Action figures, comics, statues and mini-busts, fandom, science fiction, collectibles, conventions, HeroClix, Star Wars
Collectors and fans of all types who enjoy all things Fandom!
Star Wars (both trilogies), Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings, fan films, X-Men, Star Trek, Spider-Man, Batman Begins, Unbreakable
Smallville, South Park, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Simpsons, Futurama, Robot Chicken, Harvy Birdman Attoney at Law
Comics: Watchmen, Kingdom Come, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Identity Crisis, Starman, Swamp Thing (Alan Moore years), Top 10, Marvels, League of Extraodrinary Gentlemen, V for VendettaBooks: Almost anything by Michael Chrichton, "Life Expectancy" and "Odd Thomas", Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan and John Carter Warlord of Mars series