music, vegan food, tai-chi, yoga, quigong, kung fu, feng-shui, wing-tsui, going for walks, black chocolate, making strawberry cakes..just for YOU!
indie rock, emo, psychedelic, punk, alterna-rock(the definition-"schublades",ey) Cursive, Spiritualized, Karate, Mutiny on the bounty, Pretty Girls Make Graves, 31 knots, Medications,Defiance Ohio,Ani Di Franco, Ane Brun (rrrocks), Beth Orthon, PJ Harvey,Tori Amos,Soulwax,FUGAZI, At The Drive-in, Barra head, Joan as police woman, Jordan,Maserati,Lemonheads,Radiohead,Ted Leo (and the pharmacists),Q And Not U, The Evens,Faraquet,Smart Went Crazy,Nation of Ulysses, The Make-Up,Bob Mould,Johnny Cash,Beatles,Pink Floyd, International Noise Conspiracy,The Most Serene Republic, Portugal The Man,Orange Squad,Raftside,Sing Song Girl,Couchgrass,John McAsskill,Drive until he sleeps (hehe)...and so many more..and BLUES ..oh yeaahh :-)
Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon, House of the flying daggers, The Whale rider, Boys Don t cry, Auberge espagnole, Lilja 4-ever, The Magdalene sisters, Ringu, Mononoke Hime, Club des chomeurs, Garden State, Pirates of the carribean, Hitchcock movies, Pucca Funny Love Stories, Rabit Proof Fence, Das Experiment,High Tension,...
Uelzecht Kanal ;-) and Popstars ;-) Die Sendung mit der Maus...
Oerter und Montada: Entwicklungspsychologie, Wallander, Chantal Delsol: Eloge de la singularité, C.G. Jung: L homme a la découverte de son âme, consomme revolte, Haben oder Sein, Animal liberation, Guérir ses maux de dos, Sartre, Eloge des femmes mures, Umberto Eco, Der Vogelmann (!!), Vegan Cookbooks, Momo, Die unendliche Geschichte, Kaptän Blaubär,...