Rebecca Ruiz profile picture

Rebecca Ruiz

The GOOD NEWS means we can stop lying to ourselves

About Me

I edited my profile at Free Christian MySpace Layouts , check out these Christian Myspace Layouts!
This is not for the Superspiritual
It is not for muscular Christians who have men like John Wayne, and not Jesus, their hero.
It is not for academics who would imprison Jesus in the ivory tower of exegesis.
It is not for the noisy feel-good folks who manipulate Christianity into a naked appeal to emotion.
It is not for hooded mystics who want magic in their religion.
It is not for the Alleluia Christians who live only on the mountaintop and have never visited the valley of desolation.
It is not for the fearless and the tearless.
It is not for the red-hot zealots who boast with the rich young rulers of the Gospels, "All these commandments I have kept from my youth."
It is not for the complacent who hoist over their shoulders and totebag of honors, diplomas, and good works, actually believing they have made it.
It is not for the legalists who would rather surrender control of their souls to rules than run the risk of living in union with Jesus
If you are still reading....... this is for the be-draggled, beat up and burnt-out.
It is for the sorely burdened who are still shifting the heavy suitcase from one hand to the other.
It is for the wobbly and weak-kneed who know they don't have it all together and are too pround to accept the handout of amazing grace.
It is for the inconsistent, unsteady disciples whose cheese is falling off their cracker.
It is for the poor, weak, sinful men and women with hereditary faults and limited talents.
It is for the earthen vessels who shuffle along on feet of clay.
It is for the bent and the bruised who feel that their lives are a grave dissappointment to God.
It is for smart people who know they are stupid and honest disciples whio admit they are scalawags.
It is for all who have become weary and discouraged along the way...

My Interests


Member Since: 8/27/2006
Band Members:
Sounds Like: GOSPEL CITY: Storm Troopers

A mix of Hip Hop, R&B, Spoken Word, Alternative and Reggaeton, Gospel City takes the "Living Word of God" and put it to music.

.. ..
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Closet of Fear

"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee" (Psalm 56:3)Fear is as lethal to us as paralysis of the brain. It makes our thoughts become arthritic and our memory sluggish. It is the kind of feelin...
Posted by Rebecca Ruiz on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 01:22:00 PST

God's Call

". . . Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work . . ." - Jeremiah 1:5 There's a consistent pattern in Scripture of what happens in a life that God wants to use and improve:1) THERE'S A...
Posted by Rebecca Ruiz on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 09:35:00 PST

Made by God

Now that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament.. (2 Corinthians 3:5-6)Twinkling ge...
Posted by Rebecca Ruiz on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 08:27:00 PST

From Mess to Miracle

For He hath regarded the low estate of His handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. (Luke 1:48)I believe it is important that women get healed and released in t...
Posted by Rebecca Ruiz on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:37:00 PST

Count all Things Loss

"Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may w...
Posted by Rebecca Ruiz on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 09:41:00 PST

Content in His Presence

"And he raised us up with Christ and gave us a seat with Him in the heavens. He did this for those in Christ Jesus so that for all future time He could show the very great riches of His grace by bein...
Posted by Rebecca Ruiz on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 11:50:00 PST

A way of Escape

Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. There hath no temptation taken you but such as is commom to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above t...
Posted by Rebecca Ruiz on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 09:48:00 PST

Faith to Overcome Hindrances

From that time on Jesus began to explain to His disciples that He must fo to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that He must be kil...
Posted by Rebecca Ruiz on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 10:10:00 PST

Tehillah Craze (video included!!)

After weeks of the girls working hard to the Gospel City Album Release Concert.. we needed a day to let loose... i love these girls so much !! lolthey are such a blessing and awesome talent!! To God ...
Posted by Rebecca Ruiz on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 09:17:00 PST

Silly night w/ Zuly...pix pix pix

Silly night with Zuly... hmmmm Zuly what to do ? what to do ..... im hungry!Hey I think I got some candy in here somewhere ... do u want ? OOOoooooooo yea .... mmmmm yeah yeah here... yummy... chocola...
Posted by Rebecca Ruiz on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 10:11:00 PST