ZVZ profile picture



About Me

Here’s a little about us. John and Jeff both own studios in St Louis (John’s is bigger). Jeff is from Baltimore and lives part of the year there. John runs his studio full time and Val comes down from Milwaukee to record and write. Bill lives in Washington, Mo. All production on the record is done by ZVZ. Studio album will be out in 2008 (only one more song to record). Looking for a bassist to play live with us. St Louis area would be nice. And even though the album is a lobor of love, can’t wait to get it done so we can play live. We also do production for other acts. We songwrite and do custom bed music and beats. Everyting you hear is written, played and produced by ZVZ on our own gear. We’re very proud of that. INDEPENDENCE=FREEDOM always remember that.
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THINGS WE LIKEPeaches- coffee- realizing that smell isnt me- big, gaptoothed grins- lifesavers sugarfree popsicles- still, deep water- smell of paint- crocs-burning leaves-simple, sweet guitar- pennies- sushi- peace- finishing what we start-deep fryers with fresh oil ..

My Interests


Member Since: 8/26/2006
Band Website: zvzmusic.com
Band Members: VAL BRANBACK- Sings and writes lyrics, chooses bad boyfriends, writes some music, talks to dead people (and thinks they hear her) JEFF CHANCE- Sings, plays keys, writes music, and is pretty good at boiling the volumes of Val's ramblings to dead people down to something living people can understand. JOHN OLIVER- All the sweet guitar licks you hear that you like were played by John. All the groovy bass lines and makes meaty beats, too. By the way, he thinks you're way too conservative. BILL BRIDGEMAN- Plays drums, blocks, hand stuff, writes and sings (welcome back bra).
Influences: rush, phish, zeppelin, ultravox, elton john, bowie, beatles, JONI MITCHELL, jaco, the police, miles davis, all the marleys, quazimojo, the local music scenes of baltimore, st louis, and milwaukee, hot peppers, cold beer, smoky clubs and old bourbon

Sounds Like: It's time for a drink

(val's fantasy)
Record Label: who wants to be labeled?
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

our friend, Dan, has died

I know alot of you are hitting this site about Dan Harrison’s sudden death.  Please go here http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&friendid=358729580 and ...
Posted by ZVZ on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 04:51:00 PST

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Posted by ZVZ on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 08:12:00 PST

for all who are trying to write a good love song

(Reprinted from our friend Elena) There's quite a few great lines for love songs here What does love mean? 4-8 years old answer A group of professional people posed this question to a groupof 4 to 8 y...
Posted by ZVZ on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:40:00 PST

ZVZ on american idol underground

ZVZ's Penny has been added to American Idol Underground!  Go here  http://www.idolunderground.com/Player/Player.aspx?UserID=-1& amp;MediaID=217899  listen and review, please!...
Posted by ZVZ on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:34:00 PST

one of our friends, Stash, is hurt

Stash, one of our "Top Friends" and king of mid-Atlantic radio has been injured, badly.  prayers, please.  for more go to: http://www.98online.com/podcasting/enclosures/1_4_2008_55324 0516.mp...
Posted by ZVZ on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 10:53:00 PST

Rear View Mirror revsited

this is jeff and i'm dong the final mix of Rear Veiw Mirror for  the upcoming  release of ZVZ's first album "the Zerviz album" i think this is one of Val's best lyrics in my rear view mirro...
Posted by ZVZ on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 12:16:00 PST

i know this is not zerviz, but...

john is doing production that includes some eighties artists and while researching them i ran across this on utube.   jeff chance on keyboards, circa 1984.  in theVamps.  so funny....
Posted by ZVZ on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 08:53:00 PST

album cover art- new john painting

so we're talking to dave pennik about our cover art and he mentions he can create 3d images.  so now we're looking at different cd packaging options to see if we can have a huge booklet with alot...
Posted by ZVZ on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 11:51:00 PST


God, that was the WORST vma i have ever seen.  bands forced to perform in the corners of little VIP rooms?  what, did they not get their deposit on time to a decent arena?  In the south...
Posted by ZVZ on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 08:31:00 PST

raw energy is postponed

the raw energy jam day this sunday is cancelled/ or should i say postponed till a better location can be found.  Cory Dank, who ownes raw energy found the response to be more than what he th...
Posted by ZVZ on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 02:37:00 PST