Bristol animal rights collective has only a few objectives; to educate the public and to help stop animal abuse!!!
*BARC frequently holds street stalls where we provide members of the public with information about the meat trade, dairy products, live exports,vivisection, animal circuses and zoos, greyhound and horse racing, fishing and much more.
*BARC provides leaflets from all the major campaigns, SPEAK the voice for animals-stop the Oxford animal lab , SHAC Stop huntingdon animal cruelty , Captive animal protection society CAPS among others and of course our own leaflet with the groups contact information should anyone want to get involved, of course new members and supporters are always more than welcome!
*The group also holds regular meetings (please contact for info) to organise these information stalls aswell as demonstrations against abusers i.e Huntingdon Life sciences, Oxford university and our very own Hotel du vin who are insisting on the sale of Foie Gras in their restaurant and a few fur shops and other abominations located within the city
The collective endevours to campaign locally aswell as nationally with the national groups, attending national demos and joining up with other animal rights groups throughout the country when necessary to demonstrate against abusers.
*BARC also has a strong Hunt sab influence with most of the group out weekly during the fox hunting season to sab the hunt! The past season, whilst joining up with South Wales mainly, saw many foxes lives saved. Citronella was put to good use throughout the season to cover the scent of foxes that sabs had spotted. Good old sabbing techniques (which of course included a lot of running!!) were used to their full effect with brilliant results. Arrests were made during the season but of course activists which chose to fight the arrests had their charges dropped- as usual. A massive thanks to everyone involved in sabbing last season and a massive thanks to all those who will become involved in the future.
For more info on anything we do to help directly or indirectly save animals lives, please contact the collective.
07772581973 [email protected]