ghost of alias profile picture

ghost of alias

fool on the hill

About Me

lamenting the loss of subtlety and appreciation of simplicity by the world at large

My Interests

drunken foggy cab rides to the Can Can. glow-in-the dark basketball games. playing six stringed instruments. shopping for cd/vinyl. vintage signs and thrift-stores. riding urkicorns with gay ray. cheese wars and other ( at times crime ridden) adventures with leslie. space exploration. nothing...mostly nothing. shortwave radios. this american life. the blues (delta preferred, but some chicago). Velvet Underground--The Musical!! weird missed connections. big buck hunter. hfe's wild record spinning. hazelnut coffee. maker's mark. Mr. Crazypants. Chiricahua rocks and trails. early morning walks to circle K. powerball tickets. my rad girlfriend. messageboard lurking. peanut butter (preferably salmonella free).


going nowhere - elliott smith


science of sleep


accion!, all day all night


the metamorphosis


most abnormal-but-harmless people who can make it through life somehow

My Blog

[someone else wrote this]

When the child was a child, it walked with his arms swinging.It wanted the stream to be a river, the river a torrent, and this puddle to be a sea.When the child was a child, it didn't know it was a ch...
Posted by ghost of alias on Mon, 08 May 2006 08:54:00 PST