like my username implies, i'm never at your door uninvited.
insane aging musician.... with a pretty cool outlook, unless i'm having a bad day. so what more is there to say about myself? i'm a buddhist, a psychedelic freak and i'm just as mad as a hatter.
if you look around a bit you'll figure out i didn't think much of the bush administration and don't have a great deal of patience with politics/politicians in general, i think it's all a load of bullshit, to put it quite bluntly.
i'm a founding member of acid punks, 1976-90 and the raspberry wristwatch, 1995-99
possibly, we might be recording some new music in the near future and if this should occur, i will post all about it. we'll see... nothing firm on that.... could be new renditions on earlier songs, might be all new... again, we will see.
oh, hey. be sure to check out what members of the fabulous 70s band klaatu are doing now.... join the mailing list and show your support for one fantastic band!!!!!
and that is all.... check out my page periodically to see what might be new, with me you never do know.
be here. aloha.
~*The Basics*~
Your name: michael
--What does it mean?: "cool guy"
Your birthday: nvr@yourdoor day, 2-24-61
Height: 5'7
Eye colour: hazel
--Do you like it?: i guess i'd better!
Natural hair colour: dark brown
--Do you like it?: sure
Gender: male
Religion: buddhist
--Have you ever changed religions?: no
--Would you consider it?: not really
Race: white
Heritage: psychedelic
--Do you like your heritage?: oh, you bet!
Where do you live?: midland city, indiana
Have you ever moved cities or countries?: yes
Your job: inventory manager
--Do you enjoy it?: it's better than a sharp stick in the eye.
Sexual position: girl on top.
TV show: don't watch it much
TV character: mr. terrific
Movie character: popeye
Female: brenda
Literary character: hard to say
Author: stephen king
Band: the beatles
Song: too many to pick one
Type of music: rock and roll/psychedelic
Instrument: guitar
Cereal: cap'n crunch
Fast food place: i have no favorite fast food place.
Desert: the sahara
Country: india
City: katmandu
Place to travel: massachusetts
Airline: don't fly
Shampoo/conditioner: doesn't matter
Lotion: doesn't matter
Subject in school: history
Teacher: ms. strassel
Province: ummm....
State (if you're American): california
Football team: don't care
Hockey team: same
Athlete: same
Sport to play: none
Sport to watch: n/a
Fruit: strawberry
Vegetable: potato
Snack: buddy bars
Meal: food
Restaurant: thai garden
Grocery store: marsh
~*Have You Ever*~
Gone on a blind date?: yes, i have.
Flown in an airplane?: no
Thrown up on an airplane?: no
Peed in the shower?: yeah
had sex after you hit double digits?: DUH!
Enjoyed Shakespeare?: yes
Been to the opera?: yes
Been to the theatre?: yes
Streaked?: yeah, in 1974
Seen a streaker?: yep.
been mooned?: no
mooned someone?: no
Flipped someone off?: yes, usually some snotnosed teenager and aren't they all snotnosed since they're too "cool" to wear warm clothing?
been in a fist fight?: yes, too many times.
Been drunk?: *raises eyebrow*
Had alcohol poisoning?: possibly
Been walked in on while you're naked?: yes
Slept in a snowbank?: no
Made a snow angel?: yes
Lost any teeth?: yeah, had it knocked out by some stupid fucker who was jealous of his girlfriend and who thought i was flirting with her, which i was not, was just playing and singing.
Been in the hospital?: yeah, for a busted hear.
Been in a major accident?: see above question
Burnt yourself?: yup, and been burnt by others, as well.
Passed out?: yep
Watched a soap opera you didn't understand?: yeah
Prank called 911?: no
Made fun of emos?: no
Acted like an emo, just to see what it's like?: no.
Cheated on a test?: no
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yeah, shouldn't have, but...
Lied to get out of trouble?: yes
Started a fire?: yep
Kissed in the rain?: i've done a lot more than kiss in it!
Kissed under fireworks?: i've done a lot more than kiss under them!
--How many times?: just once.
Wanted to drop out of school?: yeah
--Did you?: no
Are you single or dating?: not single or dating.
--Are you happy?: very, very!
Last 4 digits of your phone number: 5577
Your house number: sheah, right!
Why are you taking this survey?: just cause.
What school do you go to?: i don't
What do you want to be when you grow up?: i am grown up!
--Why?: because i'm 48
Any plans for the near future?: to have as good a time as possible
What are your views on capital punishment?: i'm against it. against prisons too, for that matter.
--Nuclear weapons?: most definitely against them!
--Euthanasia?: against it. people should have the right to take themselves out if that's what they want to do.
--The Canadian government?: i'm basically okay with it.
--The American government?: this remains to be seen.
--The European Union?: okay with it
--The UN?: for it.
--Can you tell me who the Secretary-General of the UN is?: was kofi annan, don't know about the new one.
What are you wearing right now?: two coats, two shirts, jeans and longjohns and shoes.
--Any particular reason why?: it's wintertime, ya dumbass.
What was the last thing you ate?: pb and blazin hot cheeto's, the cheeto's sucked.
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?: purple
How are you feeling today?: about as good as a tight fuck on a summer afternoon.
How many keys are on your keychain?: 9
--What are they for?: stuff ;)
What does the room you're in look like?: industrial green
--Do you like the room?: it's awesome
Do you own an iPod?: no
--If yes, what kind?: i said i didn't! how the fuck does anyone afford them?
Do you wear glasses or contacts?: glasses
What's your view on laser eye surgery?: don't want it
--Would you ever consider it?: no
Weirdest thing about your parents: they're pretty cool
What did you do this weekend?: stuff
--Was it enjoyable?: oh yes!
What's your greatest fear?: stuff
Your greatest strength?: i'm unstoppable
What country do you fear the most: mine
Have you ever been in a third-world country?: no
--Would you ever want to live in one?: no
What song do you have stuck in your head right now?: desolation row--bob dylan
Will poverty ever end?: probably not
--Why or why not?: politics
Will we destroy our own planet?: unlikely. though we may make it uninhabitable.
--How? global warming
Man--inherently good, or inherently evil?: both/neither
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