 years ago"... Bucketfull Of Brains, England
"...The New York Dolls-meet-Cheap Trick assault of Arizona's Beat Angels who also happen to be one of the most hell-raising live acts you'll ever see..." LA Weekly
"Awesome poppy trash-rock, sort of T.Rex meets Cheap Trick"... Seattle Weekly
"(Beat Angels) are worth raising a glass of cheap red wine to"... Kerrang!, England
"Beat Angels' songs are pure hits, each and every one of them"... Sound Affects, Sweden
"Unhappy Hour is the best thing i've heard in ten years... They are the new darlings of the underground"... Scream Magazine, Japan
"...[Beat Angels] are quite probably the best band on earth at the moment, bar none!"... Leather Boyz, Italy
"A staggeringly-electrifying live band with giant hooks, big guitars, brilliant lyrics and enough charisma to raise the corpse of Brian Jones"... Fizz Magazine
"It's got cigarettes, whiskey and wild women tattooed all over it"... Phoenix New Times
"Sweet and melodic, but sharp and crunchy, like a Twix bar filled with glass shards"... POPsided, Portland, OR
"...Beat Angels (at the 1997 SXSW) drew a standing room-only crowd... leaving a long line outside the door. They waited in vain; no one was leaving this band"... New Times Weekly, Syracuse, NY
"...Beat Angels, simply put, make 99% of contemporary powerpop bands sound thin and listless"... Goldmine, USA
"...I'm more and more convinced that they will be the BIG thing. It's a crime of the century if they don't make it big time"... Katz Volume, Finland

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My Interests


Member Since: 8/28/2006
Band Website: "
Band Members: Brian Smith - Vocals
Keith Jackson - Guitar and vocals
Michael Brooks - Guitar and vocals
Kevin Lee Pate - Bass
A.D. Adams - Drums

Past Members:
Jon Norwood - Best Drummer this side of Keith Moon. d. 1997 RIP.
Frankie Hanyak - Drums
Jeff Bourne - Drums
Eric Stevens - Bass
Tommy Carradona - Bass
Scottie Moore (Pierson, Hardcore) - Bass

Influences: Beatles, Stones, Clash, Cheap Trick, Rasberries, Buzzcocks, Bay City Rollers, New York Dolls, Heartbreakers, Big Star, Badfinger, Bowie, Thunders, Candy, The La's, T-Rex, Alice Cooper, The Boys, Hollywood Brats, Undertones, Vibrators
Type of Label: None

My Blog

From Vil Vodka of Vodka Tonic Media/Vodka Tonic Radio

The Beat Angels were a "coming-of-age" band for me. In my mid 20s, I admit, I didn't get it. Don't get me wrong. I loved Cheap Trick, Sex Pistols, The Clash, and T-Rex. But as a child of 80s American ...
Posted by Beat Angels on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 12:30:00 PST

From Jason "Georgie" Smith (bass player for The Jeff Dahl Group and The Earps

 Not a day goes by anymore that I don't see a teenaged kid that looks like Beat Angel's frontman Brian Smith. The pinstriped jacket, the tight pants, undernourished physique and shagged hair. Occ...
Posted by Beat Angels on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 04:05:00 PST