People we like and things we do: hunt sabotage / Pirates for Peace / tree defending / school workshops / gender egalitarianism/ environmentalism / veganism / autonomy / mental freedom / squatting / anti-fascism / human rights / Block G8 / Victoria Park allotments / organic/fairtrade/local food issues / BMT - Kick out the Killers / No Tesco
We have already organised several large events in Bath, including two 'Pirates for Peace' demos, a large 'Don't Attack Iran' action, the Bath Climate Camp, monthly FreeShop, McDonalds pickets, 'The Bath Bomb' monthly freesheet and more. Current members have been involved in campaigns such as school education workshops, hunt sabotage, ban foie gras, anti-fur, freeganing, anti-fascism, disabled access issues, permaculture, mental health issues [freedom to feel!], women's rights events, squatting and tree defending, to name but a few. Our future plans involve a campaign against BMT, a Bath-based arms company who produce nuclear capacity submarines and boats, halting the loss of local retail and choice to a prospective Tesco's development, anti-deportation work, intervening in dodgy developments at Western Riverside, and maybe even a social centre: you never know!
If you have any ideas for campaigns, or want to get active, it'd be great to hear from you.
Store Wars - A New Hope:watch movie
Cows With Guns: watch movie
Dancing on the ruins of multinational corporations:watch movie
The Bath Bomb has landed! Local radical freesheet
anarchist and other assorted agit-prop publisher/distro - more propaganda than you can shake a stick at!
cartoons by local artist, Kate Evans
Bristol Anarchist Bookfair - on its way!